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Pre Diabetic


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Just wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation with a less than stellar glucose level reading and how they handled it or any recommendations.


I tested my glucose level a few times in the past weeks and it is around 105 which is mapped as pre-diabetic. Currently 165, 6'0', with a fair amount of flab and not much muscle mass. Beginning of 2006 I was 190. (I ate extremely poorly until the past 6 months. Been vegan only the last 9 months, vegetarian before that)


Until the readings, I had been trying to add muscle and gaining weight. I thought I would try to gain some muscle and then try to trim down, repeating the cycle every 3 months.


But I am rethinking things and will probably try to lose more weight until I can get rid of more excess fat. From what I understand, having extra fat is a big factor in raising glucose levels. Hopefully this will help improve my numbers and then I can try to start add muscle later.


Luckily being vegan is the biggest step in the plan. I eat 5 fruits a day, 4 servings of vegetables a day, and 3-4 oz of nuts a day. I've also been eating about 6 pieces of whole wheat bread daily as well. I don't know if that has been a factor in the levels even though it is "whole wheat flour" in the ingredients and each slice has 5g of fiber.


I have been reading Eat to Live, but it is hard for me to eat that many vegetables. I am waiting for Dr Neal Barnard's, Reversing Diabetes as I think I can relate better with his guidelines.

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Is that 105 a fasting reading? I was diagnosis with diabetes II in January 2005. My blood work read 156 fasting, my A1C was 8.5%. 6 months later my A1C was 5.4%, 3 months later 5.1%. My last A1C results were 5.1% in June of 2006.


My weight went from 191-195lbs in Jan 2005 when I was diagnosis to 150lbs early 2006. When I lost this weight I was going to martial arts class or practicing 3-6 days/week and lifting weights iso exercises 3 days/week. I started doing Bill Starr's 5x5 routine in early 2006 3 days/week. I gained 30 lbs of lean weight/muscle in 9 months from 150lbs to 180-182lbs.


I eat a meal every 2-3 hours no more than 60-65 grams of net carbs a meal. My bedtime snack 30-35 grams of net carbs. I used to take a home meter reading before and after breakfast everyday. My meter readings were around 70-75 fasting 83-87 post breakfast. Now my doc only wants me to take my readings 1 time/week.


My doc believes that my weight loss is one of the primary reasons why my A1C is 5.1% and I have been able to control my diabetes without meds.


I would suggest that you worry about losing the excess body fat and building lean muscle. The muscle/size will eventually come.


I hope this was helpful and not confusing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sure there are unvegetarian options but veg options simply make more sense....just like there is a pure meat option to lose weight but its simply idiotic to take that route. The un-vegetarian diet is what causes most diabetes anyway so way entertain a cause as a cure.

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Diabetes is not caused by "un vegetarian" diet .


It's caused by


1) Overconsumption of refined caborhydrate and sugar .


2) Trans fat . Lipid peroxide and hydrogenated oil found in fast food, package food and restaurant food ( these bad fats are found to interfere with Insulin receptivity )


That's y patotoes chips and french fries = A double whammy ( there contain both the refined carb and bad oil )


3) Sedentary lifestyle ( lack of exercise )


When it comes to Diabetes ( Sugar disease ) It really doesnt matter whether you are vegetarian and "unvegetarian". Pick the wrong food choice and lifestyle . You have your "sugar disease" .



Get to the root of the problem and you have the illness fixed and prevented .

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I think all of us have the gene to become diabetic


All you need to do is to have a marathon diet rich in refined carbohydrate, sugar, trans fats and do nothing (no exercise ) for months . You have your insulin resistance and then type II diabetes (Hyperinsulinemia ). Those who are diabetic know what am i talking about.



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Most fruits are fine in "moderation" for healthy people as they contain very little simple sugar (in the form of fructose ) and there are accompanied by important minerals and vitamins to aid the metabolism of sugar (unlike the human made refined caborhydrate like white flour).

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Diabetes is not caused by "un vegetarian" diet .


It's caused by


1) Overconsumption of refined caborhydrate and sugar .


2) Trans fat . Lipid peroxide and hydrogenated oil found in fast food, package food and restaurant food ( these bad fats are found to interfere with Insulin receptivity )


That's y patotoes chips and french fries = A double whammy ( there contain both the refined carb and bad oil )


3) Sedentary lifestyle ( lack of exercise )


When it comes to Diabetes ( Sugar disease ) It really doesnt matter whether you are vegetarian and "unvegetarian". Pick the wrong food choice and lifestyle . You have your "sugar disease" .



