Name: Juliane Klotz
Year of Birth: 1993
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 138—147 lbs
Birthplace: Italy 39100 Bozen
Current Residence: Italy 39100 Bozen
Sports: Breakdance, Bodybuilding
Social Media: Dance since September 2004, Bodybuilding since summer 2010
Website(s): www.bgirl-queen.com
E-mail: [email protected]
Tell us a little about yourself, what you do for a living, what hobbies / interests / passions you have
Professionally I am known as Bgirl Queen. I am a female succesful breakdancer from Italy. At the age of 4 I saw this extraordinary type of dancing for the first time in Vienna and was instantly fascinated by it. At this time, breakdance was totally unknown in the north of Italy and, accordingly, there was no possibility to learn it. At nearly 12 years old, in September 2004, I began to try all kinds of moves; with success. I soon mastered the headspin (rotation on the head), which is extremely good, and which is my trademark. I never had a teacher. After 2 months of intensive training, I took part in my 1st contest, the regional breakdance championships, and won 1st place. I easily shrugged off multiple injuries brought on by dancing and training.

I dance in the highest category (A-Superstar), the only girl who was able to enter into the highest spheres of this male-dominated domain. In this dance-form, no difference, no division is made between male and female. All dancers have to battle in the same category.
In 2007 I became vice-master at the European championships, and soon after I danced to the 4th place at the world championships, again as the only female.
Unfortunately, 2010 I recently had to take a 6-month-break because of a serious sports injury
In time, I became interested in fitness as well as bodybuilding and in in summer 2010 I started actively doing it. In bodybuilding I have a trainer, she names Claudia and she was Mrs. Olympia in the 90's.
I am a certificated beauty therapist and personal trainer.
Since 2007, I have been working as dance-sports-trainer and since 2010 also as personal trainer.
I opened my own dance school named “Dance Emotion” in the Bozen (Italy).

Regional championships 2004: 1st place
Italian championships 2004: 2nd place
Regional championships 2005: 1st place
Italian championships 2005: 1st place
European championships 2005: 5th place
Regional championships 2006: 1st place
Italian championships 2006: 1st place
World championships 2006: 5th place
Regional championships 2007: 1st place
Italian championships 2007: 1st place
European championships 2007: 2nd place
World championships 2007: 4th place
Regional championships 2008: 1st place
Xtreme Cruisin Contest 2008: 1st place
Internat. World Bboy Games 2008: 6th place
Regional championships 2009: 1st place
Internat. Playground 2009: 1st place
Regional championships 2010: 1st place
Coppa Italia 2010: 1st place
Internat. Progressive dance contest 2010: 1st place
Regional championships 2011: 1st place
Italian championships 2011: 1st place
World championships 2011: 5th place

Why did you become vegan?
Vegetarian since 2004, Vegan since 2006.
It is wrong to kill animals, it's a legal crime in a strange world!
Initially 2006 I switched to a vegan diet and some time later I adapted a vegan lifestyle, which gave me more endurance, strength and energy. The longer I danced at a breakdance contest, the more I developed energy, while the adversaries were mostly K.O. after a while. From this moment, my interest in nutrition science and the perverse dealings of the health industry grew. The food guide pyramid and all the other suggestions of the health industry are a farce! The health industry live from the illness of people, trough they can make a lot of money.
When and why did you become interested in fitness?
In summer 2010 I started bodybuilding. I was always enthusiastic about bodybuilders and in future I would like to participate at contests if possible.

How would you describe your nutrition program?
Mostly I eat too much, i should drink more tea, but I do not follow a specific diet. I do not eat processed foods. I try to follow the advice of Jim Morris. I do not eat sugar, no salt and no oil. I avoid too much soy, yeast, sunflower seeds, oranges and some others because I try to keep my testosterone level as high as possible. Sometimes I have a cheat day (2-3 times a month) where I eat fast food, sweets and junk food like veggie cheese, chips, pizza, ice cream, chocolate... I like Brown/Black Rice, Oatmeal, Amaranth, Quinoa, Patatoes, Sweet Patatoes, Buckwheat Noodles, Kamut and Kamut Noodles, Rice and Mais cakes, Bananas, Figs, Apricots, berris, Mixed Salad. I love Seitan in all variations. Seitan sausages, burgers... broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, all types of mushrooms, Tempeh, Kale, Lupins, Tomatos, Onions.
Sometimes a piece of tofu or soy yoghurt. Sometimes I eat beans, lentils or peas.
I have always a big, large supply of nuts and seeds at home such as dried fruits (walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, pistachio, hazelnuts, chestnuts, peanuts, cashew. Seeds: flax, hemp , pumpkin, sesame, poppy, sunflower)
If I am on diet I eat only brown rice, broccoli, tomatoes, tempeh, tofu, seitan(only in the first weeks), and about 2000-3000g of mushrooms daily + 1000-1500g spinach to push up my metabolism and my testosterone level.
How would you describe your training program?
Years ago I trained Breakdance 2-3 times a week and made fitness 3 times a week. In the last 2 years I made a break with dancing and focused on bodybuilding. I don't know why but in the last years my passion and motivation for dancing was more and more lessen. For the moment I train in the fitness studio 5-6 days a week for 1,5 hours. 1st day (abs, chest, shoulders, triceps, squat) 2nd day (abs, back, biceps, the backside of the legs) 3rd day(legs only). I hate cardio training. I don't need to do it because while working as personal trainer / dance teacher I have enough cardio all the week.

What kind of supplements do you use if any, and why?
I do not use any supplements. I try to push my testosterone level as high as possible for example with spinach, mushrooms, dried tribulus terrestris, maca If I am on diet I use a lot of green tea and coffee.
How do people react when they find out you are vegan?
They are shocked xD they can't believe it, but the vegan diet gave me more energy, more endurance, more strength and a better, clean feeling. The most part of important successful athletes have a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.
What are some common misconceptions about veganism?
Some people think that vegans eat all bio or organic products. I hate the discussions with omnivores. They are blind and numb!
Have you had success in promoting veganism / vegetarianism to others? If so, how did you go about it?
I avoid this kind of discussions because I always get angry about the stupidity of people.

What do you think the most important aspect of training is?
Don't stop, go your own way straight ahead. Don't try it, do it.
What do you like best about being vegan?
It makes me feel happy. And it makes me happy if I met other vegans or if I go to veggie celebrations or to veggie restaurants.
What advice do you have for people who are thinking of becoming vegan?
Junk your old life and start from 0. Read a lot (not from health industry but books like “china study”) Veganism is a motivation for a better life, for a better world. For peace and for yourself. Go on and fight for Veganism.
What do you think of veganbodybuilding.com? Has it helped or inspired you?
I love this website and I like to read about so many vegan athletes!
Juliane Klotz
Studio danza - Tanzstudio
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