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I Just Blended My Salad!


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Don't ask me why. But I did. I like it!


I've blended a lot of stuff but never bothered to actually blend my greens. I use a dried greens powder and will just munch on green to get my fix.


Today, I was stuffing my face with handful after handful of organic field greens while making dinner (better than chips right?) and I had a brainstorm....my blender was staring at me....so I just threw the entire basket of greens (a TON of greens...like 4x as much as I would have normally been able to eat comfortably) into the blender and ripped it up. I added about 6 ounces of water.


It actually tasted fine...and was 20oz of semi solid (more liquid than solid).


No point to this post...just wanted to share. I can't believe it's taken me this long to actually do this. It might just become a trend.

Edited by Ravi
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