Get to the root of the problem and you have the illness fixed and prevented .


I'm sorry but this means that there was never a single non-sedentary person on the planet before sugar refinement, and high levels of trans fat that wasn't diabetic. By the way...frying potatoes doesn't make the carbohydrates refined...unless of course they put sugar on them. I think if the whole planet went health crazy there would still be some diabetics...much much less on a healthy vegan diet than a "healthy" omni diet but there would still be some.

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Sure i made a mistake on the french fries . It's just patotoes loaded with bad fats .


At the end of the day , it comes back to supply and demand . If you are loading yourself with excess carbohydrate/sugar without expending them via exercise and regular physical activities. You have your sugar disease. It's that simple. Would you want to stop your cycling activities and see how fast you put on weight and become insulin resistance ?


Obviously, Eating a diet rich in highly refined carbohydrate and having a sedentary lifestyle will expedite the process of getting into excess mode . Diabetes was rare 100 years ago. Do you think those people back then ate alot of cake, sweet, cookie, french fries and pasta like we do now ?

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No I know they didn't eat like that but I doubt diabetes was a 1/1000 kind of thing. It wasn't the problem it is today but there were still lots of diabetics. Just like HIV. Relative to the worlds population you can say HIV is rare but in reality that would be an insane obervation...lots and lots of people have HIV just like lots and lots of people had diabetes. I could imagine if the whole world went vegan with no bad fats or sugars there would still be over 100 million diabetics...even if they were vegan born and raised. I wouldn't call that rare would you???


As for me I don't eat refined sugars and my simple sugars come from tons of fruits and maybe some agave nectar and a bit of molassas(my junk food I guess)...I highly doubt I'd become diabetic and I doubt I'd gain lots of weight since I eat less than 2500 calories on most days despite burning 3000 a day(my bike computer says so and so do other machines I've used which would mean I'd lose over 15lbs a month...complete BS) just from my training. As for what people at a lot of in the past...look at italians...I'm sure they weren't rationing pasta and bread.

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Like i said , it all comes down to supply and demand of carbohydrate is a system. Diabetes is not genetic unless it's type I, an insulin dependent disease. Type II diabetes, which affects 90 % of the diabetic patients, are caused by the combo of poor diet and lifestyle. It's completely curable with simple dietary change and lifestyle.


Sure, You are unlikely to become diabetic unless you eat tons of high GI banana with zero physical activities.


In general, most fruits , vegetable and some nuts are healthy vegetarian food for insulin control.


Fruits like banana , carrots, strawberries are bad for hardcore diabetic though

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My grandfather is diabetic and he was a pretty severe diabetic too. I got him to give up meat other than maybe fish once or twice a week. I didn't think of telling him about fruit have too much sugar and he eats a hell of a lot of mangos(they grow in his back yard), papaya, and bananas(you can't go 10ft without running into a banana tree where he lives) yet he has not taken his insulin for nearly 4 years(he's been diabetic for much longer). He is active but he was even more active when he was eating fish 2-3 times every day(high in EFAs) with lots of white rice, soy sauce, and patice(a super salty liquid made from fish). Now he still eats a fair bit of white rice, but eats lots of tofu and seems to be extremely healthy(he swims a few miles nearly every other day at the local pool). He also eats virtually no leafy greens as bok choy is the only leafy green within reason(in terms of price) and isn't available outside of cities throughout the seasons.

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Preventive Medicine and Nutrition



Diet and Diabetes: Recipes for Success


Diabetes Basics

Glucose, a simple sugar, is the body’s main fuel. It is present in the bloodstream, but in people with diabetes it cannot get into the cells where it is needed. In type 1 diabetes (which was once referred to as childhood-onset diabetes), the problem is an inadequate supply of insulin, the hormone that ushers sugar into the cells of the body. Without insulin, the cell membranes keep sugar out. About 5 to 10 percent of people with diabetes have this type.1


The more common type of diabetes, type 2, usually does not occur until adulthood. In this form, there may be plenty of insulin in the bloodstream, but the cells are resistant to it. Glucose cannot easily get into the cells, and it backs up in the bloodstream. Over the short run, people with uncontrolled diabetes may experience fatigue, thirst, frequent urination, and blurred vision. In the long run, they are at risk for heart disease, kidney problems, disorders of vision, nerve damage, and other difficulties.


