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This game is absolutely amazing. I don't think I've felt so ecstatic about a first person shooter in a longgg time.


It's absolutely gorgeous. It's set in an underwater art-deco city in the 1960s. You have a bunch of older weapons because of this and you also have psychic powers.


It's loads of fun but you have to have a pretty crazy machine to be able to run it. The games recommendations are barely met by my computer so it runs smooth for the most part.


Anybody else looooove this game?

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My girlfriend checked it out from her job at Gamestop for me for one day when it released for the Xbox 360. It is so awesome and I didn't want her to return it. Now I have to buy it or at least rent it to finish it, haha. I absolutely love the Adam and Eve powers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm working on beating it the second time through the "evil" way. It's so cool and really does have unlimited gameplay. You can do different upgrades and plasmids every time. I bought it because I had some extra book money because my roomie and I are sharing an 180 dollar accounting book that we found for 80.

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Yea the combat system is almost dungeon crawl type RPG. Lots of stategy with 6 different weapons, each with 3 types of ammo, a wrench, and a camera that you can use to take pictures of enemies to get combat bonuses.


Plus there's 2 different weapons upgrades per weapon and a boatload of plasmids(psychic powers). As I said I'm already on my second time through.


I very rarely buy computer games because they cost so much so I understand if you're hesitant to buy it. Every once and awhile some mindless crap is good for you.

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