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Vegan Strip Club opens in Portland tonight


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I have to say women really are psychologically different than men in some ways. I can't imagine too many men feeling comfortable going to a strip club where the dancers are men. I don't even like looking around in the locker room at my gym. I can't imagine sitting down in it and eating a meal.


I've actually been to an odd strip club with male and female dancers...there was a side with men and a side with women but you couldn't really avoid seeing the other sex. It was interesting to say the least. The male visitors at the club seemed to not mind so much...they didn't exactly go to the other side but they could have easily went across the street where the cover was less and there were no male dancers.

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These places depend on men who have unhealthy relationships with women and their sexuality.


Again, that is simply not true, it is a stereotype. Most of the men who go to these places have healthy relationships with women, including wives, girlfriends and mothers that they love. I know because I know many men who go to strip clubs.



I'm not debating anyone, I just have to say this...

I'm sorry but if my husband went to a strip club I would rip his nuts off. Plain and simple. What a great way to make me feel inadequate as a woman and as his lover. Some women might be ok with it, more power to them for having that confidence, but I sure would rather have my man look at me naked then be drooling over some woman while he spends our grocery money to look at a stranger's breasts and butt. If my husband took his spare time to go look at naked women instead of spending time with me and our son I would seriously rethink our relationship.

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I think men should definitely let their partners know if they're going to go to a strip club. If they know it would bug their partner then they should either be with someone else or they need to just not go in respect for his/her partner. As for the attendees at clubs...you'd be surprised at how many married couples go to strip clubs together...and honestly more often than not it seems like the women have more fun than the men do(but maybe thats them pretending to not enjoy it too much).

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I'm not sure where the idea that all feminists oppose the sex industry is coming from. There are many sex-positive feminists and many many many publications written by feminist women working within the sex industry in a way that they are happy and comfortable with. Not to say that their experiences are the norm, but there is a dedicated core of women and men working to take back the industry and make it a positive environment for workers and clientele. Sex work does not automatically equal exploitation.

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I think in the 70s, and 80s this was a major problem in porn(not so sure about strip clubs since I was a wee lad or not born yet). There was rampant use of street drugs and alcohol to loosen people up. You could tell a lot of the actors/actresses were strung out on something. Its not like that anymore. There are enough people that "want" to do this yet could do something else that drugs aren't really an issue any more than they are in any other part of society.

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There are enough people that "want" to do this yet could do something else that drugs aren't really an issue any more than they are in any other part of society.

Too right.


Some people whinge on about female performers having no real alternatives, and that women are basically forced and compelled to do such work for want of a quick fix or a lack of viable other job options .


Nowadays there are plenty of strippers and porn actresses that do this work because they genuinely want to. There’s a lot of educated and intelligent performers in the sex industry, who could make a very good living in other areas if they so chose. I’d guess that most strippers and porn actresses are not smackheads. Nor do they get involved in the sex industry to avoid earning a pittance in some menial job.

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Ahhhhhck. And I was planning on coming to Portland for that specific place and that only. Who needs have fun and train with a ton of Vegan bb's and participate in awesome activities and cycling trips with unforgettable future companions, when you have a vegan strip club???


For shame..............


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I'm happy he's selling because he's a jerk. I'm hoping a smarter/cooler vegan buys it. I hope he winds up losing a lot of money and I hope the person who buys it is a success.

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Apart from the politics of the issue I think the owner could be a more thoughtful business man. These factors which probably contributed to the failure seem like common sense to me, a non-business man:


1. People who go to strip clubs are not overwhelmingly interested in vegan

food. Being annoyed that *their* food is not a strip club X, they will

go to another strip club. Very few omni customers


2. The U.S. Vegan demographic is heavily populated by people who

object to strip clubs or who aren't really into them. Hence, very few

vegan customers.

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Yeah I agree, it seemed like an odd combination for those reasons. I think the target audience is really really smal, at this time


The target audience is every man that likes seeing naked women. I don't think food sales is the goal. Vegan need not apply. I'd go to a republican ran vegan restaurant any day. I may not like the people running it but I'd appreciate the service.

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I read that article to it's fullest and agree with it. But I had a thought though. While a strip club with women seem to offend many women I can't help but think that in a way there are some double standards here. Like Male strip clubs for that matter. I don't know if I'm on to anything really but the way I see it there are strip clubs for almost all life forms. And soon many even strip clubs for animals.... Just kidding on that last part.


I personally am not offended by the existence of male strip clubs. I might feel a little weird being asked to strip in one( thought I might if I had teh body LMAO ) but still the way I see it it's just clean fun if done appropriately.


Now a brothel. No thanks. Brothels of all forms should be banned. And the idea of a Vegan Brothel? Well. I personally don't think that's a good idea


Although this strip club I think could use a little make-over. Maybe make it a clothed strip club.....well that would ax out the stip now wouldn't it


something like Hooters for Vegans would be more appropriate.

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Yeah I agree, it seemed like an odd combination for those reasons. I think the target audience is really really smal, at this time


The target audience is every man that likes seeing naked women. I don't think food sales is the goal. Vegan need not apply. I'd go to a republican ran vegan restaurant any day. I may not like the people running it but I'd appreciate the service.


It's true that non-vegans could go into a vegan strip club, but I don't think that in reality it would be happening much. I could be wrong, but I think non-vegans generally think vegan place are weird and steer clear unless they get roped in by one of their weird vegan friends. Even if there are strippers. They'd just choose to go to a non-vegan strip club. Again I could be wrong about that, but that's the sentiment I get from most non-vegans that I meet

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Dunno Richard.


Is it just the food that's vegan or are some/all the strippers vegan too?


Anyway, most people don't go to strip clubs for whatever food they do or don't serve... A strip club will ultimately succedd or otherwise for reason's other than the menu it offers.


But yeah, the very thought of a vegan strip club may strike the wider public as a little odd - as anything vegan can sometimes do - and they may steer clear as a result and go to a 'normal' club.

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Dunno Richard.


Is it just the food that's vegan or are some/all the strippers vegan too?


Anyway, most people don't go to strip clubs for whatever food they do or don't serve... A strip club will ultimately succedd or otherwise for reason's other than the menu it offers.


But yeah, the very thought of a vegan strip club may strike the wider public as a little odd - as anything vegan can sometimes do - and they may steer clear as a result and go to a 'normal' club.


Yeah that's what I mean. Clearly people don't go there for the food, but people are put off by things being vegan-oriented I think.

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