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Richard -
The stress is finally wrapping up since our move is complete - once I assemble my desk tonight it'll all be done, which will leave me in a much better state. It certainly can't get any worse, that's for sure!
Two workout updates for now -
Been slightly sick for the past 4 days, but not too bad. Occasionally slight chills, a bit run down, but other than that still well enough to lift and work, so here's the logs for now.
Friday was leg and overhead day.
Overhead presses -
2x5 @ 135 strict
1x3 @ 185 strict
1x3 @ 225 slight push
1x3 @ 245 push
1x2 @ 265 push
1x1 @ 275 push
Wanted to finally get 275 again after feeling way weak overhead this past few months. Didn't have to fight too much to get it, probably good for 280-285 with some work, so I'm only down 10-15 lbs. from the old max. Not too bad.
Squats -
Did some front squats up to a single @ 275 between overhead presses to warm up, then straight to back squats.
1x3 @ 315, paused 3 seconds at bottom of each rep
1x3 @ 265
1x1 @ 405
1x1 @ 435
Today was a test of squat strength, which was pathetic. 435 was a real battle, so I'm down about 90 lbs. from last year. Hooray. Gotta work that crap hard and bring it back up!
1x10 @ 315
This would have once been easy, but the last 2 reps felt like I was going to die. Bad endurance, bad strength, bad everything. Nowhere to go but up from here.
Seated 1-arm DB press -
1x10 each arm @ 80 lbs.
No more time for that day, did the workout in 40 minutes and it was over.
Today was back day, didn't fare all that badly, despite eating all of about 400 calories for the first half of the day before lifting.
BB Row -
1x8 @ 135
1x5 @ 225
3x12 @ 250
Went as planned, could have probably made it with 10 lbs. more or added one more rep, happy that the rows are coming back up again, aiming to get 3x10 @ 275 in a month or two at most.
BB Shrugs -
1x10 @ 225
1x10 @ 315
1x10 @ 385
Wasn't feeling it today, rows winded the hell out of me, did one last set of 8 snatch grip hang pulls @ 225 to mid chest followed by 1x20 @ 315 and that was it.
Seated DB curls -
1x10 @ 50 lb DBs hammer curls
1x10 @ 50 lb DBs regular curls
Only had 35 minutes today because I screwed around at home too long, called it a day and that was that.
No idea what's coming this week - gotta leave a message at NX to get something set up, hopefully by mid-week I'll be back on track there.
No NX training this week it seems, so I hit Ballys for a quick 50 minute session -
BB Rows -
1x8 @ 135
1x5 @ 225
1x5 @ 275
2x4 @ 315
1x10 @ 225 wide grip, slow reps
Rows felt good, next week I'll do some high-rep rowing with sets of something like 3x12 @ 250 just to beat myself up nicely.
Close grip flat BB bench
1x10 @ 135
1x10 @ 225, 1-2 second pause each rep
1x2 @ 245
1x2 @ 265
1x3 @ 275 - was easy, felt good for maybe one more rep
2x20 half reps off the chest @ 135
Triceps were thoroughly fried after these - when you have a hard time pushing 135 off your chest you know you're done for!
Hammer Strength single-arm pulldowns -
2x10 @ 275 (135 each hand)
Hammer Strength low row -
2x20 @ 90 each hand
Just wanted to test the rowing and benching today, the Hammer machine stuff just for filler since I didn't feel like loading and unloading a bar during the last 10 minutes while I was in a rush. Feeling good despite still being low on sleep and high on stress, let this hopefully be the start of good training again.
Squats and overhead work coming on Thursday!
I'll reiterate much of what has already been said -
Rowing, barbell or dumbbell (both have their place)
Pull-ups and chin-ups
Good Mornings
Power cleans
High pulls, both regular and snatch grip width
There's also the standard responses of cable machine rows and other machine work, which is fine, but you'll most likely get a lot more bang for your buck with free weight stuff since there's little reason to "isolate" unless you're working a specific area rather than trying to improve the whole back. Bodybuilding, yes, but for general mass increasing, stick with the compound stuff and the heavy free weight lifts first.
For trapezius work, I've found that high pulls did far more for me than shrugs - just going on feel alone and residual soreness as any indicator, doing sets of high pulls with 200 lbs. hurt me a lot more than doing shrugs with 400+ lbs. I do both, so try them all out and see what works!
Thought you might like this one with the bodyweight training!
