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amazing dancing video


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Yeah that is what I do for fun B-Boy. Been doing since 1999.




my crew


http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=O5u1kYAcxAE (My crew (rightside) vs one of the best crews in the east coast)

I just went in to do some footwork only (come in on clip at 3:22)




check out this battle of boyfriend and girlfriend vs boyfriend and girlfriend (sound is blown out but great hype battle)










Check out these poppin clips






http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xtMQ5oX8NF0&feature=related (skip to 1:59 in the video)


http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=PDK0D4xZW9Y&feature=related (battle salah vs sala)

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I know for sure we have about two bboys on this forum Ekendra being one of them. I think you can see him in roberts interviews at the animal rights conference on the front page.



Thanks for the compliments rain. I was recovering from a set of squats and a song came on the radio and i wasnt paying attention so crystal saw me dancing and asked to film me. I wish i was any good at planing chain moves, i feel like i repeat the same three moves when ever a video is rolling.

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dope! maybe we can start a vbb urban dance crew! I don't have a vid camera so I will have to see if I can session with one of my friends and get it on youtube. Breaking helped me build good strength and get more cut than when I tried lifting. I tried lifting two years in college got no results on a meat diet. Breaking changed a lot for me now even more with my veggie diet. A lot of energy and more results. I am 30 and still going like I was when I was 20 or better.


Do you know any break moves? I think member on the forum bodhidave said he was thinking about starting. Once you catch on to breaking it is hard to stop. I pop a little and do some lockin.


yeah show me if you have any clips as well.

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Hey Rain,


I dont know any breakdancing moved at all. I mostly concerned myself with waving then these days since i started working out noticed its easier to pop so i have been focusing on dimestopping and tutting leg work and popping. My upper body is my weakest so its hard to do much breaking

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Ok cool.


I started with no ability to do handstands and then worked my way to finally getting then and it let to other moves.

some people learn better through a class than on their own.Mr. Wiggles was the man back in the day for tuts and poppin.

It was what was hot when I went to clubs back in college.

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Crystal true to that! I still lift I just now am I am trying the street workout. It mainly is calisthenic workouts involving mainly bodyweight. Weights defines one area of strength and bodyweight another. My comment was based on trying to workout in college I saw no gains so I tried a different avenue and it worked much better for me. Everyone is different. Just all depends on what your final goal is.

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RAINRA, nice footwork, keep it up.


The poppin clips:

Clips 1 and 4 of Salah are impressive, I've been watching him for the past 6 years and he continues to make progress. Hes quite the contortionist which gives him some easy crowd pleasing ability. In clip 1, hes wearing the relatively expensive Air Max 1 Urawa Dragons J Leagues!

Clip 3 from the movie Rhyme and Reason. At 1:59, Mr. Animation is fantastic to watch. He might be gettin older but hes been in the poppin game a long time. Hes one of the hardest hitters I've ever seen. Heres an old clip of him doing this illusion of running forward but actually moving backward like hes getting blown away by the wind... skip to :29...

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Yeah that clip is from radiotron. Airforce Crew throws it. I had that tape here somewhere but don't know where it is now. Thanks for the footwork compliment. I kinda fell off as training wise. I need to get my sh## together.


I've performed with Salah...before. He use to be in this break crew called "The Family." He came and performed once on stage with us in this club in Madrid, Spain. He is fun to watch!


Do you still break at all? They have Good bboy crews up where you live!

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