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So Disappointed!


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Ahhhh, I've ben planning this trip to the Florida Keys for MONTHS. I was going to go down there and do yoga with Pattabhi Jois, the founder of ashtanga yoga, and just generally enjoy the heck out of Florida! I bought two new bathing suits, I had everything planned, I had rented a convertable... And Pattabhi Jois has fallen ill and is unable to travel (he's like 96 years old) from Mysore, India to Florida!!!


I just cancelled my entire trip, because he may still come back this year and I want to have the money/vacation time to go then, but I'm soooooo bummed. I have been looking forward to this trip for months. I am still taking two days off work and I plan to go to NYC and practice yoga up there one day and the second day, I don't know yet! Any suggestions? If they involve wearing one of my great new bikinis, even better!

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