Hit some quick shoulder and trap work yesterday -
Strict presses -
2x5 @ 135
1x3 @ 185
1x3 @ 205
1x2 @ 225
1x1 @ 225, failed on 2nd rep.
Bad night's sleep, tense week, not eating much took its toll today. So, punishment time came next with 5x10 @ 135 just to make sure I got them all in. 3 sets in front, one set in back, and one set alternating front to back between lockouts.
Medium-wide grip shrugs -
1x10 @ 225
1x10 @ 315
1x8 @ 385
1x8 @ 435
1x3 @ 485 (I suck when it starts to get heavy with shrugs...)
1x30 @ 315
Saw on the way out that the crappy squat, calf raise machine has side handles next to the shoulder pads, decided to try to use it like a viking press with the 160 that was sitting on it at that time. Did 1x20 just to test it, wasn't too bad but due to the angle the weight lessens at the top by a considerable amount. Felt like 130 off the start and only about 90-100 lbs. at the top, but still kind of fun to goof off with and perhaps I'll try it heavier some time again if I remember it.
Today, back work -
BB Rows -
1x10 @ 135
1x8 @ 225
1x5 @ 275
1x5 @ 285
1x5 @ 295
1x10 @ 225, done as perfect form with no upper body movement and parallel to the ground. Rows are getting better again, back is feeling good, let this be the start of finally making some freakin' progress again.
Hise shrugs in the rack -
1x8 @ 315
1x8 @ 405
1x8 @ 495
1x8 @ 585
Bottom-up 1/3 squat (12-14" ROM) to 5 second hold (practice for a low yoke setup)
1 x 585
1 x 675
1 x 765 - took me 2 tries as the first one I was too far back, knee wasn't happy with it even though it went up fairly easily, enough of those for today instead of going to 815 as I'd hoped to hit.
Alternated pulldowns with face pull sets with about 30 seconds between them -
Pulldowns with very wide grip - 2x8 @ 190
Face Pulls from 1/3 squat stance - 2x12 @ 108
Wrapped up with GMs to parallel -
1x10 @ 225
1x10 @ 275
1x2 @ 300 - wanted 10, but knee was a bit tender after 2nd rep, called it quits a bit early to give it a few days' rest.
Training at NX on Tuesday and Wednesday, will hopefully get a few days of training in this weekend but with moving our businesses to the new location I never really know how it'll go. Problems are expected, so we shall see how much training I actually get done this weekend.
If it coincides with AR in LA, I should be able to make it for a day. We're attending the event rather than selling at it this coming year, so that gives me time to actually see and do things other than just work our tables, which will be nice. Can't wait to see everyone there!
Hey, Daywalker!
The whole workout wasn't too bad - the part in the gym was exactly 50 minutes for the squatting and benching, and the basement workout was about 25 minutes total. I rarely spend more than an hour total doing any sort of workout, so this was a long one for me
The strength is coming back, but it'll be a few months until I get to where I used to be. In any case, I'm just happy to be lifting again and not feel any back pain!
I heard that you had some fun with strongman training - maybe it'll get to you enough that you'll want to do it more often. Who knows, maybe we'll get you into it a lot more and make a strongman out of you in the end! Keep up the good training yourself - I wish we could have met up when you were here in the USA, but someday we'll get the chance!
Haven't had a great past few months with the injuries, but I've been back training slowly again for about 8 weeks and the lower back is feeling as good as ever. Started twice weekly training at NX Level, the place Sensless has been going to off and on over the past year. Lots of conditioning stuff, learning more about olympic lifts and what-not, and it's helped greatly in my recovery. Tuesdays and Thursdays are NX days, then 2 days/week doing gym lifts. Hopefully I can exceed the strength levels of early 2006 within the next few months, so we'll see where it takes me.
Squats today!
Started with front squats -
1x6 @ 135
1x3 @ 185
1x3 @ 225
1x2 @ 275
1x2 @ 295
1x1 @ 315, felt good for about 10-20 lb. more
Felt good, the training at NX is getting me to stay upright better and not dump forward as often as I used to, so we'll see if I can hit 350 by year's end.
Back squats - chose to do the 20-reps-total-or-die-trying day to beat myself back up, didn't fare all that badly. Did 405 in doubles and triples to hit 20 reps on the nose in 7 sets total, a few more workouts like that and I'll be back in my groove. Of course, I blew the ass out of my shorts on the first set (shoulda stuck with track pants...) so I did almost the entire workout with my boxers sticking out the back of the missing ass cheek on the shorts. My last good pair that I had and now they're gone...
