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Posts posted by VeganEssentials
Sorry I took so long to get in on this one! Haven't been to the board much this past few days and I completely missed it.
Strongman training will focus on compound movements in the gym as Sensless mentioned (squats, deadlifts, barbell rowing, overhead pressing, olympic lifts) and event training as well. Since there are so many different potential events and each one is usually different in feel from contest to contest most people tend to train on implements of their own and hope that the carryover is good for the contest they'll be in. Normally you'll get a event listing well in advance of a comp so that you'll know what you need to train for, so most people will focus their training around the events of what they'll be facing for any comps that they plan to get into. Some events are pretty standard and will be in most competitons (overhead log lift, stone lift onto platforms, farmer's walk, tire flip and some sort of vehicle pull with a rope or harness event) but there are also many events that are less frequent that will tax you and are harder to train for, too. The best thing anyone who wants to enter strongman can do is focus on building a strong, solid base of the main lifts that translate to pure strength and meet people with the event implements to train on at least once per week. Finding the balance is key and making sure that you have a decent amount of skill in the popular events will see to it that you can at least finish any comp you enter.
I'll be in at least 3 events this summer, and I'll see to it that we get plenty of pics in traning and on contest day as well to post here in the near future.
Yes, the fact that I have actually stuck with some sort of benching this past 2 months is quite unusual - I think I've done more since the start of the year than I had in the 3 years prior to it, so I guess I'm making up for lost time. It was pretty funny that the 295 close-grip went up way easier than the 300 standard grip did (I might have been able to get a 2nd rep but decided that one was good for the PR), so I may be the only guy at the Hudson who is close-grip benching his attempts if the trend continues. We shall see!
I expect 400 to take a lot of hard work, but I think now that it is possible. I just have to build super-human triceps power to get past my weak chest and it'll all work out!
Saturday - event training day at Kirk's place.
First, dragged a sled with a 200ish stone on it for about 75 feet, turned and came back, then it was truck-pulling time. Pulled one truck first like everyone else, then it was time to try for two trucks connected together. Got the pair maybe something like 30 or some feet up a very slight uphill, but once they stopped moving that was the end and they didn't budge after that.
Next up was log work since it was still nice out, worked up to a 12" log PR with 240 - fought the lockout for a second, but considering it took 2 tries to hit 230 on the log last time it was still a step in the right direction. Have to try to max out with my 10" log one of these days and see if I can hit 260 on it yet. Started to rain, moved indoors, did a couple DL singles up to 315 with a pair of purple bands looped over it. By no means a max effort, but I stopped there since I'm going to be DLing either Monday or Tuesday.
Stones were at the finish. Did a few warm-ups with light ones, followed by a series of 3 with 250, 280 and the oversized 300, went for the 340 right after that but didn't get it off the ground. Rested for a few, went back and made the 340, but it took a lot more work than last time. My recent slacking and lack of dedication showed strong on that one. End of event training day.
Today on Sunday - Back and chest quick workout day (38 minutes total time before gym closed)
BB rows -
1x5 @ 135
1x5 @ 225
3x4 @ 295 - went easier than expected, should have done 315 looking back to hit some PRs for reps
Close-grip bench -
1x5 @ 135
1x5 w/2-count pause on chest each rep @ 225
2x3 @ 275
1x1 @ 295 to hit a close-grip PR, 300 would have been easy.
1x9 w/2-count pause on each rep @ 225
Since my close-grip bench isn't sucking as badly as it previously had I'm actually enjoying some form of bench movement for the first time ever. Not that I'm strong at it, but sure beats strugging to hit a set of 5 touch-and-go only a few months back.
Shrugs -
1x8 @ 225
2x10 @ 365 (one hook grip, one reverse grip)
1x10 @ 315
Still terrible at shrugs, but if I keep working them eventually they've got to come around.
That was it, rushed out and lifting was done. DLs and overhead work coming soon!
