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Vegan on the Oprah Show


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Received in an e-mail today:


Nationally 7.4 million people watch Oprah daily .....Today her guest was Best-selling author and spiritual counselor Kathy Freston she is a Vegan and spoke about that on today's show.......


"Conscious eating means you stay aware of where your food comes from, how the animals are treated and how the environment is affected by the foods that you eat. "Nobody was harmed—that's conscious eating," she says. "If I want to be someone with spiritual integrity, I have to think about the principles that I want to adhere to—compassion, kindness, mercy and the alleviating of suffering when I see it. … I thought, 'If I want to further myself on my spiritual path, as well as my health path, I need to have more integrity. I need to be conscious about it.'"


Oprah said on her show that she is going to doing Kathy's 21 day cleanse ....eating only vegan foods. This is big!



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Robert thanks for posting this. I love Oprah, she has had a personal battle with food, that I totally understand. I truely believe if she switched to vegetarian diet she would have a better shot at controlling her addiction. And of course her voice speaks loud.


I totally agree with her guest. Becoming Vegan is very spiritual. But many of the Vegans I have met don't appear to be that spiritual and are rather rude and obnoxious lol But to be fair, it is very difficult to be kind and selfless in this world.

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Becoming Vegan is very spiritual. But many of the Vegans I have met don't appear to be that spiritual and are rather rude and obnoxious lol But to be fair, it is very difficult to be kind and selfless in this world.


Seems quite the opposite here in Pittsburgh. Almost all of the vegans I know approach it from a contemplative if not spiritual angle.


Of course, I would trade my spiritual vegans for your rude vegans if I could live in a place where the sun comes out more than once a month.

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Seems quite the opposite here in Pittsburgh. Almost all of the vegans I know approach it from a contemplative if not spiritual angle.


Of course, I would trade my spiritual vegans for your rude vegans if I could live in a place where the sun comes out more than once a month.


LOL you are funny. Thanks for the giggle

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Haha, I just read over the menu section on Oprah's blog. I guess we have different ideas of cleansing. Her first meal is scrambled tofu followed by tempeh "tuna" salad for lunch. What the heck were you eating before if tofu scramble is cleansing?


I guess it would depend on who is doing the cooking. If she still has her own chef then her Tofu can be made from scratch and she is rich so she has no reason to buy processed foods really. BTW I just can't get into Tempeh at all lol

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So what after the cleanse she can report on how she feels better, but will have a big juicy steak on day 22? If she can lose all that weight then say screw it and gain it all back then Im not gonna "count my tofu bricks all in one hand." Its all for ratings.


I have a client who is health cons. but was asking me today how I make a rack of ribs vegan for memorial day. I said you dont eat it! I was not aware that certain holidays got their own food other than thanksgiving.

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even non-commercial tofu is not gonna clean a body. But of course it's gonna make a difference for someone used to eating lots of red meat, fatty dairies, eggs, cholesterol, etc. But it's gonna intoxicate a fruitarian, more than helping clean his body!

Fasting with water is the only way to clean a body from saturated fats, cholesterol, toxins, etc, at least if you wanna clean it fast. Then raw veggies and fruits.

Her menu is more a gourmet menu for people who wants to become vegan without any frustrations of feeling deprived, than a real cleansing menu.


It's true that if Kathy considers scrambled tofu as cleansing and does this 21 days program only 2 times per year, I guess she's really into vegan fast-food the rest of the year. But she may still be spiritually counscious about eating as she says so, she's just eating what she likes. Some bouddhist monks eat worst than that, like only white rice and nothing else. And Buddha himself died of an indigestion after eating meat.

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Oprah needs to look at this as "not as a diet cleasing" and more of a spiritual awakening. Hopefully she will.


As far as losing weight goes, she has all she needs education wise to lose weight and keep it off, but she has a food addiction. From personal experience with my own, I can lose fat much easier eating lean meats as staples. But I am not going back there just to lose 5 pounds of fat, not worth it!

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Oprah has been yo-yo dieting for years. I don't think she'll ever keep the weight off as long as she keeps caving into her food addiction. Even if she stays veg she'll probably dive into a bucket of Soy Delicious and a bag of potato chips and some soda and she's back to square one lol.

I do hope she sticks with it though.

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I just read her blog. It seems to be pretty cool. She is not eating alot of processed soy products or chips it seems. Of course they only have three days of her blog up, so I don't know what is going on in between the major meals.

An excerpt from the blog:


So this first day wasn't hard at all. For breakfast, I had steel-cut oatmeal with fresh blueberries, strawberries, chopped walnuts and a splash of soy milk and some agave nectar. For lunch, chunky mushroom soup with wild rice and pecans. As a snack, a handful of roasted almonds. And for dinner, a baked potato drizzled with olive oil, salt and pepper with a salad of shredded lettuce, cranberries, pine nuts and tiny orange slices with a vinegar and oil dressing.


Not too bad. Sounds like something I would make for my family to eat. It is funny to think of it as a cleanse though when it is my lifestyle for years and years.

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