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"Day Of The Animal Liberationist",today in Hanover


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We've been there and made a campaign "stolen" from PETA!



















It was a terrible heat under this lamination. Never had such long 2 hours. But it was great. And kinda fun to see the people watching you and listen to the controversies.

Some people really felt offended and they called the police. But we were allowed to stay!



Now I have to try to get the fake blood off my hands... they are pink at the moment...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok I'm back from my holiday now!


Thanx for the replies!


@potter: The response was variable.

As I mentioned: The police came because some people were complainig about us! Some told us very loud how ing this is and how stupid this analogy is.

Others seemed to be reflective and sad and asked for info material. Many just were standing beside us and said how extreme/awesome/blatant this is. Some thought we were dolls, so suddenly it was lots more ing when they were told, that we are real living humans...


I think it definitely was a thought-provoking campaign.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is my favorite campaign. It's so visually disruptive.



And so many people rail against it 'cause it's so ing, but funnily enough they come for looking - nobody forces them to come and watch us -...and stay there... and look... and don't go away. And you know their brain is working....

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