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Tis the season to Donate to your fave Animal Charity


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A recent NY Times Dalio Foundation Ad stated that last Christmas, the amount of money Americans spent on candy exceeded the total annual budgets of The American Heart Association, The American Cancer Society and Habitat for Humanity combined.


This Holiday Season, give to organizations like PETA, Farm Sanctuary, Sea Shepherd, etc, that make a difference... If you don't like one of these Org's, pick another, but remember, even if you aren't rich, you have more than the animals in the factory farms and you can spare even a little, and it WILL help!



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Great reminder.


I'd also add to research orgs to see which ones do the work you're most interested in. Most orgs have program/campaign priorities. My personal interests include ending factory farming, and animal/development issues in Africa (groups that help animals and people at the same time). And then my local rescue org, of course.

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