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My Quest To Become A Yoga Techer


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This weekend I attended the first of several Teaching Assistant Workshops at my studio (Shakti Vinyasa in Bellevue, WA). I'll be attending four of these 6-hour workshops, during which you learn precise details to every pose in the Baptiste Power Vinyasa sequence...with special attention to how to assist in class. This means being able to realign, support and/or deepen students into a pose during class.


It was a ton of fun, and helped me advance a ton in my personal practice as well. If you are into yoga and have the chance to attend such a workshop in your area, it is well worth it.


Anyway, after practicing (sporadically) for 6 years myself, I figured that it was time to commit. I figure there are two types of people, those who dabble and those who master...and I don't want to be a dabbler! The teaching assistant workshops are my first steps to start teaching. I will start teaching next spring.


If you are on this board, and are a yoga teacher (or are aspiring to be one), I would appreciate any tips or insights you may have in your own journey to teach others. What has helped you the most?

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I figure there are two types of people, those who dabble and those who master...and I don't want to be a dabbler!


If you are on this board, and are a yoga teacher (or are aspiring to be one), I would appreciate any tips or insights you may have in your own journey to teach others. What has helped you the most?


I can share the story of what really brought my yoga practice into another dimension: My former teacher read a story to our class about a yogi and his student. The student asks how he should practice yoga. He wants to know in detail which asanas and other practices to do, how often to do them and how long to stay in the pose. The yogi tells him: All of this doesn't matter as long as you practice yoga everyday. Every person has to find his/her own way of practicing yoga and of developing his/her personality.

I hope that helped... All the best for your personal development buddy!

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