Shoulders and shrug-type workout today -
BB clean and press -
1x8 @ 135
1x4 @ 185, went behind the neck, did 4 push jerks
1x4 @ 225
Haven't cleaned from the floor in some time with a bar, felt better than expected (probably because it's a lot damned easier than handling a log!)
Push press in the rack -
1x3 @ 250
1x1 @ 275
Attempted a PR of 300, got a bit over head height, lost steam and came back down.
Strict presses in the rack -
1x5 @ 210 - PR for reps at that weight
1x4 @ 210
1x6 @ 185
Push jerks behind neck in the rack -
2x10 @ 185
Felt good, endurance died at rep 7 on the 2nd set, had to pause between the last reps. Only problem is near the end of the set my shoulders tire out and the bar comes down on my traps a bit faster than I'd like. With 185 it isn't bad, but when I start going over 200 I need to have better control.
BB shrugs -
3x10 @ 335, hook gripped to get thumbs used to pain again. Still suck at shrugs, but if I actually work them for a bit they should come along.
Cable side shrugs ala Kelso - 2x20 @ full stack, leaning about 45 degrees away from the pulley
Endurance is getting better, and I've got a lot more energy since starting the Dr. Natura cleansing program that my wife got me into once she saw Bigbwii's cleansing info on here. Hopefully the better sleep and improved focus will keep with my as I head into comp time and I'll keep progressing well.
Also, keep in mind that BMI is pretty much a joke. Anything that lumps all frames/body types into one category and dictates that anyone who isn't skinny as a rail is obese is pretty useless.
Like Wannalift said, a calipers is the only real way to go. I tried some weird electric meter they had at the gym last year and even that, which was supposed to be fairly accurate, was said to be up to 3-4% off if I recall correctly, so anything other than a 6-site calipers measurement is going to be off from the truth.
The eggs for cholesterol and protein is absolute crap. That doctor does not have a clue what he's talking about.
What, are you trying to tell me that doctors aren't nutrition experts? Surely, you must be kidding
Yeah, I also suggest ignoring most nutrition advice that the average doctor gives out. The vast majority of MDs have minimal training in proper nutrition, and going to someone who feels that veganism is a detriment to your well-being surely won't want to work with you on your terms. Tell your doc straight up, if he/she won't work on a positive note with you regarding your lifestyle choice of being vegan and try to help you within your ethical guidelines, there are plenty of doctors out there that will (remember, money talks!)
I've tried to post a reply here twice, but every time I get kicked back to the main page. Very odd! Didn't even use any unusual characters, so I'll try to post again later.
Chest and deadlift day today -
Haven't been confident on the DLs, but with contest time only 7 weeks out I need to bust my arse and get going on them and try to get back to the power of the old days when DLs were fun and I didn't suck too miserably at them.
Started with close-grip benching -
1x5 @ 135
3x8 @ 225
DLs from floor
1x5 @ 135
1x5 @ 225
1x3 @ 315
1x3 @ 405
3x3 @ 455
First set easy, 2nd set the last rep was a bit of a fight, 3rd set was no fun at all. I sucked with endurance even when I DL'ed a lot, so I've got to get a lot better for strength and endurance together in a short time. Aiming for 6 reps @ 475, hopefully a hard-fought time training until the comp can get me there.
Benching in the rack off pins, starting about 5" from chest level at bottom -
1x5 @ 225
1x3 @ 295
1x2 @ 315
1xfailure @ 335
I was working these in between the DL sets and had to go for the 335 about 30 seconds after finishing the last DL round, so I was still wiped out when I went to the rack while they were trying to kick everyone out for the night. Moved it about an inch off the pins, but no go for lockout. Next time...
Trying to come up with a sensible DL program for the next 6 weeks, hopefully I can find a way to work myself back into shape on them and get out of the crappy form and weak lower back rut I've been in for a long time.
Vacation is over, stuff is back in line and I'm finally ready to get to training seriously again. Had one workout this week on Tuesday that pretty well stunk, a bad shoulder/leg day, but today I hit the garage since it was nice out and just focused on log work since the Chicago comp is only about 7 weeks out and I've done nothing to get ready for it.
