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Issues related to zoos


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I listen to a lot of podcasts, and one of my favorite shows, NPR's Talk of the Nation, had an interesting, nuanced segment on zoos. They were interviewing journalist Thomas French, and he has a series about zoos that you can find below:





You can also get the podcasts on iTunes Talk of the Nation (01-14-2008).


Anyway, some of the issues brought up in the piece (in no particular order):


-how animals often suffer due to lack of real, natural habitat, and not enough space.

-how animals lose their freedom

-how zoo keepers pasionately care about the animals

-how the natural space that the animals would normally inhabit in the wild is being encroached upon by increasing human population, and therefore poses a dilemma towards the survival of their species

-how zoos often are the last place to keep a species alive

-how human animals at zoos (the customers) often disrespect the animals


Anyway, it's worth reading in my opinion. I especially like the way the author describes the individual personalities of certain animals, and talks about their individual problems.

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