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re-occuring back problems


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Help. What are some good excercizes, foods, stretches or supplements for lower back problems? I had a sciatic nerve injury that took over 8 months to heal. Shortly after I tweaked my back again moving a speaker onto a stand. Any tips/advice besides: be more careful and duh are you a moron would be appreciated.



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More than anything you've gotta strengthen the mid section. Do lots and lots of crunches(front and side), as well as reverse crunches. If you have a gym membership I suggest you do these without weight for high reps first then move up to doing these things with light weight. The reverse hyper stand does wonders...even without weight.

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I have it too and I second potter, core training (mostly abs but lower back too) is the way to go. Having the right shoes and soles is also extremely important to me. Converses and the like will kill your back in no time.

You will probably never get rid of it alltogether, I have outbursts like twice a year (usually when I have the wrong shoes). When I get those I have to take pills for 1-3 days and then it's gone again.

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A reverse hyper stand holds your feet while your face down and has a pad that goes under your quads...leaving you hanging over the ground. You just drop your upper body and come up with a straight back.

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Anti-inflammatory. Like voltaren or diklofenak (I don't know if that's their name in the US).


After years of lower back problems i came to realise that anti-inflammatory chemical drugs like voltaren and the likes, only harm can they do in the long run...


Going raw will eliminate lower back pains especially when you eat alot of natural anti-inflammatories like raw kale and vitamin C

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the yoga stretchs the best.

If you get into the habit of stretching EVERY day you'll be amazrd at how much better your back will be.


I even know a retired guy in his late 60's who started daily stretching and his once chronic back problem hasn't bothered him in 3 years now

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  • 15 years later...

Greetings, I am very familiar with your problem, as I also used to be a person with a huge variety of health problems. This bothered me a lot and at one point I started working on improving my overall health. And acupuncturist irvine ca helped me the most. after a few sessions of acupuncture I began to feel much better. My apathy and constant pains were gone and I felt as if I had been born again. You should definitely try this treatment if you have health problems!

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