Dietary Approaches to Diabetes

Food can be powerful in preventing and reversing diabetes. However, dietary approaches have changed as we have learned more about the disease.


The traditional approach to diabetes focuses on limiting refined sugars and foods that release sugars during digestion— starches, breads, fruits, pasta, etc. With carbohydrates reduced, the diet may contain an unhealthful amount of fat and protein. So diabetes experts have taken care to limit fats— especially saturated fats that can raise cholesterol levels—and to limit protein for people with impaired kidney function.


The new approach focuses more attention on fat. Fat is a problem for people with diabetes. The more fat there is in the diet, the harder time insulin has in getting glucose into the cells.2 Conversely, minimizing fat intake and reducing body fat help insulin do its job much better. Newer treatment programs drastically reduce meats, high-fat dairy products, and oils. At the same time, they increase grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. One study found that 21 of 23 patients on oral medications and 13 of 17 patients on insulin were able to get off of their medications after 26 days on a near-vegetarian diet and exercise program.3 During two- and three-year follow- ups, most people with diabetes treated with this regimen have retained their gains.4 The dietary changes are simple, but profound, and they work. Low-fat, vegetarian diets are ideal for people with diabetes.


A 2006 study, conducted by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine with the George Washington University and the University of Toronto, looked at the health benefits of a low-fat, unrefined, vegan diet (excluding all animal products) in people with type 2 diabetes.5 Portions of vegetables, grains, fruits, and legumes were unlimited. The vegan diet group was compared with a group following a diet based on American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines. The results of this 22-week study were astounding:


* Forty-three percent of the vegan group and 26 percent of the ADA group reduced their diabetes medications. Among those whose medications remained constant, the vegan group lowered hemoglobin A1C, an index of long-term blood glucose control, by 1.2 points, three times the change in the ADA group.

* The vegan group lost an average of about 13 pounds, compared with only about 9 pounds in the ADA group.

* Among those participants who didn’t change their lipid-lowering medications, the vegan group also had more substantial decreases in their total and LDL cholesterol levels compared to the ADA group.


This study illustrates that a plant-based diet can dramatically improve the health of people with diabetes. It also showed that people found this way of eating highly acceptable and easy to follow.


Exercise plays an important role in diabetes management.6,7 Through regular exercise, the need for insulin injections or oral medications can often be reduced. This holds true not only for people with type 2 diabetes, but also to some extent for those with type 1. Exercising muscles have a voracious appetite for fuel. When an individual is engaged in regular aerobic exercise, glucose is able to enter the cells without the need for as much—or perhaps any—insulin.


While people with type 2 diabetes can often reduce (and sometimes eliminate) medications when their weight is reduced and food and exercise are better controlled, those with type 1 diabetes will always need a source of insulin. The cause of type 1 diabetes remains elusive. Several studies have implicated cow’s milk consumption as a possible contributor.8,9 When milk consumption patterns were examined across various nations, there was a strong correlation with the incidence of type 1 diabetes. It may be that milk proteins cause an autoimmune reaction in which the body mistakenly attacks its own insulin-producing cells. Even so, a good diet and regular exercise can minimize the amount of insulin required.

The New Dietary Approach to Diabetes


This new and effective approach to diabetes is remarkably simple. Here are four simple steps to managing your blood sugar (and weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol) with diet.


1. Begin a Vegan Diet: Avoid Animal Products

Animal products contain fat, especially saturated fat, which is linked to heart disease, insulin resistance, and certain forms of cancer. These products also contain cholesterol and, of course, animal protein. It may surprise you to learn that diets high in animal protein can aggravate kidney problems and calcium losses. Animal products never provide fiber or healthful carbohydrates. A vegan diet is one that contains no animal products at all. So, you’ll want to avoid red meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, and eggs.


2. Avoid Added Vegetable Oils and Other High-Fat Foods


Although most vegetable oils are in some ways healthier than animal fats, you will still want to keep them to a minimum. All fats and oils are highly concentrated in calories. A gram of any fat or oil contains nine calories, compared with only four calories for a gram of carbohydrate. Avoid foods fried in oil, oily toppings, and olives, avocados, and peanut butter. Aim for no more than 2–3 grams of fat per serving of food.


