Dr. Pink Posted July 26, 2007 Share Posted July 26, 2007 This is unrelated to the Nintendo Topic. It's about Video Games in general. Now I may try my hardest to Eat foods that are super healthy and organic, only use organic hygeine products and try and be as all natural as I can. But I will never go completely Amish and shun Telephone, Intenrnet, clothing, Transportation and ESPECIALLY Video Games. I have been a Video Gamer all my life. Unlike smokeing, Drinking Alchohol or doing Drugs I think Video Games are not that bad. Sure they suck you're time away and all that but I like it. I have had many of the great systems. Those that I have owned I will list hear along with the games I enjoyed in my child-hood. Atari 2600: Twas the first gaming experience I had. Owned by my grandmothers Boyfriend. The only games I remember are Pac-Man and E.T. Nintendo Entertainment System: Mario Zelda, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Kid Icarus, Duck Hunt, Contra, Double Dragon. Just to name a few. And man what a system. It was officialyl my own console becouse my father and mother got it jus for me ^_^ Sega Master system: The original and first Sega System to hit American shores. It failed to do well in America and didn't make very much of an impact( Only in certain places like Brazil) But it was given to my father by his friend. So I grew to love it. And of coarse( Like all the consoles our family got) I ended up playing it the most and it ended up in my room since I am the most gamerly of the entire household Games I loved on it included Golden Axe, Space Harrier, Hang On and Wonder Boy. Sega Genesis/Mega Drive: Not officially my own since it was given to my father by another friend of his but you could say that it eventually became my own XD. The most notable games I played on this machine included Sonic the Hedgehog's 1, 2 and 3 and other less recognizable games like Jewel Master and Ecco The Dolphin( Both great games BTW) Super Nintendo: Bought just for me so it was officially mine( I was more of a Nintendo boy I just had the privalage of growing up with the other systems so I learned to not be a hater and love everything and everyone lol) I mostly just played Mario games. Like Super Mario World 1 and 2. Super Mario RPG and Super Mario Kart. Sega Saturn: I remember when my father bought this peice of hardware. He said it was the latest technology since it used a CD-Rom drive. Lucky me ^^. I played Virtual Cop and Panzer Dragoon on that. Nintendo 64: Yup Back to Nintendo lol. I loved this machine. I started out with mostly Mario games( Like Mario 64 and MArio Kart 64) but I learned to play other games like Ocarina of Time and Super Smash Brothers. Playstation: Another of my fathers machines. But it was one I had wanted becouse my cousin had Final Fantasy 7 and when he showed me that I thought it was the greatest game ever. So when I heard my dad got that I immidiently asked for FF7 for Christmas. Other games I loved were Final Fantasy 8, 9, Resident evil 1,2 and 3. Parappa The Rapper and Um Jammer Lammy. Nintendo Gamecube: I lovd this system. Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Wind Waker....Ahh memories. Other Systems I owned: I'm getting tired typing so much lol. So I'm gonna sum up the systems I showed you along with other systems I had.Atari 2600, NES, SNES, N64, GC, SMS, Genesis, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Playstation, Playstation 2, X-Box, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, GBA SP, GBA Micro and PSP. Currently I own 0 systems. Besides Emulators on the computer. Since I just started working I want to buy a Nintendo DS Lite and a Nintendo Wii eventually( Not sure if I plan on getting an X-Box 360 yet and I pretty muh say Hell no to the Playstation 3 ^^) So yeah. I'm a Vegan Gamer. Any others like myself? It's okay if you are a moderate Vegan Gamer too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Posted July 27, 2007 Share Posted July 27, 2007 Yeah, I play games all the time. Right now I am playing through Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition even more, I've racked up so many hours on that game it's crazy, I am seeing how many S rankings I can get. Played on Final Fantasy 12 recently, but got bored of it because the combat still hasn't moved on enough for me. I just got done watching the new Resident Evil 5 video and Metal Gear Solid 4 video, and they both blew me away! I especially can't wait for RE5! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
