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Fiber, Protein, Carb on a raw diet.

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When it comes to Carbs, Protein, Fiber and high calories what can be eaten to accommodate? Can a Raw diet be consumed entirely by juicing the stuff?


What do you eat/what can you eat?


( This does not include powders because I am currently trying to not use anything processed )


And. On the subject of Salt. Do you season your foods or just eat it raw and unseasoned?


I am 50 percent sure that I want to go Raw. so if I get enough good information I might tip over

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Dr. Pink,


A raw food diet can be mono-diet or eating raw food recipes. It's up to you. You can season your food with sea salt.


Think about getting your green leafy vegetables first, then fruits and moderate fats (avocados, olive oil, olive, nuts). I also know someone who eats more fruits than vegetables depending on what the workout is. When she's doing heavy cardio she eats mostly fruits when she lifts she eats mostly leafy vegetables.


I think you should experiment and find your happy medium.


You can juice but add smoothies in there too, to get your fiber.


If you want recipes, vist thedailyrawcafe.com or goneraw.com. You have a huge selection to choose from in both locations.


There is also raw protein powders you can incorporate into your program. Hemp Protein Powder, Raw Power, or Spirulina are examples


I'm starting an intense bodybuilding program while eating 100 % percent raw. Here is a tenative meal. I still have to tweek it here or there.


Pre-work drink: 1 quart lemon water with MSM

Meal 1: Green smoothie with Hemp Protein Powder

Meal 2: Green juice

Meal 3: Large salad with nuts and other veggies

Meal 4: Green juice or green smoothie

Meal 5: Large salad or raw entree

Meal 6: Fruit or raw dessert

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While macronutrients are mentioned (carbs, fat, protein) please don't forget the very important micronutrients:




Essential fatty acids




A raw food diet can be healthy but like any diet it can also lack important nutrients. Considering the depleted state of our soil, when foods are harvested, how they are transported and how long they are stored it could be argued that few diets can meet the amount of vitamins and minerals you need for optimal health. Don't overlook the importance of vitamin and mineral supplements in the increasingly toxic environment we all share.

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Yeah I know I eed plenty of Vitamins and all that ^^. The only stuff I don't quite know how I'd get on a raw diet are carbs and Fiber. I don't know of anything I can eat raw that has that. But I really think raw is the way I want to go. You see. I live with my mom, brother and sister. There always in the kitchen. It's there natural habitat


And it's very difficult to find time/room in any schedule to do my cooking. Mostly because I hate when there around when I cook. So whenever they are around I usually wait. And then there is the matter that the leave the kitchen in a dismal state. It's almost vomit inducing. So a Raw diet would really help Why?


I'd wake up early. Wash/Pre-make all my food for the entire day and then store them in containers( nice quality Stainless steel and other good quality containers ) and store them in my own personal Fridge.


As for what I'd eat.


Breakfast: Vegetable Shake and


Just before a work-out: Soymilk/Fruit shake( Don't worry I won't eat the soybeans raw . I'll pre-soak them, store them in my fridge and use a soymilk maker to make them. ) And maybe a bit of Coco Beans soaked and made into chocolate( I don't know if that's how you do it so if anyone knows anything please tell me ^_^ )


^ That way I get enough Protein for my work-out.


Lunch: Super Fruit Shake and nut Mix. As for the nuts in the mix I'd use Almonds, Wal-Nuts, Brazil Nuts, Peanuts, Cashews and Pecans. And maybe some Raisins too to add a little yumm ^^( and maybe other types of dried fruit )


Dinner: Another Veggie Shake.

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If you want to go raw and don't plan on living on juice you really don't have to think about fiber or carbs at all. If you eat lots of fruits you'll be fine on carbs...fruits and veggies...if your main food source provides more than enough carbs. Really its about keeping your fats in check and not eating tons of nuts, seeds, avocados and coconuts.

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Aren't some fats good and are somewhat needed to a degree to maintain/grow muscle fat?


The only needed fats are those that we cannot make - the essential omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids. I've posted about this on other threads but will give a brief overview.


Saturated fat (coconuts, palm, small amounts in many foods) - we don't need this fat and it interferes somewhat in the metabolism of omega 3 fatty acids. In some experiments, coconut oil is used to mimic the detrimental effects of fast food meals. Don't believe the hype about coconuts being a health food. There are some books written on this and they all point to the saturated fat being "medium-chain" and "easily digestible." I say, so what? It is still not a healthy oil and should be eaten very sparingly. Unless, of course, you live in the past, on an island, without electricity and it's part of your indigenous diet. Then maybe you can eat a bit more.


Mono-unsaturated fat, also called omega 9 fatty acid or oleic acid (olives, avocados, high-oleic sunflower oil) - this oil is neutral or healthy considering it's effects on blood lipid profiles. Use cold-pressed oils.


Omega 6 fatty acid (many vegan foods, all nuts, soy oil, corn oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, etc.) - this is an essential oil but we get way too much in our diets for the last 100 years or so. The problem with too much is that it interferes with the metabolism of omega 3 fatty acids. Optimal balance is thought to be 4:1 or less of omega 6 to 3. In other words, for each 4 grams of omega 6 you should eat 1 of omega 3. More recent research is pointing to an optimal balance being closer to equal amounts. The fat is pro-inflammatory, pro-clotting (blood) and constricting (blood vessels).