3. Favor Foods with a Low Glycemic Index


The glycemic index identifies foods that increase blood sugar rapidly. This handy tool allows you to favor foods that have much less effect on blood sugar. High-glycemic-index foods include sugar itself, white potatoes, most wheat flour products, and most cold cereals.


4. Go High Fiber

Aim for 40 grams of fiber a day, but start slowly. Load up on beans, vegetables, and fruits. Choose whole grains (try barley, oats, quinoa, millet, whole-wheat pasta, etc.). Aim for at least 3 grams per serving on food labels and at least 10 grams per meal.


To put these guidelines to work, focus on the New Four Food Groups. Choose unlimited amounts of grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. Modest amounts of nonfat condiments, alcohol, and coffee are also fine.


Grains: pasta, rice, high-fiber cereals, corn, oatmeal, couscous, bulgur wheat, millet, barley, rye, etc.

Legumes: beans (black, pinto, kidney, garbanzo, white, etc.), peas, split peas, lentils, nonfat soy products

Fruits: all, except avocados, olives, pineapple, and watermelon. Bananas, apples, grapes, pears, peaches, oranges, melons, grapefruit, kiwi, and berries, among others, are all good choices.

Vegetables: all, except white potatoes. Examples include tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, kale, collards, squash, green beans, bok choy, sweet potatoes, and artichokes.

A note on vitamin B12: Those following a diet free of animal products should take a B12 supplement of 5 micrograms per day. Any common multiple vitamin will provide this amount.


Quick Glycemic Guide



High-GI (avoid)



Low-GI (enjoy)


White or wheat bread

Most cold cereals

Watermelon, pineapple

Baking potatoes




Pumpernickel, rye, multigrain, or sourdough bread

Old-fashioned oatmeal, bran cereals, Grape-Nuts

Most fruits

Sweet potatoes


Rice, barley, couscous

Beans, peas, lentils

Most vegetables


Further Reading

• Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs by Neal D. Barnard, M.D.


• Breaking the Food Seduction: The Hidden Reasons Behind Food Cravings—and Seven Steps to End Them Naturally, by Neal Barnard, M.D.

• The McDougall Quick & Easy Cookbook: Over 300 Delicious Low-Fat Recipes You Can Prepare in Fifteen Minutes or Less, by John A. McDougall, M.D. and Mary McDougall


Pasta with Lentil Marinara Sauce

1 pound pasta of choice

1 jar (26 ounces) fat-free low-sodium tomato-based pasta sauce

1 can (15 ounces) lentils, rinsed and drained

1/2 cup dry red wine (can be nonalcoholic) or low-sodium vegetarian broth

Salt to taste

Freshly ground black pepper


Cook the pasta according to package directions.

Meanwhile, combine the pasta sauce, lentils, and wine or broth in a medium saucepan. Heat gently and season with the salt and pepper. Serve over the drained pasta.

Makes 5 servings


Per serving: 470 calories, 19 g protein, 91 g carbohydrates, 9 g sugar, 2 g total fat, 3% calories from fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 8 g fiber, 173 mg sodium.


Cherry Tomato and Brown Rice Salad with Artichoke Hearts

This delicious salad is a complete meal and is a great picnic or potluck dish. Because neither tomatoes nor rice benefit from refrigeration, it should served at room temperature.


3 cups warm brown basmati rice

6 ounces marinated artichoke hearts, rinsed in hot water, drained, and sliced

1 cup chopped scallions

1 1/2 pounds red, yellow, or mixed cherry tomatoes, halved

1/2 cup chopped fresh basil

1/2 cup fat-free Italian dressing

3 tablespoons lemon juice

2 cloves garlic, crushed

1/4 teaspoon salt

Freshly ground black pepper to taste

1 head crisp lettuce


Place the rice in a large salad bowl and add the artichoke hearts, scallions, tomatoes, and basil. Mix gently. Combine the Italian dressing, lemon juice, garlic, salt, and pepper in a small bowl or jar. Whisk or shake until well blended. Pour over the salad and mix gently. Serve on beds of lettuce on individual plates.

Makes 6 servings


Per serving: 153 calories, 4 g protein, 32 g carbohydrates, 3 g sugar, 1 g total fat, 6% calories from fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 4 g fiber, 376 mg sodium


Berry Mousse

This is so easy that it’s hardly a recipe! Your blender does most of the work. This can be eaten as a pudding or used as a topping for fruit.

