Name: Mike Mahler
Height: 6'0
Weight: 195 pounds
Vegan: 11 years
Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness talks with popular vegan athlete Mike Mahler and this is Mike's Story:
by Mike Mahler
I have been into strength training for twelve years and started with the basics. Over the years I have tried a variety of programs and training styles and now primarily do Kettlebell lifting and bodyweight drills.
I am a strength and conditioning coach based in Los Angeles, CA. I am a Senior level certified Kettlebell instructor. The Senior level classification means that I have assisted in certifying aspiring Kettlebell instructors. I have done over forty Kettlebell workshops in the past two years across the US and overseas in London, England. Some of the locations that I have been to include: Washington DC, Los Angeles, Dallas, Boston, NYC, Portland Oregon, San Jose, and Phoenix. I am one of the most experienced Kettlebell instructors in the US and the most experienced Kettlebell workshop instructor in the US.
In addition to working with people around the world, I have the best selling manual and DVD. Also, I have written over seventy articles and I am a regular contributor to: Hardcore Muscle Magazine, Testosterone Magazine, Ironman Magazine, Ironman Magazine Japan, Industry Magazine, and Exercise Magazine for Men.
Favorite exercises: Clean And press, Double Kettlebell Snatch, Double Swing, Deadlift
Favorite foods: Anything by Native Foods, pad thai, spicy eggplant
The most important thing I've learned about living a healthy lifestyle is that there is no price for feeling great all of the time and having an abundance of energy.
I am always researching different ways to train and Kettlebell training really clicked with me. I really enjoyed it and have been doing Kettlebell training for many years now. My favorite place to do Kettlebell workshops is New York City.
Some of my goals for the future include more videos, working on a book, and workshops overseas in Japan.
Showing meat eaters that you can get bigger and stronger on a vegan diet is the best thing about being a vegan strength coach.
Live Life Aggressively!
-Mike Mahler
*For more information about Mike Mahler and his Kettlebell Workshops visit www.mikemahler.com Vegan Kettlebell Instructor and Aggressive Strength Coach. Vegan Strength Training For Over 10 Years.
Thanks Mike, you are an inspiration to vegan athletes worldwide! Keep up the great work.
VB&F January 10, 2005
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