willpeavy Posted July 28, 2007 Share Posted July 28, 2007 8-bit NES is my all time favorite system. It's the one I spent the most time playing. My top 3 games on that system: Legend of Zelda, Contra, and Baseball Stars. My favorite Zelda game is Ocarina of Time. Twilight Princess looks cool, I haven't played it yet though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suz Posted July 28, 2007 Share Posted July 28, 2007 I don't have cable TV, but I confess I'm a huge gamer. It all started in the early eighties when my parents used to pick my brother and I up hend held "Nintendo" games duty free whenever we flew back from Australia (to shut us up for the 20 hour flight). I found a pic of donkey kong, one of my fave's: http://img.hexus.net/v2/gaming/nintendo/gameandwatch.jpg Since then I've been throught the Odyssey 2, Nintendo, Gameboy, Super Nintendo, Playstation, PS2, and of course PC games. I still have every game system and all the games/accessories that I've ever owned (Except for the Odyssey 2). They're buried in a trunk in the basement. Can't wait to pull them all out one day. I'm Getting the PS3 this fall when most of the good games start coming out... GTA IV, Assassin's Creed, GT5, Call of Duty Modern Warfare... can't wait. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odidnetne Posted July 28, 2007 Share Posted July 28, 2007 Baseball Stars. Best.Sports.Game.Ever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Octopussoir Posted July 28, 2007 Share Posted July 28, 2007 I have a 360. my handle is crackerX5. hit me up if ya wanna play any of the games on there. right now the main one I play is DOOM on the arcade classics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
markc7 Posted July 29, 2007 Share Posted July 29, 2007 I have a TurboGrafx 16 in my basement! Be jealous. I played NES and SNES, then skipped a couple generations before getting back into gaming on the PC and PS2 4 years ago. I'm probably going to buy a PS3 as my next-gen console, but I'm waiting for the price to come down a bit more. I wouldn't touch the 360 with a ten foot pole, and while the Wii is kinda fun I want to see if they come out with games that really make use of the wiimote. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Posted July 31, 2007 Share Posted July 31, 2007 I have a TurboGrafx 16 in my basement! Be jealous. I played NES and SNES, then skipped a couple generations before getting back into gaming on the PC and PS2 4 years ago. I'm probably going to buy a PS3 as my next-gen console, but I'm waiting for the price to come down a bit more. I wouldn't touch the 360 with a ten foot pole, and while the Wii is kinda fun I want to see if they come out with games that really make use of the wiimote. I feel pretty much the same, but what is it about the 360 that you don't like? Is it because it's said to be very faulty? In terms of games, they seem to be even, in what will eventually come out on them. I haven't bought a next generation machine yet, not enough games that I want to play yet given the price tags. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
markc7 Posted July 31, 2007 Share Posted July 31, 2007 I feel pretty much the same, but what is it about the 360 that you don't like? Is it because it's said to be very faulty? In terms of games, they seem to be even, in what will eventually come out on them. I haven't bought a next generation machine yet, not enough games that I want to play yet given the price tags. Yeah, it's mostly the 30% hardware failure rate. Having only partial backwards compatibility is also kinda cheezy. Also, things are looking bad for HD-DVD and much better for Blue-Ray, so if the console is going to double as a video machine, the PS3 might be a better choice. But that's still up in the air, another reason to wait. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Posted July 31, 2007 Share Posted July 31, 2007 Yeah, it's mostly the 30% hardware failure rate. Having only partial backwards compatibility is also kinda cheezy. Also, things are looking bad for HD-DVD and much better for Blue-Ray, so if the console is going to double as a video machine, the PS3 might be a better choice. But that's still up in the air, another reason to wait.Yeah I can see that. For me, HD and BR don't make a difference. I'm not bothered about the resolution of my games or films, just so long as I can tell what is going on with accuracy - it especially doesn't matter in films, although it is kind of cool. I mainly look forward to some of the future titles such as Devil May Cry 4, Resident Evil 5, Metal Gear Solid 4, Grand Theft Auto 4 and so on. Right now, on the 360 I like Dead Rising, and on the PS3 I like Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection. So I won't shell out £300 or whatever for dead rising, and I certainly won't pay £400+ for T5!! But once Devil May Cry 4 is out, I think I'll really have to start thinking, and also GTA4 might convince me depending on how good that is when we finally see it in October. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Pink Posted July 31, 2007 Author Share Posted July 31, 2007 Currently I am into downloading games for free. I don't tend to go crazy though. I usually just download games I used to own. I bought a PC controller and that works like a charm on the games I got on the computer. I can't wait to see how much Birthday money I'll be getting. I want to get a converter to plug my Computer into the Television. That way I can play games the way there ment to be played. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CollegeB Posted August 1, 2007 Share Posted August 1, 2007 I'm trudging through GTA: San Andreas. I'm more into tactical games though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Pink Posted August 1, 2007 Author Share Posted August 1, 2007 I'm trudging through GTA: San Andreas. I'm more into tactical games though. Tactical? You mean like war/stragedy games? Mostly my style is Platrofmers first, RPG second and Shooters/Racers first. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odidnetne Posted August 2, 2007 Share Posted August 2, 2007 I'm terrible at video games and don't play them much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Posted August 2, 2007 Share Posted August 2, 2007 Hey suckaz, I am in the process of making a new website which has games as the focus, with reviews and articles, but also just some random crap as well. Check it out if you're interested: welcometobonusstage.com I plan on reviewing, in detail, all the games that I really love, and then maybe review some that I think aren't so hot (although I don't play em, so there won't be many on there that I think suck) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CollegeB Posted August 2, 2007 Share Posted August 2, 2007 I looked at the lord of the rings thing in the humor section. Much laughing followed. The manhunt 2 picture photoshopped with the squirt gun-also very funny. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Posted August 2, 2007 Share Posted August 2, 2007 Woo! Thanks for checking it out Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
health freak Posted August 13, 2007 Share Posted August 13, 2007 i'd like to play an adult game that is dark, sick, twisted and demented. i don't want it to be very difficult though any suggestions? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odidnetne Posted August 13, 2007 Share Posted August 13, 2007 i'd like to play an adult game that is dark, sick, twisted and demented. i don't want it to be very difficult though any suggestions? Yeah, the video game I'm writing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
health freak Posted August 13, 2007 Share Posted August 13, 2007 WOW! You're writing a video game? that's soooo cool! Let me know When it's playable! What is it about? Will it haunt me at nights? (I'm a bit psycho hehe ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
markc7 Posted August 13, 2007 Share Posted August 13, 2007 i'd like to play an adult game that is dark, sick, twisted and demented. i don't want it to be very difficult though any suggestions? Killer 7? That game is messed up. It's quite an easy game, but give yourself about two hours the first time you play it, because the controls and gameplay are so strange that if you don't have enough time to get into it, it can seem confusing. I also loved Silent Hill 3. Absolutely insane, terrific plot, and you can adjust the difficulty level of the action and puzzles separately. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Posted August 13, 2007 Share Posted August 13, 2007 i'd like to play an adult game that is dark, sick, twisted and demented. i don't want it to be very difficult though any suggestions? What systems have you got? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odidnetne Posted August 13, 2007 Share Posted August 13, 2007 If you have no problem emulating Nintendo games, I'd recommend finding an English translation of Sweet Home. It's an 8 bit game and the graphics (by today's standards) are poor, but if you read the descriptions of everything it's a pretty creepy game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
health freak Posted August 14, 2007 Share Posted August 14, 2007 i'd like to play an adult game that is dark, sick, twisted and demented. i don't want it to be very difficult though any suggestions? What systems have you got? PS2 and my lap top (Intel Core Duo x1.66Gh, RAM 2Giga, ATI RADEON 1400 500MB hyper memory) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
health freak Posted August 14, 2007 Share Posted August 14, 2007 If you have no problem emulating Nintendo games, I'd recommend finding an English translation of Sweet Home. It's an 8 bit game and the graphics (by today's standards) are poor, but if you read the descriptions of everything it's a pretty creepy game. I do have lots of emulated Nitendo old games. i'll search for it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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