Omega 3 fatty acids (flax, chia, okay balance in canola oil) - this fatty acid is very delicate and needs to be stored without heat or oxygen once the seed is broken. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and relaxing (blood vessels). While you need ALA (available in the plant forms mentioned), you also need EPA and DHA (esp. for brain and retina). Those who eat fish and traditionally fed beef, eggs get a direct source of EPA and DHA since the animal made that for them from ALA in their diets. We can make EPA and DHA but don't do so effectively unless the omega 6 to omega 3 ratio approaches 1:1. Vegan DHA has been available for some years and you can now be purchased in Spectrum flax oil with DHA or as a vegan supplement. The only direct source of vegan EPA comes from a Swiss company - www.water4.net. If you can afford the EPA/DHA supplements, I think you'd be crazy not to take them.


The above overview is my opinion only. The information comes from numerous books on fats, two conferences on omega fatty acids and journals. I don't use many internet sources for this information but there may be some good information out there (if you can trust the source).


IMO, optimal nutrition does not come cheap or easy. You need to educate yourself because no one will do it for you and many people have a hidden agenda when pushing the "benefits" of certain foods. Just like an awesome body or a great career, you get out of it what you put into it. We can no longer compare out diets to those of the past or those of other peoples and say "they ate this and they are healthy." What we breathe, drink and eat is totally different from decades ago so you need to be proactive in getting optimal nutrition from the increasingly poor quality of foods we have available.

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You know... I really have to say this, because I've held my tongue along time with your posts.


You always seem to gravitate towards extremes Dr. Pink.


If I remember correctly, 6 months ago you had us review your diet and it was all pasta (or tofu, can't remember)for breakfast lunch and dinner.


Then you did some sort of apple cider cleanse and ended up binging on an entire bottle of maple syrup.


Then you came sought out more advice for more binging episodes.


Now you are showing a diet that looks like it is about 900 calories....


Do you really think that RAW is the answer???


You seem like a person who gravitates towards extremes and it concerns me because I don't want you to set yourself up for failure and for poor health


I do not know you, but I've seen enough of your posts to instinctively feel that your answer is BALANCE.... not extremes.


There is no magic pill. Hard work.... balanced meals.... cardio, body weight exercises (because you already said that you can't afford a gym membership)


Also you have mentioned that money is a very big concern for you and you can't afford more than one meal a day. Doing a raw diet is more EXPENSIVE than a cooked Vegan diet when done correctly.


I feel that you are setting yourself up for failure and you should really take a look at your constant need for extremes.


Although a raw diet can be healthy when people do it correctly, from everything you''ve mentioned in your previous posts, you are not in a position to do it healthfully. Please reconsider so you don't set yourself up for more binging as a result of undereating.


(again, this post is merely out of concern of what I've observed and I'm not criticizing you.... just think about it)

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I've actually done the raw diet for less money than a cooked diet but you've gotta love sprouts. I love sprouts but they can get tiring after a while but if you love sprouts and aren't lazy a good raw diet can be really cheap...and I mean cheap...like $2-3 a day cheap depending on what other fruits and veggies you eat. You can't get lazy though...and I think most people do. Its easy to sprout but once you miss a few days of the routine it ruins everything. I'm trying to work my way back into it now so I'll just be in a habit of it for the summer.

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VP, thanks for voicing your concern. I think there is a lot of searching going on with some of our members, especially some of the younger members. That is one of the reasons I get rather upset with off-handed or questionable nutritional advice.


As for sprouting, I do this regularly. It can be expensive and the sprouts yield few calories.


I agree that a well-balanced cooked vegan diet can be much cheaper than a well-balanced raw diet. As well as more convenient.

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Everything can be expensive...even a crappy standard American diet. But sprouting is cheap because organic grains and sprouts are so cheap. If you can stomach a lot of sprouted grains...its not much different than eating bread in terms of calories...you just have to be able to stomach it.

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Sprouts are not so cheap, even if you sprout your own. A loaf of bread contains about 10 times the calories of a similarly priced amount of sprouts. I think the economics speak for themselves if you go shopping and compare items in terms of cost per calorie.

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Bag of lentils- Cost $.50 a bag, 13 servings at 80 calories per serving


80x13= 1040 calories, 130 g protein


Ezekiel Bread- Cost 3.50 per loaf, 20 servings 80 calories per serving


80x20=1600 calories, 80 g protein



Obviously the sprouted lentils are a better value, unless you want some cheap bread loaded with preservatives, the lentils will still likely have more calories and protein at equal cost, and contain more nutrients.



just sayin...



Personally, I'm not down for that many sprouts.

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Beans are not nearly as expensive as broccoli seeds (about $16 per pound at one coop) and other seeds. If you are only going to eat bean sprouts then it's not that expensive but it will also be lacking in key nutrients.


We could all find examples of some sprouts that are cheaper than some cooked foods. It's the overall picture that I am referring to, with equal calories, protein, carbs, fats, micronutrients. In that case, I think cooked is cheaper and yields more variety at a lower cost. Just my opinion, being that I shop weekly for cooked and raw food products.

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