pelicanAndrew Posted September 2, 2007 Share Posted September 2, 2007 New school year, new me, new routine and diet. Low gluten and hopefully soon to be zero gluten. Lots of pulses and brown rice and plenty of greens and fruits. I gotta go to the store tomorrow to pick up some produce and tofu/tempeh. Routine- Upper Body Day One- Bench, seated row, tricep cable pull downs, curls, side rows, ab workout Lower Body Day One- Back Squats, Calf Raises, Leg Press, leg curls(backwards and forewards) Upper Body Day Two- (maybe deadlifts), Shrugs, high pull, overhead press, curls, tricep kickbacks, Dips, abs Lower Body Day two- (maybe deadlifts), front squats, leg press, calf raises I'm not sure whether or not to group deadlifts with upper or lower since it uses both groups. I'm leaning towards lower since it mainly uses my legs and butt muscles. My one non-healthy allowance will be 1 pint of fancy pants beer per week. I also can't function without dark chocolate, so i'll probably have a small piece or two a day. The crappy part is going to be cutting gluten out(i'm doing it to see if i feel better). I did some math and realized that although I didn't gain much weight when I drank more, it didn't help with losing it that's for sure. Also, buying fancy beer is going to cut down on buying from large corporations and allow me to support microbreweries. Wish me luck guys and gals! First day Bench 1x8@1351x8@1451x5@1651x3@185 Seated Rows 1x8@1001x8@1201x6@140 Found my limit there. Curls 2x8@301x8@25 Also found my limit there. Triceps Pulldowns 3x8@100 perfect. Will up next upper day. Side Rows 3x8@50 Also perfect. Will up next week. Now to eat some leftover brown rice, have a vega shake, and cook up some lentils. Oh yeah and shower. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zack Posted September 3, 2007 Share Posted September 3, 2007 Nice job on the tricep pulldowns. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pelicanAndrew Posted September 3, 2007 Author Share Posted September 3, 2007 Oh those were two handed. Probably should've stated that. I am by no means that strong(yet!). I'm hoping to hit a 300 lb bench, 400 lb squat, and 500 lb deadlift by the end of the school year. I'm much more motivated and positive than I was last semester. I'm also on the exec boards of a bunch of school clubs and I'm hoping to start some more. Maybe some illicit veg*n activities. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zack Posted September 3, 2007 Share Posted September 3, 2007 Still impressive, I can't even do half that on tricep pushdowns...haha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pelicanAndrew Posted September 6, 2007 Author Share Posted September 6, 2007 Bah, I've been sick for the past couple of days and I'm just feeling well enough to want to cook for myself today. Not very good nutrition going on while I was sick. I hope to get a oven thermometer(for the falafel i'm cooking) and some fruits and veggies at the store(melon and spinach most likely, i already have 17 bananas that I got from the school cafeteria, for free!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted September 6, 2007 Share Posted September 6, 2007 Are you gonna do gluten free beer as well??? There are a few Sorghum beers I've tried that have tasted quite good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pelicanAndrew Posted September 8, 2007 Author Share Posted September 8, 2007 I'm doing very low gluten which basically means snacking on more fruit and less bread and eating more brown rice and beans and things like that then bread. I just feel better when I eat that way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BJJVegan Posted September 8, 2007 Share Posted September 8, 2007 I'm doing very low gluten which basically means snacking on more fruit and less bread and eating more brown rice and beans and things like that then bread. I just feel better when I eat that way. there are some gluten free breads. They dont taste as good as "normal" bread though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pelicanAndrew Posted September 8, 2007 Author Share Posted September 8, 2007 They're also uber-expensive down here. Decatur isn't exactly a hot bead for veganism and health foods. There is one health food store in town where I can get that stuff and I think they might sell like one loaf of the stuff at the Kroger by my school. I did find out the location of a farmers market though and I'm totally going on Sunday. My ska band is playing a big concert today(we're opening) so I'm going to workout with my sax player afterwards. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pelicanAndrew Posted September 9, 2007 Author Share Posted September 9, 2007 Had a bitch of a leg workout. I think I'm going to maybe do a light jog before every leg session I do to loosen my legs up. Today was NOT FUN! Squats 1x5@1851x5@1901x5@195 Not bad for having not done squats all summer( I had no room ) Leg press 1x6@2102x5@200 Wow Leg curls 1x8@1001x8@1101x8@120 Leg curls were easy but after that I was exhausted. I need to get my diet in better shape. It's a little hard since I just got my classes all figured out. I switched majors (not a big switch, and I'm still focusing on recording as what I actually want to do with my life) and had to flip a bunch of crap around. MWF and Sat are most likely going to be my lifting days. Saturday night will be party night. Next upper body workout should be pretty epic, as will the next leg workout. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pelicanAndrew Posted September 11, 2007 Author Share Posted September 11, 2007 Fuck, I hope I can move tomorrow. Close Grip Bench 1x6@1351x6@1451x6@1551x6@1451x6@135 Shrugs 1x5@225(easy)3x5@275(harddd) Overhead Press 1x5@951x5@1001x5@105 Seated Row 3x8@130 Right about now my friend calls me and tells me we're going out for mexican. I kinda skimped out a bit(i was gonna do some high pulls) but the food was delish! Hammer Curls 3x8@30(little bit too easy) One-handed Tricep Cable Pulls(foreward) 3x8@50 One Handed backwards tricep cable pulls 3x8@30 Back was still a little stiff from back squats yesterday so I didn't do my best but my body is still getting back into the routine so I'll be kickass by next week. I'm trying to figure out where I can fit a cardio day or two into my schedule. Might just have to workout 6 days a week, which wouldn't bother me at all. It really just completely gets rid of any school stress(and a bit of sexual frustration as well ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pelicanAndrew Posted September 12, 2007 Author Share Posted September 12, 2007 Right on! A little update to my leg press stats, I miss counted by a hundred pounds. Nothing big... Back Squats 1x6@135(warm up)1x5@1851x5@1951x5@2051x5@210 I'll be repping 3 plates in no time! Ab cable pulldowns 3x15@70 Will go up to 20 reps and 80 lbs next time. I took it easy because I need to do deadlifts on friday. Leg press 1x8@290(originally i thought this was 190, hehe)2x6@310 That's all I did for today. I might do some bodyweight stuff(calf raises, lunges, planks) later if I'm feeling sassy but I really want to have a good deadlift session on Friday. Alright, 45g protein shake consumed, time to hit the showah. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pelicanAndrew Posted September 16, 2007 Author Share Posted September 16, 2007 Forgot about an event my club to which i'm VP of(anime/gaming/other fun "alternative" entertainment) had a party on friday. And then Saturday I had crap to do. Bench(regular grip) 1x8@1351x5@1551x5@1651x5@1751x4@1851x5@155 Seated Row 3x8@140 Some poor choices last night(staying up till 4 in the morning playing sardines in the schools music building) left me pretty drained so sorry for this pathetic 2 set stint at the end. Curls 2x8@30 Triceps pulldowns 2x8@110 Side Rows 2x8@65 Now I'm going to the store to buy some stuff to make pad thai. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pelicanAndrew Posted September 18, 2007 Author Share Posted September 18, 2007 OH wow oh wow i had a crazy workout today Squats 1x8@145(warm up) 1x5@1951x5@2001x5@2051x5@215 Decline negative sitdowns 5 sets held out to as long as i could(went from about 15 seconds of negative motion to about 10 on the last set) Awesome. foreward leg curls 3x8@120 Perfect Abdominal Cable Pulldowns 3x15@80 Leg press 2x5@3602x5@340 Bit much on the leg press, probably going to do less next week because I'm really exhausted and not exactly in a good way. Tomorrow I rest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xveganjoshx Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 Now to eat some leftover brown rice, have a vega shake, and cook up some lentils. How do you make your lentils? I just bought some and I'm curious how to make them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pelicanAndrew Posted September 18, 2007 Author Share Posted September 18, 2007 I usually just follow the instructions but add a poopload of cumin, turmeric, paprika, garlic, and other spices(anything will do, but cumin and turmeric are my main two). My secret ingredient is cinnamon. Another good thing to do is to saute some onions beforehand. Sadly, i had no onions at the time and my lack of a car/bike made it impossible to get to the store. Next time i might get fancy and make a dahl because i freakin love curry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zack Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 I'm not such a fan of lentils, but I LOVE green split peas. 50 cents a bag, 143 g of protein in a bag...Ultimate economy AND bulking foods, lentils and green peas are. Veganism can be so cheap. Just today I had 8 servings of split peas... about 30 cents for 88 grams of protein... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pelicanAndrew Posted September 19, 2007 Author Share Posted September 19, 2007 Oh wow, i'm gonna have to check into those. I'm mr. cheapo this year when it comes to food although I have been making some fancy things like curry and pad thai. I'm thinking about maybe doing some chickpea curries too. Delicious and jam packed with protein. