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steroids part II

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So, who of you ever thought about taking roids?

I thought about it a several times... but i came to the clue that

1. if I´d take roids, I´d only do it when I´m older than 22

2. it would be dangerous for me cause I have heart valve problems

3. I would be not able to stop it... I think it would come to the point that i just want more and more mass... and this wouldnt be healthy


This propably leads me to stay natural


So whats you opinion about this topic?

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For me, it was never an option. I like to know that everything i achieve is my very own achievement, due to my work, dedication, will, discipline, know how. And not some pill


But i can understand the allure. After all, as natural you won't look very impressive in a sweatshirt, at least not with decent bodyfat. It's either ripped or big.

I can respect people who work out hard, eat with discipline and then take some roids "as supplement" to go beyond their genetics. But most people just take it INSTEAD of working out properly.


If one definitely wants to use roids, i'd say work out as hard as you can for 5 years, build your muscles as far as you can in that time, very near your potential, and then you may try roids, if you insist. Starting roids the same day you start lifting will seriously damage your potential and you'll probably end up injured, sick and looking crap.


The health risks of roids are widely underestimated, especially by youngsters who only see the surface of the physique. I cannot understand why one would want to ruin his health with this crap. It's a trade some people make - muscle mass now for health problems later.


As you said, especially the addiction to roids is underestimated. When you're "on", you feel like superman, indestructible, strong, but when you stop the roids after 6-8 weeks, you lose most of the muscles, all of the strength and your joints begin to hurt (because you overloaded them with too heavy weights - the roids don't make your connective tissue grow!). This is a massive problem for someone who was unhappy with his looks and strength from the start. The only way out is to go for drugs again. It's a vicious circle.


The damage done to kidneys, heart, liver, joints and so on is drastic.

You are at special risk, given your valve problems.


Don't use roids, it doesn't pay.





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haven't used yet, but i will be within the next 6 months. i have done TONS of research on the subject. i used to be very much against them. now i have a much different opinion. my conclusions from the countless amount of info i have read is that:


-some steroids (deca, anavar, equipoise, low-dose test) are much safer than others (dianabol, mid-high level test, winstrol, tren).

-it is the abuse and not the mild use that can put people in danger.

-more top level vegan athletes have used them than you would have guessed. a much lower percentage than non-vegan athletes though.

-you still have to train and eat hard, but the results will come much more effectively while using.

-in my opinion, if no one is using, how can you say the field of play is level? some people hit the genetic lottery and if you're not one of them, you cannot compete with them no matter how hard you "naturally" train. PERIOD!


its your choice. do the research, make up your own mind. just don't believe all the crap the media says about the juice. if it is really that bad for someone, then why would they prescribe it to some of the most health deficient (cancer and aids patients, bless their hearts) persons alive. probably not the best argument to leave off with, but the idea is there.

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haven't used yet, but i will be within the next 6 months.


Good for you. There are plenty of boards out there dedicated to drug users, I would suggest taking your thread there.



-more top level vegan athletes have used them than you would have guessed. a much lower percentage than non-vegan athletes though.


Although, I am curious how you came to this conclusion. The percentage of vegans in the world is tiny, vegan athletes even tinier, top-level vegan athletes counted on one hand with fingers left over. I haven't heard any of them running around proclaiming steroids are great.

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carl lewis, jim morris, martina navratilova (suspected, but pretty obvious), others that i know of but am not going to call out.


i'm sorry it is not possible to have an open discussion about the subject. that is unless i jump on the band wagon and declare how evil they are despite scientific evidence to the contrary. i'll just use your tactic and pretend that they don't exist and fellow vegan athletes aren't using them.

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carl lewis, jim morris, martina navratilova (suspected, but pretty obvious), others that i know of but am not going to call out.


i'm sorry it is not possible to have an open discussion about the subject. that is unless i jump on the band wagon and declare how evil they are despite scientific evidence to the contrary. i'll just use your tactic and pretend that they don't exist and fellow vegan athletes aren't using them.


Actually, if you had spent any time reading some of the other threads here, you would see I am not anti-steroid at all. Perhaps you could have made your first post an introduction rather than an advertisement for various steroid brands. These discussions always lead down the same path, next you will be asking how to get the steroids etc. We really don't need that here.


Good luck!

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I personally don't agree with steroid use, but some people I know use them.


This is a BODYBUILDING forum, and steroids are such a popular issue with bodybuilding so I think the discussion is ok. In fact, I'd say over 50% of the time someone talks to be in the gym or on the street or at work, etc, and they find out I'm a bodybuilder; steroids is a topic that comes up.