Did some close-grip benching again since my abilities have fallen off greatly from neglect (not that I was ever good with it, but not this bad!) Just did 5x5 @ 225 between some of the squat sets for good measure.
Headed down into the basement later on after I got back, did a few more things -
Reverse hypers - 55 lbs. for 4x10, 20 lbs. for 2x20
Roman sit-ups - 3x25
Pinch grip work - warmed up a bit, worked up to making a good lift with both hands with 35s and added weight for 82.5 lbs. total. Some good work this winter and I think that pinching a pair of 45s will happen soon enough, so I need to stay on track with this.
Maybe some walking for cardio tomorrow, NX training on Tuesday!
Keep your chin up, Robert - it'll all work out well in the end and you'll have accomplished something incredible that you were told could not be done under the short time frame you're operating under.
My only complaint is that the short time frame didn't let me prepare to be able to get away to be there for the event! Nevertheless, I believe that you're going to have a great turnout and hopefully this will be just the start of many more wonderful things to come. I can't relate to even beginning to know how many challenges there are in setting up an entire event of this nature, but stay strong and I look forward to all the reports of how great of a time everyone has!
Are those Viana brand "meats" I see in the picture?
I've tried them a few times and am drooling over the wait for the line to finally be available in the USA. Some of the best I've ever tried!
The junk food that surrounds my counter would only serve to give vegans an unhealthy name Best that there's no picture to show. Maybe the basil plant that my cat has chewed nearly to death? That's about as healthy as it gets on the countertops - the good stuff is hidden in the fridge, but the snacks are out in the open for minimum effort to grab and eat!
I've been trying to get the V-Pure stuff in our store for months since they first contacted us about it - last they said was that there some import issues with the FDA that were slowing them down, but hopefully they've gotten past that now and it can be sent to the USA. I'll have to contact them again and see if we can finally get it in!
Since I recently took over all business affairs for, I can certainly help with any questions you might have!
It is possible to make cats vegan, both male and female, but every cat is different - some will adapt easily and live many long years in excellent health, while others may have difficulty adapting and suffer health consequences from it. Not every cat will be a success story for going vegan, much as the previous owner of has stated in the past year after much consideration. A change to a vegan diet should be accompanied by monitoring by the cat's veterinarian, and if any changes for the worse are noticed then the cat should be taken in to be checked immediately. Male cats are more prone to health issues in the way of urinary tract problems, so if the cat is male then be sure to pay extra-close attention to their behavior in and out of the litterbox. Severe blockage can kill a male cat in 1-2 days, so if you see the cat straining to urinate with little or nothing coming out, overly-frequent trips to the litterbox or blood in the cat's urine then take them to the vet immediately. Female cats are less likely to suffer problems and they are not as life threatening as with male cats, but they should still be watched closely. In any case, the key is to make sure to follow the instructions on the foods closely, make sure the cat either gets some kibble that is watered down or that the cat also gets wet food regularly (cats are inefficient drinkers and are best to get a fair amount of moist food in their diet, definitely not a diet comprised entirely of dry food), and hopefully the cat will do well on the diet and be healthy.
I, much like Jed Gillen (previous owner of, have taken the approach that the cat's health must come first and foremost - it is irresponsible to force a cat who cannot exist in good health on a vegan diet to keep eating completely vegan if their life will be greatly shortened. For cats that have problems with health issues on a vegan diet, a diet of 50% vegan food is still better than an all-meat diet, so I urge anyone who is transitioning their cats to vegan food to keep this in mind. In a perfect world all cats would eat vegan without any problems, but this simply isn't true. Just as eating meat is not ethically correct, neither is it to force an animal to continue on a diet that is harming its health simply because of our own stance on the issue of animal by-products. A cat will not ever be vegan naturally without human intervention, so this is why we must pay extra-close attention to a change in diet as we are forcing something on them that is not what they are naturally going to be eating. Just be sure to monitor the cat's health during the transition and afterward, and if something seems wrong, be sure to have the cat checked right away. Hopefully the transition will be a smooth one and the cat you're looking to convert to a vegan diet will be another great success story!