1 package (12.3 ounces) reduced-fat extra-firm silken tofu, crumbled

2 3/4 cups thawed frozen unsweetened berries of choice

3 tablespoons sugar or 2 tablespoons agave nectar

1 tablespoon berry liqueur (optional)


Blend the tofu, berries, sugar or agave nectar, and liqueur, if using, in a blender or food processor until smooth. Spoon into 4 pudding dishes and refrigerate until chilled.

Makes 4 servings


Per serving: 123 calories, 7 g protein, 24 g carbohydrates, 17 g sugar, 1 g total fat, 5% calories from fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 3 g fiber, 89 mg sodium


Recipes from Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs by Neal D. Barnard, M.D. Recipes by Bryanna Clark Grogan.

Meal Suggestions




* Hot cereals: oatmeal with cinnamon, raisins, and/or applesauce

* All-Bran or muesli with nonfat soy or rice milk and/or berries, peach, or banana

* Apples, strawberries, bananas, oranges, or other fruit

* Pumpernickel or rye toast topped with jam (no butter or margarine)

* Oven-roasted sweet potato home fries solo or smothered with sautéed mushrooms, peppers, and onions

* Tofu scrambler




* Garden salad with lemon juice, fat-free dressing, or soy or teriyaki sauce

* Legume-based salads: three-bean, chickpea, lentil, or black bean and corn salads

* Grain-based salads: noodle, couscous, bulgur, or rice salads

* Soups: carrot-ginger, mixed vegetable, black bean, vegetarian chili, spinach lentil, minestrone, split pea, etc.

* Hummus spread into whole wheat pita with grated carrots, sprouts, and cucumbers

* Black bean and sweet potato burrito with corn and tomatoes

* Sandwich made with fat-free meat alternatives such as barbecue seitan, Lightlife Smart Deli turkey style, or Yves veggie pepperoni slices and your favorite sandwich veggies




* Pasta marinara: can be made with many commercial sauces (any brand that has less than 2 grams fat per serving and is free of animal products)

* Beans and rice: black beans with salsa, vegetarian baked beans, or fat-free refried beans.

* Soft tacos: a flour tortilla filled with beans, lettuce, tomato, and salsa

* Fajitas: lightly sautéed sliced bell peppers, onion, and eggplant with fajita seasonings

* Chili: homemade, or vegetarian boxed or canned versions

* Veggie lasagna: low-fat tofu replaces the ricotta cheese, layered with grilled veggies

* Vegetable stir-fry: vegetables seasoned with soy sauce or other low-fat stir-fry sauce and served over pasta, beans, or rice




* Fruit

* Carrot, celery, or other vegetables with low-fat hummus

* Baked tortilla chips with salsa or bean dip

* Air-popped popcorn

* Toast with jam


This fact sheet is not intended as a comprehensive program for diabetes. Be aware that a change in diet can produce big results. For some, there is a risk that low blood sugar can occur if diabetes medications are not lowered or eliminated. If you have diabetes, consult your health care provider and tailor a program for your needs.



1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National diabetes fact sheet: general information and national estimates on diabetes in the United States, 2005. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2005.

2. Peterson KF, Dufour S, Befroy D, Garcia R, Shulman GI. Impaired mitochondrial activity in the insulin-resistant offspring of patients with type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med. 2004;350:554-671.

3. Barnard RJ, Lattimore L, Holly RG, Cherny S, Pritikin N. Response of non-insulindependent diabetic patients to an intensive program of diet and exercise. Diabetes Care. 1982;5(4):370-4.

4. Barnard RJ, Massey MR, Cherny S, O’Brien LT, Pritikin N. Long-term use of a highcomplex- carbohydrate, high-fiber, low-fat diet and exercise in the treatment of NIDDM patients. Diabetes Care. 1983;6(3):268-73.

5. Barnard ND, Cohen, J, Jenkins DJ, et al. A low-fat, vegan diet improves glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in a randomized clinical trial in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2006;29(8):1777-83.

6. De Feo P, Di Loreto C, Ranchelli A, et al. Exercise and diabetes. Acta Biomed Ateneo Parmense. 2006;77 Suppl 1:14-7.

7. Thomas DE, Elliott EJ, Naughton GA. Exercise for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006;3:CD002968.

8. Scott FW. Cow milk and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: is there a relationship? Am J Clin Nutr. 1990;51:489-91.