So, although I'd say 99% of the people on this forum don't use them, I think it is ok to talk about them since historically it has and unfortunately still is, a huge part of bodybuilding.


And not just bodybuilding, it is in a lot of sports.


Again.....most people here won't agree with steroid use, and neither do it, but I don't think it is an inappropriate topic. It is something that should be discussed so we all learn more about an issue that is so popular in pro sports.



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Actually, if you had spent any time reading some of the other threads here, you would see I am not anti-steroid at all. Perhaps you could have made your first post an introduction rather than an advertisement for various steroid brands. These discussions always lead down the same path, next you will be asking how to get the steroids etc. We really don't need that here.


Good luck!


guy had questions, i gave my opinion that's all. don't see why i needed to say i've been vegan and weightlifting for years, but there i said it. now i have nothing else to say on the matter.

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i have been using steroids since the age of twelve, since my genetics are so crap. apparently i would have only made 5foot 4 had i not taken them.


i dont believe in competing to the best of my ability - im in it for competing at the best of the drug company's ability.


i also beleive in powerlifting competitions there should be a handicap for stronger people. its just not fair otherwise



Edited by jonathan
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i have been using steroids since the age of twelve, since my genetics are so crap. apparently i would have only made 5foot 4 had i not taken them.


i dont believe in competing to the best of my ability - im in it for competing at the best of the drug company's ability.


i also beleive in powerlifting competitions there should be a handcap for stronger people. its just not fair otherwise




I'm out of here, I don't want to share the board with you drug pushers.

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haven't used yet, but i will be within the next 6 months. i have done TONS of research on the subject. i used to be very much against them. now i have a much different opinion. my conclusions from the countless amount of info i have read is that:


-some steroids (deca, anavar, equipoise, low-dose test) are much safer than others (dianabol, mid-high level test, winstrol, tren).

-it is the abuse and not the mild use that can put people in danger.

-more top level vegan athletes have used them than you would have guessed. a much lower percentage than non-vegan athletes though.

-you still have to train and eat hard, but the results will come much more effectively while using.

-in my opinion, if no one is using, how can you say the field of play is level? some people hit the genetic lottery and if you're not one of them, you cannot compete with them no matter how hard you "naturally" train. PERIOD!


its your choice. do the research, make up your own mind. just don't believe all the crap the media says about the juice. if it is really that bad for someone, then why would they prescribe it to some of the most health deficient (cancer and aids patients, bless their hearts) persons alive. probably not the best argument to leave off with, but the idea is there.


Could you link to any research / peer-reviewed articles done on mild use?

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Personally, I'd rather have my balls intact than have a couple of extra inches on my arms...


One of the more disturbing effects of steroid use for males is that the body begins to produce less of its own testosterone. As a result, the testicles may begin to shrink. Following is a list of some of the other effects of steroid use for males:


Reduced sperm count


Increase in nipple and breast size (gynecomastia)

Enlarged prostate (gland that mixes fluid with sperm to form semen)


From the American Academy of Pediatriacs - http://www.aap.org/pubed/ZZZT6QV5M7C.htm

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whats also an important question concerning this matter:


can steroids be considered as vegan, if you look at production and animal testing? im critical towards the pharma industry, and sometimes i also take medicamentation, when 'necesarry'. all meds get tested, and with roids you support pharmaindustry and all negative sideeffects of it although its not 'necesary', i would think. any opinions on this??

Edited by kadett8
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Just my 2 cents from a purely femal perspective and nothing to do with bodybuilding/fairness/ethics/anything like that...


I have a buddy who works now as a personal trainer, but used to play baseball. (In the minors, he gave up pro baseball for his kids, it's all a long story...)But anyway, the guy is HOT, no doubt about it. And as many of you probably know, steroids are extremely prevalent in MLB, as it's been all over the news in the last several years. He told me it's way more common than it's even portrayed as, and he said that doing roids was pretty much his only option when he was competing. So he did them, he got huge, blah, blah, blah. Like I said, just looking at him, he was gorgeous, beautiful body. He has any woman he wants, no joke.


BUT! Here's the kicker. The steroids completely screwed him in the sack. He may look awesome, but he can barely keep an erection - he has all sorts of sexual dysfunction now. And he's still a young guy, only 29! The beautiful body is less intriguing when he can't get off, if you know what I mean....


SO, moral of the story....I know everyone here is looking at it from only a bodybuilding/ethics position and such, and don't get me wrong, I'm 100% against them for that reason too....but if that's not enough to persuade you, maybe the thought of having no sex life before 30 helps


(Hope no one is offended by my story, I'm just trying to provide another perspective)

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BUT! Here's the kicker. The steroids completely screwed him in the sack. He may look awesome, but he can barely keep an erection - he has all sorts of sexual dysfunction now. And he's still a young guy, only 29! The beautiful body is less intriguing when he can't get off, if you know what I mean....