I believe that it did have an engine in it if I recall correctly. Still, doesn't mean that it's impossible, particularly if you're a specialist when it comes to locking out deadlifts. Add in the fact that he was able to lean into the car and make his legs do the bulk of the work, and it's almost more like flipping a large tire for the top motion when it goes from the knee to the waist due to this.
Not to say it isn't impressive for a guy of his size, but it definitely isn't something that would be impossible for everyone else.
I did see the episode where he did it - the car was a cab at a hotel in Vegas, and it had an odd front bumper attachment that had a semi-thick handle that was set between bumper and top of hood height if I remember correctly. It was essentially a deadlift from the knee or silightly higher for him, so it still had a decent range of motion but obvioulsy was not like deadlifting from a standard bar position, plus it allowed him to lean into the car as well vs. having to pull straight up. Considering his size it was still pretty impressive, but probably more like doing a 700 lb. deadlift from the knees than anything else.
What they needed was someone with about a 600 lb. floor height deadlift there to give a comparison so that an experienced lifter could gauge the actual difficulty of the lift. Maybe it was a lot harder than expected, I don't know, but unless one of us gets the chance to try and pull a Vegas cab off the ground it'll remain a mystery
Most definitely, balance things out a bit more. Figure in comparison the size of the muscles in the chest to those in the back, and you'll see why the back can handle a much greater workload and needs more attention than the chest does. Most people don't do this, though, as it isn't nearly as much that people are noticed and complimented on having a nice back anywhere near as much as they'll get complimented on their chest
It isn't a guarantee that the lack of back focus is the main reason (I train chest about 1-2 times monthly and still have shoulders that roll forward slightly), but it can definitely help a bit to increase balance and reduce the chances of it getting worse in time.
Been a terrible month for training, but I'm feeling a good new sense of purpose after all the pitfalls this spring and summer have brought. Now that injuries are pretty well healed and I don't have to travel any longer I need to devote 100% to training again, and there's no excuse not to. Going to Big Tony's strongman comp to spectate really got me fired up again, so today I headed in for some overhead work to see how it would go with a good attitude.
Last week I went in, almost hit a PR in the behind the neck jerk with 295, but lost it behind and held on too long and felt my shoulders stretch back a bit more than they should have. I narrowly avoided screwing both shoulders up simultaneously, so I considered that good fortunte to not screw up again and be as cautious as ever for all overhead work from now on.
Strict standing overhead press -
2x4 @ 135
1x3 @ 185
1x2 @ 205
1x1 @ 215
1x1 @ 225
1x1 @ 235
1x1 @ 245 - PR
1x1 @ 250 - PR
The 250 put met at a 15 lb. strict press PR, and it didn't even feel like a max. Felt good for more, but rather than gamble until I lose, I called it a good day and moved on.
Shrugs -
4x15 @ 315
Just doing some medium rep stuff since I haven't done any shrugs again in a month and I still suck at them.
Standing overhead lockouts in the rack - 8" ROM
1x6 @ 275
1x6 @ 295
Shoulders felt a bit off from last week's mishap with heavy supports overhead, so I didn't want to go any higher on that one and felt it was good enough for today.
Only had 40 minutes in the gym before closing, went home and tossed in a bit of fun work to cap the night off -
EZ bar curls -
3x20 @ 85
I suck at curling big-time, but my biceps need a bit of strengthening so I may as well do a bit for them
Roman sit-ups -
My abs can support well enough, but I haven't done any sit-ups or crunches in so long that if I do 20 reps or more I cramp up afterward. Starting slow, adding 5 per week.
Kneeling (too low of a ceiling to stand) overhead EZ bar triceps extentions -
3x20 @ 85
Super easy, felt good for a lot more on every set. Haven't done them in years, but felt like doing a few sets to goof around for triceps work
Horizontal bodyweight back extentions -
Back feels better, no aches any longer, going to keep rehabbing twice weekly and will start with DLs again next week for the first time in ages.
Despite lots of stress and lack of lifting bodyweight is hanging in at 275 even, which seems to be my level that I stay at pretty well all the time. Looking to finally crack the 280 mark this winter and move up a bit, and now I've got the drive to do it!
Ah, sorry for the confusion!
Yes, we Americans aren't normally used to drinking a beer that's twice as strong as the average beer here, so it is definitely something to watch out for if you're not expecting it!
I had found the following link which has a reply from Duvel stating that there are no animal products in their beer:
Hopefully this is still correct - I'd hate to have to scratch that one off of my list of good things. Seems most Belgian ales I come across are vegan, which makes it all that much better!
