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Help organizing and putting on weight


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I'm starting to take action on my diet. I've been vegan for a year and I'm unorganized. I'm really underweight and trying to put on at least 15-20 pounds. I read up on veganism a year ago, but got lazy when I needed to start planning out my meals. As a result, I'm unorganized and I eat the same crap (mostly unhealthy) all of the time. I'm getting to the gym soon as well.


So I've been reading through this forum and I'm starting to get this together. What I would really like is to be able to work with some people in here directly. I'm trying to organize a shopping list right now, and even a daily schedule for what times I will eat, and what I will eat. My goal is not only to intake a lot of calories, but actually start eating all of the foods I should have been eating a long time ago. I get really lost when I browse through suggestions on this forum. People say "eat more nuts, legumes, grains" and then when I go to the supermarket I'm clueless. I need help directly because I'm still a rookie.


Here is what I have so far for a list: flax waffles(which have omegas in there), veg sausage, ice cream, juice, peanuts and cashews, hummus, seitan (for sandwiches with vegenayyoise), tofu, clif bars, granola ceral, and some fruit. I want to pick up some avocados but I'm not sure what I can do with them. I don't want to make guacamole. Should I just eat them raw?


My diet is very pathetic. I usually don't make time to eat breakfast in the morning. I will usually drink a lot of soy milk sometimes. For lunch I get a pretty good big burrito with brown rice, black beans, salsa, guacamole, onions and olives. Other than that I don't eat much else during the day until dinner which will usually be a puny meal of spaghetti with veg chicken strips and mushrooms. Or I will make seitan sandwiches. If I am downtown I will get falafel, or chinese that has veg chicken with rice and veg. That's how weak my diet is right now. Doesn't consist of much. I'm unorganized and clueless on how to get it together.


I already have spaghetti, sauce, and some veg for stir frys... Can anyone else suggest what else I add to the list with a meal in mind? I need to start eating 6 times a day instead of a puny 2-3. I need a lot of calories. I'll stay in touch on my progress. Thanks!

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If you are trying to gain weight, eating more times per day will most likely not help, in fact I think that is something that hurts me. I have always ate 5-6 times a day. As a raw food vegan I am maintaining/gaining weight just by eating really healthy things, you can read exactly what I eat every day for the last 50 days or so in the blog section.


Skipping breakfast might actually be good thing from what I understand, just want to make sure you are drinking water. Your total calorie intake is somewhat low, but I think more important the food you are eating is not nutrient dense.


Do you have a juicer? Some green juices might help out. You can get a lot of calories and get a lot of the "foods I should have been eating a long time ago" really quickly.


Another big one for me right now is bananas. Eat 5-6 bananas in a sitting for a nice calorie boost, that would be an easy snack to do in between your lunch and dinner meals. Just eat them an hour and a half or so before dinner time. I find when I eat only bananas they digest quickly.


For a more interesting high calorie fruit salad, try avocado, mango and banana mixed together. Mango has a good amino acid ratio for a fruit, banana is very high calorie, and avocado is high fat.


I am really a beginner, so take what I say with a grain of salt, and good luck to you!

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I'd personally not suggest the ice cream (if you're trying to put on lean weight) or the flax waffles. When people say more Nuts grains & legumes, they mean things like rolled oats (which makes quick oatmeal), almonds, cashews (you got that), and legumes are lentils, black beans, chickpeas, split peas. Eating more whole foods like that will help you get the nutrition you need and help you pack on the weight.

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Brett, what is your current height and weight?

Here is what I ate to put on 30-40lbs in a year.


Soy Products (tofu, yellow soybeans, soy milk)

Legumes (lentils, split green peas, chickpeas)

Whole Grains (brown rice, whole wheat pasta)

Nuts (peanuts, cashews, walnuts)

Seeds (flax seeds, sunflower seeds, seseme seeds)

Oil (canola/olive)

Fruit (bananas/oranges)

Vegetables (collard greens, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage)


I eat a meal every 2-3 hours. I posted a few routines on another thread. I forgot to post a link to Bill Starr's 5x5 routine when you are ready for it. http://www.geocities.com/elitemadcow1/5x5_Program/Linear_5x5.htm

Also, you may want to pick up a copy of Super Squats by Randall J. Strossen

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had hemp and waffles and would put peanutbutter and agave nectar on them. It tastes good, however I think heat messes with the omegas. I have put on some weight recently. I attribute it to eating at least one subway sandwhich and 2 burritos each week. Also no cardio whatsoever, aside from about the 20 minutes I might bike for commuting.

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