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  • Massimo Brunaccioni


    Name: Massimo Brunaccioni
    Year of Birth: 1985
    Height: 5,77 feet — 175 cm
    Weight: 73 kg (161 lbs)
    Birthplace: Cattolica (Rimini) ITA
    Current Residence: Milan, Italy
    Sports: Bodybuilding and track and field (100 m)
    Facebook: Massimo Brunaccioni — VEGAN fitness athlete,
    Instagram: massimovegan_fitness_athlete
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Tell us a little about yourself, what you do for a living, what hobbies / interests / passions you have
    I am a 29 year old vegan athlete. I work for a famous clothing brand and fitness is my great passion. In addition to working out in the gym, I train in athletics, as I am a sprinter. Over the last few weeks I am competing with a photo of me on a facebook contest in order to appear on the front page of the Olympian's news magazine, in the January 2015 issues. What is fantastic about this is that the whole facebook vegan community is voting for me with the hope to see for the first time in Italy the front page of a fitness magazine with a vegan athlete.

    Why did you become vegan?
    I believe this is one of the most important choices of my life. My mum, who has been vegetarian for the last 20 years and vegan for the last 3 has strongly influenced me. But the final spark to make that life choice came when our dog entered the family. Since then I started seeing his eyes, which were staring at me with the hope and love, in all the animals that I used to eat without any thought. Since then, thanks to God, I am not able to put in my mouth, a bit of meat or fish.

    When and why did you become interested in fitness?
    The culture of the body has always fascinated me. Initially from the aestethic point of you, but then the sense of wellbeing that you feel after a hard workout became the main motivation that leads me to continue my trainings. I started when I was 16 years old, now I am 29. There were ups and downs, but I never abandoned weight-lifting. Since I became vegan, I more and more feel the need to release all the energy that this change of food brought about, also trying and hoping to be of inspiration for others.

    How would you describe your nutrition program?
    I aim to have a complete and balanced diet with all macronutrients. Nice doses of grain, as well as pulses. I have raw vegetables at the beginning of every meal. Lots of fruit, but not with the main meals and also lots of dried fruit in the breaks.

    How would you describe your training program?
    I train practically every day. Usually 4 days in the gym and 2/3 times on the athletic track. In the gym I mainly aim to improve the strengths of the principal muscle groups, together with lighter sessions for the smaller muscle groups.

    What kind of supplements do you use if any, and why?
    during the most intense training periods, and those few times when I don't reach the caloric total via normal food intake, I use vegan powder proteins.

    How do people react when they find out you are vegan?
    Lots of people can't believe it, others debate my being ”natural”. Many other people compliment me and take me as an example and goal to convince themselves that with a vegan diet they can become stronger, healthier, and most of all, live well in respect of nature and of our animal friends.

    What are some common misconceptions about veganism?
    Many still believe that meat is fundamental for our health, that we need to eat a bit of everything, that man is an omnivore, etc. The usual common ideas. Luckily in the last few years many studies are confirming how most health problems are due to a diet based on meat and derivatives.

    Have you had success in promoting veganism / vegetarianism to others? If so, how did you go about it?
    Thanks to my facebook page (massimo brunaccioni — VEGAN fitness athlete), many people write to me and ask me suggestions and information. I receive many emails daily from people. including sportsmen, who would like to become vegan, asking me to explain my training/food routine to them.

    What do you think the most important aspect of training is?
    The most important aspect is consistency and dedication. It is useless to train 3 months before a competition and not to do anything for the rest of the year. With these two aspects, we need to add the technique: training every day in the wrong way is like not training at all. To build a good body or to have excellent results we need daily dedication to this goal, both in gym as well as at table.

    What do you like best about being vegan?
    I have more energy and my performance has improved. I can train more intensely and I don't have issues in keeping my ideal weight.

    What do you like best about being fit?
    I feel well! After my sessions I am full of energy and at the same time mentally relaxed. In addition, it is nice seeing the results of hard work.

    What advice do you have for people who are just starting out with training?
    I suggest training intensely remaining focused on what you are doing. I think it is better to train a fewer days and better, than more often and badly. More and more often I see boy and girls spending time chatting without doing any type of exercise. Best results and goals are reached only with hard work.

    What advice do you have for people who are thinking of becoming vegan?
    I would tell them that they are surely making a choice that will bring them many benefits. At the same time, I would tell them to get information in order to have a balaned diet, complete with all the nutrients we need.

    What do you think of veganbodybuilding.com? Has it helped or inspired you?
    It was very useful during the first period. I, like many people who write to me for suggestions, had some doubts about the possibility of maintaining a strong and performing body with a vegan diet. Looking at the boys and girls on veganbodybuilding.com I immediately changes my idea. I believe this is also our duty, to convince people that the vegan choice is the best.

    Do you have any other thoughts you'd like to share?
    the vegan choice is the nicest and most important one a person can make. For our health, the health of the planet, for the one of our animal friends that deserve, as us, a happy and long life.


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