Yeah, I have to say our beers are the best:)You have to be carefull with Duvel tho!
I haven't seen anyone mension geuze yet, anyone like that stuff?
Belgian ale and Belgian-style ales all the way. Duvel, Chimay, Hennepin, and numerous others that I will occasionally buy but can never seem to remember the names of. I can enjoy just about any beer, even the crap ones, but if I'm going to buy something for myself, I'd just as soon it was something I look forward to
I'm always up for it! I saw on their site that they have a fitness center, but there are no pics of it online. Seems like a nice place, so hopefully they've got a decent amount of equipment there!
Quick back and shoulder 35 minute workout tonight -
Barbell rows -
1x8 @ 135
1x5 @ 225
2x6 @ 300
1x10 wide grip @ 225
Overhead press lockouts (about 6" ROM in power rack)
1x8 @ 225
1x6 @ 300
1x2, 1x3 @ 350
1x6 @ 300
1x12 @ 225
Went fairly well, failed to do more with the 350 because it rolled behind me on both sets and I couldn't get re-set quickly to do more.
Seated cable row with IronMind Eagle Loops - done single arm style
1x20 each arm @ 105
1x5 " " @ 155
1x5 " " @ 185
Felt strong, but those loops hurt like hell after not using them for a while!
Pulldowns - widest grip possible
1x20 @ 135 cooldown set
Wrapped up in the nick of time, should get a leg day in on Thursday and 1-2 more short workouts before leaving for AR next Wednesday!
Okay, here's my 2 cents on DOMS!
So, is DOMS a sign of 'a good workout,' or is it not necessary?To me, DOMS are completely inconsequential in determining whether or not my workout was effective and if I am progressing in the ways I'm aiming for. When I had DOMS regularly I experienced less progress, but, everyone's different in that regard but I know for me they're not a necessity to show that things went well with lifting.
Can it be that the non-DOMS times are times when one is doing something nutritionally that encourages repair, like eating a high-alkaline diet that neutralizes any acids produced during the workout? Or a high antioxidant/high enzyme diet that helps with repair? Or if one gets her/his post-workout snack in time to reverse breakdown and promote anabolism rather than catabolism? Or is some other factor involved: a workout with more rest breaks or stretches in corporated?For me, DOMS in most body parts are related to my rep scheme. If I keep reps lower such as 5 or less, I rarely experience DOMS even if I put in maximal effort where I may have heavy soreness from a moderate effort set of 15 reps in the same movement. I may go to the brink of failure and complete exhaustion in the low-rep set and give everything while not going to the same degree on the higher-rep set and still get the DOMS far worse with the greater reps. Some areas always hurt me to some extent after lifting such as legs after squatting (even after a day of heavy singles and doubles) and deadlifts, but things like shoulders, arms, chest and upper back rarely have any residual soreness from low rep work for me. I can't identify any factors in diet/rest/stretching that would account for the difference in DOMS, and the only factor I've seen in some parts is simply the rep scheme. Since I grow more and get stronger on low rep work, I don't have a lot of residual soreness, which in turn allows me to occasionally train parts more often if I get the urge.
Is it actually a preferable goal to work as hard as you can, and NOT have DOMS (because it would be a sign of quicker or more efficient repair?)Again, I think everyone's own body's personal response is the key to whether or not DOMS are good or bad. Some people are sore for a week after every workout and grow like weeds, while I find that soreness only makes me lethargic for days after I train a body part. In my opinion, it's all a matter of how well you grow and can handle the soreness as to whether or not it seems to be good or bad for your body overall. Even without soreness I've managed to gain quite quickly over the last few years, so I don't think that I necessarily have less damage to repair as it simply is less residual soreness that accompanies the damage done. Not sure how the two are separated exactly, but that's how I feel it affects me personally.
At what point does DOMS indicate that there is too much breakdown happening, to the point where overtraining or lack of progress may be seen?I find that if I'm training a rep scheme where I find that soreness lasts for more than 2 days, I think I'm overdoing it on myself. For example, if I'm doing higher rep work in the gym and quit my sets at 1-2 after immediate serious soreness sets in I'm usually ending at the right time, but if I'm finding myself pumped and cramping slightly between sets and keep pushing myself then the soreness hits for too many days afterward and I feel far overtrained. I have to listen closely to my body's response after every set if I go with higher reps because I may well be done after 2-3 sets of an exercise and wrap that body part's work up for the day quickly.
