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Regional Rainbow Gathering - Allegheny National Forest


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Other than the tasteful "nude" Michael posted earlier, we are sans pictures of the National Rainbow Gathering we attended in Arkansas. We found ourselves really at home at the "Instant Soup" kitchen - a vegan kitchen set up in the middle of the Ozarks. Michael and I met the most wonderful people at that kitchen whom we both felt an intense connection with almost immediately. When we weren't hiking the Buffalo River nude, sunning on one of the large boulders, or trekking through the mud to visit with the great guys of FairieCamp, we were chopping firewood, tending the fires and cooking at InstantSoup. We stayed up all night most nights there. One night we cooked over 100 vegan chocolate chip pancakes for hungry hippies. Who knew there were some many people wandering the woods at 4am?! The link below showcases the Instant Soup Kitchen and our new friends. I can't wait to see them again!


Instant Soup Kitchen 2007


We also escaped to the Pennsylvania Regional Gathering just this past weekend. Here are pics.


Home Sweet Backpacking Home




The Earth Oven of Kitchen 44




The fire was build under the oven and the clay and metal are heated. The clay retains the heat for an extended period creating - ta dah- an outdoor oven! Neato, right?!




The cooling racks




Stovetop - Rainbow-Style




Welcome Home, Kiddos!




My two rainbow friends above helped me get water for this sweet fellow. He traveled to the gathering all the way from California!




Our Back Yard! Or, wait...Our Living Room...Or...




If you build it, they will come...to the "bliss pit" that is! Notice all the hippies sleeping outdoors and around the fire! The night before, there was no fire but Michael and I enjoyed sleeping out under the stars in that exact same spot.




Michael Carving! He spent an entire afternoon in Arkansas carving his spoon out of one of the many fallen red cedar branches!




A Hippie Couch - occupied by Michael and our friend George.




Doing what we've done best this summer - enjoying the simple things - lying on the grass, staring at the trees and the sun.




I end with the picture I always feel compelled to take to say "hey, I was there, too"!



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Rainbow gatherings are a great experience....

There are so many amazing people to meet and it is great to see what can come together with community and co-operation!

Pittsburgh is a great place to hang out for a while, I wish I could visit there sometime soon...but ewwwww the cold winters!

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Both of you look like you are really at peace with yourself! I am happy for you!


Thank you - we both have really found what makes us happy this summer ! It was great to see that you made it to Vegan Vacation - wish I could have met you during your US visit!


Thanks for sharing these awesome photos. It would have been awesome if me & mine had been there with ya'll!


It's been far too long since I've made it to a Gathering...


Didja hear of any coming up out here in Cascadia?


I agree, it would be awesome to be at a gathering with you and your family! As for Cascadia, not sure. Next year's National gathering is scheduled for Wyoming - exact location isn't disclosed until the middle of June. We're definitely planning to attend, life permitting!


Madre great to hear from you. I have not seen you on the forum for a long time. I think i've seen michael a few times, but still not like it was even just a year ago. Looks like you both are happy and thats important so thanks for visiting us.


CollegeB! Hey, thanks for the note! My internet proclivity wanes from time to time but I always find my way back to VBB. It's nice that so many familiar people continue to post and check in! I still think about how much I loved it when you posted the images of you making biscuits a couple of years ago! I'm still waiting for our collaboration on a vegan college/dorm cookbook!


Rainbow gatherings are a great experience....

There are so many amazing people to meet and it is great to see what can come together with community and co-operation!

Pittsburgh is a great place to hang out for a while, I wish I could visit there sometime soon...but ewwwww the cold winters!


They are a great experience - this was my first summer of gatherings and I felt perfectly at home! Instant Soup kitchen was ideal for us since we're more mellow/homebody type people not chasing a "high". Really incredible. Our home is home to you and your family any time if you are able to visit Pittsburgh. We'll be here for a while - two of our munchkins live with their mom in Washington, PA much of the time.

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