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pelicanAndrew Posted September 19, 2007 Author Share Posted September 19, 2007 I'm tired and sweaty and I'm probably going to eat about 1000 calories of pasta and maybe run to the grocery store to buy another bag of spinach(I eat about a bag a day, I wish they had fresh stuff). SLDL(my knee wasn't feeling too hot so I decided deadlifts weren't going to help that) 3x5@90kg Hard, but felt great. Close Grip Bench 1x8@1351x8@1451x6@1551x5@160 Seated Row 3x8@150 Oh dear jesus were these hard. almost failed on the last one. Overhead press 1x5@95(easy1x5@105(wow harder1x5@1101x5@115 Shrugs 2x5@2752x8@225 ROM felt better at the lower weight. I'm going to try in between those next time. These last 3 exercises were done one set after another(like curls, triceps, preachers, triceps) then repeat 3 times. Curls 3x8@25 one-handed triceps cable pull 1x8@601x8@501x8@40 Preacher curls 1x8@40+EZ-curl bar(how much does this thing weigh?)1x12@30+EZ-curl bar1x10@30+ez-curl bar reverse-one-handed triceps cable pull 3x12@30 My arms feel like spaghetti. So i'm gonna eat some. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zack Posted September 19, 2007 Share Posted September 19, 2007 Nice lifting today dude. Keep on the spinach, works for popeye and I. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pelicanAndrew Posted September 19, 2007 Author Share Posted September 19, 2007 Yea I fucking love spinach. Any sort of bean or pulse too. And apparently split peas are going to become my cheap protein packing friend. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pelicanAndrew Posted September 24, 2007 Author Share Posted September 24, 2007 Redoing my workout. Monday- Back/shoulders- dead lifts, overhead press, seated rows, shrugs, side rows I'm looking for more stuff to do on Monday. Preferably more endurance based high rep stuff. Tuesday- abs and cardio(suggestions) appreciated) Wednesday- Chest/arms- wide grip bench, closed grip bench, curls, hammer curls, preacher curls, triceps pull downs, dips, incline bench, possibly forearm work Thursday- abs and cardio(suggestions appreciated) Friday- LEGS- back squats, front squats, leg press. lunges, calf raises, bodyweight squats, body weight calf raises, leg curls Sat/Sunday- eat drink and be merry Today's lift... Deadlifts 3x5@100KG Made sure I was checking my form all the way. Overhead press 1x6@1001x6@1051x6@1101x6@115 I yelled on the last rep of the last set and got strange looks as usual. Shrugs 3x6@255 Perfect. My ROM was good too as far as I could tell. Sucked because I couldn't get a rack in front of a mirror. Girls track was in the room today. Freshmen girls track. boo. Seated Rows 1x8@1301x8@1401x8@150 very good ROM and very slow and concentrated. Side Rows 1x8@551x8@601x8@65 also very strong ROM gonna go blend me up a bunch of spinach and protein poweder with a little vanilla rice milk! Then I'm making a quick batch of delicious chili(with some Sriracha hot sauce for some KICK!) Oh and of course a big ass kale salad. I'm in a really great mood this week. I'm getting to do lots of fun stuff this year. Social chair for Phi Mu Alpha(music fraternity), I bought an old Hammond L-101 for 10 dollars and I get to figure out how to fix it and possibly make a valuable friend(my teacher gave me the # to a big time Hammond technician) and my body feels fan-freaking tastic. God I love endorphins. I could almost hug a republican right now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zack Posted September 25, 2007 Share Posted September 25, 2007 I'm not a republican, nor a democrat, but I'll take a hug. Anyways kick ass man keep hitting the gym and eating that spinach. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pelicanAndrew Posted September 27, 2007 Author Share Posted September 27, 2007 Yayy good day today! I should be sleeping now but I watched 40 year old virgin. My next goal in training is to fix my sleep patterns. They're pretty fucked up. Regular Grip Bench- 3x5@185 Wow was that hard. I gotta focus more on strength Close Grip 1x6@1351x8@1351x6@135 I was having grip issues. Boo. Curls 3x8@30 Great ROM and super slow. Felt good. Triceps Pulldown 1x8@120(too heavy)2x8@100 Close Grips took a lot out of my triceps Preacher Curls 3x10@EZ-curl bar + 30 lbs One handed triceps pulldown 3x8@40 per hand One handed reverse triceps pulldown 3x12@30 I'm going to add dips, incline bench(low eight high reps) and pushups next week along with pull ups(which I can do one of so I'm going to not list them until I build my strength up for them ) Ate a crap ton of kale and garbanzos and some refried beans on corn tortillas. Also had a couple bagels with different nut butters. mmmm almond butter rules. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xveganjoshx Posted September 27, 2007 Share Posted September 27, 2007 Close grip bench can be a little goofy with the grip. I'm not sure how others who are more experienced have dealt with the lift. But I wrap my wrists. I try not to use wraps/straps too much, but I think they have their uses. This might be a legitimate use for it. Maybe others will add their insight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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