In conclusion, as much as DOMS makes some people think that they've had a great workout, if I looked at it that way I'd likely be a lot less toward my goals than I am now. Some of my best progress has been after programs where I wondered how the heck I was gaining weight or strength because I had short sessions and rarely felt any soreness. If people stopped using DOMS as a gauge of progress, I think more people would really find what works for them and that sometimes less really is more!
Goof-off day today, had wanted a serious day for shoulders but just had fun as I'm still wiped out from leg day (taking a lot longer to recover due to the layoffs!).
Overhead pressing -
1x10 @ empty bar
1x6 @ 135
1x3 @ 185
1x3 @ 225 (slight push), felt really weak
1x2 @ 245 (decent push, still feeling very weak)
1x1 @ 255, felt terrible, decided no need to go heavy today
Behind the neck power jerk -
3x4 @ 225
Feeling solid with these again, soon I'll have to push them to get over 275 which is where I stopped last time
Barbell shrugs -
1x10 @ 135
1x10 @ 225
1x10 @ 315
1x10 @ 365
1x8 @ 405 - hook grip hurt like hell today, didn't push more on reps with heavier weights
1x55 @ 225 - added 5 reps to make it one step closer to the goal of seeing if I can do a set of 100. Much less winded than I was last time at 50 may have been able to get 5 more if I'd have pushed it
Smith machine overhead shrugs -
1x30 @ 180 (not counting crappy counterbalanced bar)
1x15 @ 250
Kicked out due to lack of time, went home, decided to have a bit more fun.
Reverse hypers -
1x10 @ no added weight
1x10 @ 20 lbs.
1x10 @ 30 lbs.
1x10 @ 50 lbs.
Still terrible with these, but getting more comfortable. My machine isn't very good, so one day in a month or two I hope to try a real Elite brand reverse hyper and find out if having a quality one to use will make a bigger difference in the weight I can move.
EZ bar curls (yikes!)
3x20 @ 75, had to cheat a bit on the last 5-6 reps of the 2nd and 3rd sets, but just mildly with no excessive swinging.
1x10 strict @ 75 for a final set of reverse curls and that was all
Hoping to meet with Sensless on Saturday to do some deadlifting and stone heaving, should be fun!
Ryan's "Hope to compete again in 2014" log
in Online Training Journals & Blogs
Layoffs and stress are finally coming to their close (not that I don't have my share of problems and stresses still, but that can't stop me now!), so it's time to start lifting again and get my crap back in gear after the holiday madness.
For legs, I'm going to stop full squats until late February and just work my lower back with Good Mornings and overload with heavy partial squats, so here was today's workout:
Good Mornings to about 2" above parallel -
1x10 @ empty bar
1x10 @ 135
1x10 @ 225
1x10 @ 315
2x10 @ 340
1x15 @ 315
These definitely went well - it was hard last week to make 2x10 @ 315, and I seem to be re-adapting quickly. Aiming for sets of 10 @ 375 in around 8 weeks - we shall see!
Did some overhead standing strict presses (my light overhead day of the week) between the GMs -
1x10 @ empty bar
1x10 @ 135
5x5 @ 185
I'll be alternating between low weight/high reps and mid-heavy medium reps for a month or two, hoping to eventually get 5x3 @ 225 so I can crank them out easily enough for more than 2 sets before crapping out.
Next were 1/3 squats with around a 12" ROM (1 pin higher than the GM height, about 2.5" above navel height on me) -
1x10 @ 405
1x20 @ 500
I'd intended to do 3x10 @ 500, but I had little time left and had to force out one death set to make good on it. Got through 17 before I had to set the bar on the pins and take a few breaths, after 20 I collapsed and had to lie down for a minute and leave a sweat outline on the mats. I'd like to get to sets of 10-15 with 600 lbs. by March, so I'll be hitting these every other week and adding 20 lbs. each time.
Time for one last set when they called to kick everyone out, hit the lying leg curl machine, set a light 100 lbs, did 2-legs-up, 1-leg-down for 20 reps total (10 down each leg) and I could barely walk without cramping up.
Good enough for the day, feeling better about doing higher reps and less weight since the low rep stuff was burning me out a lot, gonna work to make it happen this year and finally get stronger than I was in early 2006 when I was at my prime.