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Interesting Ronnie Coleman Interview

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I saw this awhile ago, some neat stuff. Did you watch the other vidoes there . . . like Jay shopping? That is tough to watch.

ALOT of meat


What the heck is orange roughy? He seems to be referring to it as protein. To me it sounds like some kind of juice-drink-thingy with added fiber or pulp or something?!

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Yeah, I didn't watch the Jay Shopping one. I saw a couple of minutes of it and had to turn it off. He's a buddy of mine too, but we all have friends who eat meat, just not that much!


I'm really getting back into bodybuilding again so I was up late last night watching all kinds of videos. Today I had a tough leg workout with xdarthveganx and then ate until I was about to explode.


Anyone know links for more IFBB videos like this?


I want more!!!!

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great to hear about the "re-birth" You're one of the reasons I'm so motivated myself to keep training and to eventually compete.


I usually just go to google video and search for bodybuilding . . . or lifting weights . . . some cool, motivating stuff is out there. Keep up the good work.


On a side note . . . i've put on 20 lbs over the last 5 months (125-145) not all muscle.


Keep the BULKING going big guy!!

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dang... these bodybuilders eat like lions..


great to hear about the "re-birth" You're one of the reasons I'm so motivated myself to keep training and to eventually compete.


I usually just go to google video and search for bodybuilding . . . or lifting weights . . . some cool, motivating stuff is out there. Keep up the good work.


On a side note . . . i've put on 20 lbs over the last 5 months (125-145) not all muscle.


Keep the BULKING going big guy!!


what's your height?

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