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I am currently reading two books on assignment from school (I don't really have time to read any optional stuff). "There Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston "Averno" (a book of poetry) by Louise Glueck and "Ghosts" by John Banville. I just finished a bunch of Edith Wharton short stories, "The Country Without a Post Office" by Agha Shahid Ali and "Frankenstein."

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Just finished "The Worst Hard Time" by Timothy Egan - a fascinating history (United States) of the phenomenal environmental disaster known as The Dust Bowl. http://www.amazon.com/Worst-Hard-Time-Survived-American/dp/061834697X


Guns, Germs and Steel is a tremendous book. I think it should be read before Collapse. Both are must reads, IMO.


Next on my list is "The End of the Line".

Can someone explain to my how I can hide the website the website and post like Offense's first post? Or point me to a post that explains this?

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i'm super busy with school and work and am always reading like 5 books at once....

just finished jonathan livingston seagull


Anyways currently my girlfriend and i are reading the passion by jeanette winterson, the poisonwood bible by barbara kingsolver, and free the animals by ingrid newkirk together out loud. (totally geeky i know)


with my little sister : we are reading roald dahl books out loud


Other books I'm reading in various locations:

in my car : the bell jar by sylvia plath

in my work bag : ishmael by daniel quinn

in the school bag: theatre for community, conflict, and dialogue: The hope is vital training manal by michael rhod and Games for actors and non actors by augusto boal (theatre of the oppressed)



hopefully sooner or later i finish one of those! haha.

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"Blue Dahlia" by Nora Roberts

-I am a huge fan of romance novels and Nora Roberts is my favorite romance author. I also like LaVyrle Spencer but she's retired now and nothing new comes out from her.


"Skinny Bitch" by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin

-It's my second time through it and I really love their bluntness and honesty. They don't mince words but tell it like it is and I respect that.

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