First things first, I was told that my log would weigh about 90 lbs. give or take a few when I first ordered it from Brute Strength last year. I always guessed it was light and probably about 85, but when I finally tossed it on my scale today you can imagine my surprise when I found it was only 75 lbs. So, time to work harder than before to make up for what I used to think my lifts were on it.
Warmp up - 10 curls followed by 10 presses empty
Getting to business...
- Clean, 4 presses @ 165
- Clean and press each rep, 3 @ 165
- Clean and press, 1 @ 220
- Clean 3 times @ 220
- Clean, 2 presses @ 220
- Clean, 2 presses @ 220
- Clean, 3 presses @ 220
- Clean and press each rep, 2 sets of 2 reps @ 220, followed by one set of 3 @ 220
- 4 cleans @ 220
- Clean and press each rep, 6 reps @ 165
- Complex set, 10 strict presses @ 125, 10 cleans afterward
Had to bust myself since I've had lots of log neglect and need to sorely make up for it. My push press on a bar is about 300 right now, but my log is lacking and a max is probably 240-250 due to crappy technique. I figure that practice makes perfect, so I'll be trying to hit the log twice weekly and build some form and get some much-needed endurance built as well. My clean is getting better as I'm finally starting to get the wrists snapped under, but when lowering the log for reps on cleans, I keep letting it tilt forward and I'm smacking the crap out of my forearms right on the bone. Gotta watch that more.
Otherwise, a fair start into hitting some log work again. Goal in 5 weeks is to make at least 6 full clean and presses in 60 seconds, and I aim to make it.
I second the crystals. The Thai Crystal brand seems to work best for me - I've made other deodorants weep at the prospect of being unable to tame my perspiration, but that one has worked for me for ages. I barely sweat, and the little that I do have has no odor whatsoever, by far the best thing I could want. Good stuff!
Due to the shininess, they probably might have tried cheap high-gloss PVC for a synthetic, which would turn to crap after a short time. You won't be able to get a good synthetic with the same shine, but definitely a pair that's just as durable overall.
Don't worry, Jonathan - one day you'll develop the "power belly" that'll help all your lifts get even better It took me a while to regain mine, but it's in fine form now. Just keep lifting heavy and putting down the food and you too can have one!
If you can afford to pay for quality custom work, is THE place to go for something like this. They'll have to be made at their shop in Australia, but they really do excellent work and can probably get you an exact copy of the boots in the picture. Definintely recommended.
Barely any lifting this past week due to illness, recovery workout today for my final time before vacation (where I probably won't get to use anything but a few crappy machines if I get the urge...)
Overhead pressing in the rack -
1x5 @ empty bar
1x5 @ 135 (strict)
1x3 @ 185 (strict)
1x3 @ 225 (push)
1x2 @ 255
1x1 @ 280
1x1 @ 285
Was contemplating 290 for a single, just didn't feel I had it in me since the 285 took some work to lock out.
1x4 @ 205 (strict - PR on reps)
1x4 @ 185 (strict), dropped it behind the neck, did 4 push jerks afterward
Kind of wiped out and only 15 minutes left, hit the Hammer Strength plate-loaded Ground Base machine to simulate some farmer's holds. Kind of sucked, handles were angled and didn't really feel that much like it on the initial lift off until you'd hit lockout. Worked up 4 sets to 675 lbs (had to sling a bar across the plate stack and add more weight - why the heck does it only hold 5 per side?!?) ending with about an 8 second hold on the last set. Felt like it was probably down about the high 500s/low 600s for actual weight held at the top, but it was better than nothing.
Leaving for Cancun in 32 hours to get my first vacation in a few years, which is very well needed. Back next Monday, should be in the gym again on Tuesday to report on training!
I didn't insiunate that anyone had to not like Violet's posts in any way whatsoever. I simply don't like her accusatory tone toward people who are already animal activists - the message is quite fine by itself and I support it 100%, just not the delivery as I've stated over and over. I don't believe that this needs any more to be turned into another vegan-on-vegan interior squabble, so that's all I'm going to say about it, so no need to use my name directly to "call me out" despite many other people here who you know that also share a similar opinion (but weren't mentioned.)
