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Select a US Presidential Candidate Quiz


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I had Kucinich at about 39 I think and Edwards 38 or very close behind. I hope more people check out this section. I figured since the topic is politics and there is a politics section I'd put it here. I just hope people find it, since it's a pretty fun quiz

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I had Kucinich 48, Clinton 45, Dodd 43, Biden 43, Richardson 38, Obama...etc.


Personally, I support Obama, but I also like (liked) Biden, and Clinton is fine with me as well.


The Republican field is also fairly decent this time around (although I can't see myself voting for any of them).

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I met the guy that put this thing together and he told me about it so I tried it out but it wasn't working then, glad to know its up again. I got my Ron Paul score up to 72 , but thats after figuring out some of the issues i've not heard him talk much about such as education. Not privatizing social security really surprised me but I understand his rationale, so thats cool. I stand with Paul according to this test at 62 if i'm not trying to be in line with him, though where there is disagreement the issues are a little more complicated than one line answers. Anyways, McCain came in at 50 then Gravel and Thompson at 30. Edwards at the bottom. Obama rated higher than Huckabee for me (23 vs. 21).


Yup, Ron's my guy. I could not, in good conscience, vote for any of the others.

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  • 2 weeks later...
No One in '08


No one who would actually have a chance for me. As Lewis Black says, "It's like choosing between two bowls of shit--the only thing different is the smell."


Then I'd vote for the bowl of shit that smells less. I'd rather have a less smelly bowl of shit for 8 years than a smellier bowl. I'm making the assumption the next person in office will be there for 8 years no matter who it is.

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