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Motivation to train...or lack thereof


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I have no problem getting myself motivated to do yoga or go for a run...but for some reason I am in this rut when it comes to lifting. I mean lifting hard and with a purpose. When I was in my late teens/early twenties, I never had this problem (I'm now 28 ). I had no problem putting in the time and keeping the intensity up.


Nowadays, I have no problem just doing a bunch of bodyweight exercises, pull-ups, push ups and a few dips or kettlebell swings....but I've really been having a tough time getting motivated to keep my intensity high. I just get bored, tired and leave. It's therefore no wonder that I am not making any progress (in size or strength).


I'm wondering, for those of you that are training in the gym for long periods of time, and training hard, what is your motivating force?

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I think changing up things is a good idea, both for gaining and fun!

Different routines with different exercises, reps/sets, supersets, drops sets, etc. every couple of weeks depending on progress.


Knowing what you are going to do and aiming for certain goals is also a good, also short term goals like try to get one more rep next time etc.

Progress is probably the best motivator.


I just love the feeling of working out, also afterwards, I just miss it when I don't so I never have much trouble motivation wise.

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Hey Ravi!


I agree to what the dude said.

If you haven't already, take a week or two off of lifting. Then come back with a good plan of what you'll do and what you want to achieve. A goal is very important for motivation! Also, you need to see progress from week to week. Try something completely different from what you've been doing so far. The main difference should be the working intensity and volume: if you're used to sets to failure, stop doing these, if you've never done those before, give them a try now!


Good luck!

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OK, got in the gym today and motivation was good. Did a few exercises that were not normal, and about 15 minutes of running to warm up (which I usually don't do). This seemed to get me loose and warmed up, which made the lifting easier (from a mental standpoint).

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