I was 100% against steroids before reading this post. Now I'm more like 200% against it. (I can make up any numbers I want!!) A few years of looking good isn't worth a potential lifetime of dysfunction, in my opinion.

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There are always a few topics that are going to get heated and ones that people are really passionate about, or very strongly in support of, or against.


We've discussed Religion, God, Abortion, Eating Meat, Steriods, etc. on this forum.


My goals and desires are still the same: I take pride in the fact that this is typically considered the most friendly and supportive vegan forum out there. I know intense topics come up and we have strong opinions and views and I think it is great to share them. I just hope nobody gets offended or takes anything too personally and wants to leave. We've had a few people leave the forum in the past, possibly due to the fact they were offended in some way. Maybe they had their own issues or just simply got bored.


But anyway, just my little thing here. I respect all of your here. I worked hard to get this site going 3 years ago and create this forum 6 months ago and I appreciate the time you spend here. I want you all to feel WELCOME and if you ever have any concerns just let me know. If my e-mail account in this forum is full, hit me up at [email protected] or [email protected]


Have a great day everyone. And as Alex says:


Love and Peace,



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I don't have a moral problem with steroids, if someone wants to use them, that's cool. But in a competition which is about bodybuilding, there really should be another category for it, a category for people who use drugs to enhance their strength and physique, and a category for people who don't. Using steroids doesn't interest me personally. I mean, for a start, I am not even aiming for what steroids can do for you; I don't want to be that big or that cut. But also, I want to be able to say it was my own achievement, whatever I do achieve.

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Okay, here's my take on it -


Unless you're going to compete and attempt to make the most out of bodybuilding/powerlifting/whatever, steroids are a pretty stupid idea overall. Over the last decade I've lifted with a few guys who have done them, and as it goes, since none of them ever went into any sort of competitive field in either bodybuilding or strength athletics they all regret their decision to try them. For example, one guy decided to try them after only a year and a half of lifting (talk about being in a hurry!) - he gained about 30 lbs. in just 6 weeks and a lot stronger, but he had a lot of tendonitis issues in his elbows and got mad an how puffy and bloated he felt. So, what does he do? He goes on another cycle to try and hold on to the strength and muscle gains, but in the end he dieted too hard and did too much cardio and lost just about everything he'd worked for. In the end, all he got was about $600 less in his wallet, sore elbows, and some weird pains in his kidneys for about 4 months afterward. And, for months following his stopping the gear, all he could talk about is how much he thought he should go back on (which he was fortunately talked out of). Not to mention the erectile issues were not fun for him either - that lasted about 6 months until things returned to normal. All this because he was in a big hurry to gain, when in the end he put the same weight on naturally over the course of about 8 months afterward without the monetary loss and side effects.


The others felt pretty much the same way - if they'd been using them to gain a competitive edge it may have had some value to them, but for "show" it is a pretty lame idea, especially if you haven't been training for at least 8+ years beforehand. If someone has stopped all their gains in less than a half decade, it isn't because they need to get on the juice - it is either because they're training foolishly or are too lazy to put forth the effort. I never thought I'd get above 240 from lifting, and here I am clocking in at 265 lbs. and still growing after 10 years. So, when I hear excuses about bad genetics, being a "hardgainer" or some BS like that I just shake my head, because in the end, they're all excuses and nothing more. You're only limited by your own efforts, and the moment you convince yourself that you "need" something to improve you've already lost the battle.


It is sad that so many professional athletes have gone the route of juicing, but then again, that's their livelihood - some people will sacrifice anything to chase their dreams. For that, I can feel empathetic over it because for some people, not using will cost them a place on the team, a few places in competition, etc. But for the rest of us who are still just getting started, I can't think of a more foolish way to blow money and cause some issues that are unnecessary. Just train hard, educate yourself on what you need to do to grow and you CAN get what you want in the end!



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But in a competition which is about bodybuilding, there really should be another category for it, a category for people who use drugs to enhance their strength and physique, and a category for people who don't.


Im pretty sure theres roid comps and then natural comps...

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But in a competition which is about bodybuilding, there really should be another category for it, a category for people who use drugs to enhance their strength and physique, and a category for people who don't.


Im pretty sure theres roid comps and then natural comps...


There is indeed, but unfortunately a lot of natural comps have steroid users too, they just don't abuse to the same extent as the top boys.


I question a lot of steriod free 'natural' competitions, because most if not all competitors, will have consumed a lot of legal supplements in preparation for the show, which to me is still not all that 'natural'......

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