There's already been enough time wasted on this - no need to drag it back up again and make everyone battle over the issue of how to get your message across without pissing off a large number of people who actually already agree with you. Jay was just using a bit of humor, which this thread could sorely use before anyone else gets cranky with each other. Case closed as far as I'm concerned.
Wannalift answered everything quite well already, but I'm always happy to help with questions like this! I'm not exactly a powerlifter, but since much of what I do crosses over into that territory I guess I can help shed some light as well.
Basically, different strength sports require different training, and when strength is #1 over appearance you'll end up training more compound movements and specialized movements that are best for developing pure strength first and foremost. The core movements will be those that do the most for you, such as squats, deadlifts, pressing movements both bench and overhead and all variations thereof, plus assistance movements designed to improve the main lifts you need to do well in.
Powerlifting is very weight-class oriented there are many guys who are smaller in size but can move some serious weight, while other sports like strongman usually only have 2 or 3 classes at most with wider ranges of weight between groups, allowing more guys to get bigger without fear of the competition level increasing way too much. If you're naturally larger then many people just aim to go the way of the heavyweights and don't worry about restricting calories and can gain size the most, but if you're aiming to make a weight class you've always got to keep an eye on getting too much weight on you too quickly. Strongman competitors tend to get a lot more cardio activity than powerlifters do through their regular training for events, so you'll rarely find people excelling at strongman that are out of shape and seriously overweight. This isn't necessarily the case with the heavyweight powerlifters, who I've seen go up to 500+ lbs for some mountain-sized men that move massive weight. But, for some of these guys they may be able to squat 1000+ lbs. while climbing a flight of stairs will leave them gasping for air, so getting super-sized without keeping up the cardio has some serious disadvantages health-wise. Powerlifting requires at competition that you be able to perform your lift once when you're up, whereas many strongman events require you to perform timed events, such as moving something in the fastest time possible or performing as many repetitions of a lift in a given time. Both sports require maximal strength, but one requires greater endurance.
Size is going to come from the two basic things that rule all types of lifting - hitting the lifts that will make you grow the most and eating more than your body needs. Obviously, compound exercises do the most for priming you for growth, and food and sleep take care of the rest. There's no real secret to gaining size in other fields of lifting - the difference lies in not worrying about cutting down for appearance sake like bodybuilding requires. Consider as a bodybuilder how much more you'd weigh if you didn't diet down but just kept a reasonable level of bodyfat, focused on compound lifts for maximum size and strength gains and did not do any lifts that were considered to help appearance, and never cycled with drastic drops in weight for competition. That's where the fun of strength training begins
Ok, this is for all you powerlifters. You know who I'm talking about...VeganEssentials, Sensless, Jonathan, wannalift, Kollision, and the rest of you who lift heavy and/or compete in powerlifting.I get this question a lot. I'm not a huge guy; I'm a ripped guy with veins that show up which may come across as more 'huge' in photos, but anyway, I'm not that big. I also don't train like a powerlifter.
I've learned a lot from reading posts by Ryan Wilson (VeganEssentials) and that helped me over the years.
So, what kind of answers do you big boys or girls have for the people who want to get huge.
I give bodybuilding suggestions and advice, but we all know bodybuilding isn't just about being huge, and sometimes smaller guys like me win because of nice balance, great conditioning and having a pleasing looking physique in the judges eyes.
For example I know Jonathan trains totally differently than I do.
What do you powerlifters do to put on the serious size that most of you have????
Many people want to know, and I can direct them to this thread or other related threats we can start here in the Powerlifting/Strength section.
Nice work, Jay
Looking good, Jonathan!
If you can, try to get a front or back shot of the squats so I can see if there are any pointers about technique that might help. From the side it looked pretty good - just remember to break at the hips before the knees, otherwise you're staying upright well and depth is perfect. Just keep working them and try all kinds - from the bottom up, half squats, quarter squats, front squats...working them every which way will definitely help you keep pushing those numbers up quickly. I used to hate squatting, but once you find that groove you're going to fall in love with doing them every chance you get!