9. Karjalainen J, Martin JM, Knip M, et al. A bovine albumin peptide as a possible trigger of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med. 1992;327:302-7.

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Researchers report that the type of fat found in




and other processed foods

can raise a woman's risk of diabetes, while polyunsaturated fat in certain types of fish and vegetable oils appears to lower the risk.


Substituting foods rich in trans fat with those that contain polyunsaturated fat could reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by about 40%.



Total fat and saturated and monounsaturated fatty acid intakes are not importantly associated with risk of type 2 diabetes in women but dietary trans fatty acids increase and dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce the risk.



According to the report, Americans consume about 3% of total calories from trans fat, which is produced when liquid fat such as oil is processed in order to make it solid at room temperature.


Margarine, for example, is a major source of trans fatty acids.



Investigators reviewed medical and dietary data from more than 84,000 women who did not have diabetes, heart disease or cancer when the study began in 1980. Results show that intake of total fat, saturated fat and monounsaturated fat found in nuts, seeds and avocados did not influence diabetes risk.



But a 2% increase in calories from trans fatty acids raised the risk by 39% and a 5% increase in calories from polyunsaturated fat lowered the risk by 37%.


Patients with type 2 diabetes do not respond to insulin, the hormone that clears the blood of sugar after a meal and deposits it into cells throughout the body to use as energy. Insulin resistance, a condition in which the body begins to ignore the hormone's commands, is often a precursor to type 2 diabetes.


American Journal of Clinical Nutrition



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See That's the cure for Type II diabetes .. Exercise.


Exercise is the most powerful method to reduce insulin level.


He's been excersizing like that his whole life...actually he's excersizing less now since he's damn near 80 but his diabetes is controlable to the point that he tests it once a week to be safe and uses the rest of his strips on people in the community(he's an american citizen so his healthplan mails them to him for free) who are often off the charts and eating an unrefined processed diet. Anyway he was an Olympic alternate in judo in the early 50s and he was raised in a family of diabetics(both parents but his mom lived to be 97 anyway) and very fit men(my uncle is his only son...has diabetes and missed olympic qualifying for the 200m freestyle. They've both always excersized a lot and both have diabetes(my uncle doesn't excersize so much and he hasn't taken the dietary lead of my grandfather for some stupid reason but he was diabetic even when he kept swimming daily but not competatively). This isn't really science but plain and simple real life proof that an unrefined/unprocessed fishy diet can lead to diabetes(since they never really ate refined sugars). I know for a fact that if I ate what a normal "healthy" balanced american eats(meaning BS low fat chicken, fish, along with the rest of the BS food guide pyramid) I would get diabetes like the rest of my family...or at least I'd have a pretty darn good shot at it. My diet free of animal fat is what will keep me from getting it.

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Here is what you need to do to shut off those so called "diabetic gene" of your future offspring, a low grain/low refined caborhydrate diet and plenty of exercise. I supposed you are already doing with your vegan diet .





Diabetes has nothing to do with animal fats . If you are afraid of saturated fats , then you should be more afraid of Carbohydrate because it's readily converted to saturated fats by insulin when in excess .


Some critics claim that reduced carbohydrate diets are a fashion trend. Well, this so called trend actually dates back some time. Anthropological study of early hominids has concluded that they lived as hunters-gathers. While nuts, seeds, vegetation and fruit made up an important part of the hunter- gather's diet, his mainstay was hunted or scavenged animal prey.
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My grandfather still eats tons of white rice...far more than most could stomach. Its just what filipinos do. However he is no longer suffering from diabetes. When I say lots of white rice I mean over 4 cups a day(before its cooked). This is way more than what these doctors would say is safe for a diabetic but he's pretty much given up fish and hasn't had red meat or poultry more than once in a month for a couple years. I think thats far more striking of a fact than your science of animal fat not causing diabetes.

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AlMost all of my relatives and friends who had 100% cure of Diabetes ( 100% remmision ) stopped/limited the consumption of grain, trans fats and refined sugar (+ exercise of course ).


Egg, Animal food, vege and some fruits are main staple of diet for them .


YOur grandfather is a very special man

Edited by escapee
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I think he is in the sense that he's physically gifted like most of the family on my moms side but I really think Animal fat+Pilaza(my family name)=diabetes.


White Rice/grains+lots of sweet fruits+Pilaza=healthy blood sugar.

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