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Any WOW players in the House?

Goody Two Shoes

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I have played on and off since shortly after release. Right now I am off because I burned myself out leveling a new character on a server to play with a friend. I am going to wait until they add in the new experience boost patch before I start back up. I can't wait for the death knights, they are one of my top two favorite class types.

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I'd considered playing, but I lose all interest in reality when I play video games so I opted not to I have one friend who does play WOW, and he's so wrapped up in it that he devotes around 4-6 hours every single night to it, to the point where he's pretty neglectful about taking care of anything else (mind you, he's married and has 3 kinds in the house - not good!). That kind of stuff is too dangerous for my obsessive self to get into, so I'll stick to playing 30 minutes a day of Brain Age 2 on my DS since I can't get into too much trouble with that one

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I used to play MMO's a lot. I would get just as wrapped up/addicted as most people. I honestly dont like paying 10-15 bucks a month to play a game. So I still go for single player games where I can play an hour on saturday and maybe a little while longer and sunday and dont feel so behind in the curve!

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