The knowledge part is a big deal to me. It's like committing a wrong doing. You can allow someone to die, and you knew they were going to die but you did nothing, comparing that to the person dying yet you had no knowledge of it. Of course the two are very different situations and that is what I meant. If you have the knowledge that this is wrong, why do you participate in it? Is it for the pleasure? If that's the case, what is the difference of molesting a child, you are fullfilling another pleasure, just in a different way. In both cases, you are hurting and affecting someone else. If course that's just my belief on the issue. I know a lot of "non vegans" would be outraged at that statement, reasons being that they do not want to be brought done to that level (not saying you, I mean others). We all have our different opinions on the issues, but we are all vegans trying to make it better for the animals. Again sorry VE if you were confused on my response, it was in no way directed at you.
My bad for the misinterpretation - it was getting to be about 4 AM and things get a little hazy at that point I do agree, we need to keep the peace here because frankly, those we fight against enjoy nothing more than seeing us battle each other over who has the correct approach or the "best" way to get the word out to spread the message of veganism. Every time we fight we set ourselves back a bit, and the movement in general can't afford that, no matter which approach someone believes in. Hopefully Violet can see that there's room for everyone and every approach, but we must maintain civlilty and respect each other's wishes and keep communication open rather than get into squabbles that only waste time. Whether or not this will happen is anyone's guess regarding the situation that's been debated, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed despite failed attempts in the past
I have only 3 words left to say in all of this, and they are "I give up!"
Violet does not wish to understand why people feel uncomfortable by her attitude but rather wants to turn it around to how our treatment of her is based on insults and can somehow, in her mind, be equated to the roots of how racism starts (an example she used). Someone like this cannot or does not want to learn, so she redirects all the facts at hand into a sympathy card to make herself the victim even when she is the attacker. Anyone who wants to continue to try and scream at a brick wall regarding the reasons why she offends people can most certainly do so, but I'm outta here!
You ever do any public speaking Ryan? I know from meeting you that you probably knocked out that post fast, as that's just how you talk in person. You're very well spoken.
Thanks for the compliment, Jay, but I'm definitely not the greatest public speaker. I've always been on the shy side for that sort of thing (ditched every class that made me do a speech except for the one I did on skateboarding in 7th grade!) and even with considerably more confidence I still am not that great about it. I tend to write far better than I speak since when I speak I tend to look all over the place and start talking at warp speed when I get nervous, but who knows, maybe some day I'll overcome my fears on it!
Ok VE, I think I caught up to what was going on on this thread.
To tell you all the truth, I have no problem with Violets outlook on it. It is her own opinion and she can justify it for whatever reasons. It's like making peace with a child molester/rapists, a lot of people are just not going to do it. So what is the difference if she feels the same way to people that abuse animals? At least she is not blaming people that are innocent or lack the knowledge there of.
However, I do think that a lot of the arguments here is due to misinterpretation as well as perhaps too quick to comment without analyzing or thinking on what the other person may have meant to have said. I can say that I have gotten in a few arguments over such things on other forums because the internet is not really the best way to relay your opinions. I can type one thing and you can interpret it a different way.
All I can say is that this is Violets outlook, and she is vegan. Sometimes violence is the only answer, and sometimes it is not. When you see that things do not change and you rally over and over again, then the likely hood of violence will be even greater. Sometimes it is the only choice of action. At the same time, a peaceful protest may be better for the "image" of the movement and community as well as changing other peoples hearts which would normally may not have happen if done by force.
If you say "Death to Child Molestors", then "Death to animal abusers" should be allowed.
The quotes I had referred to are not actually from Violet, but from someone she was using to defend her attitudes and state that others agree with her. I simply stated back that I think someone so inciteful to violence should not be considered a good referral - allying with one so prone to violence is not what I consider a good way to keep a compassionate heart. It's her choice, but me, I'd rather befriend people who are following their hearts to do good because they believe it is right, not follow those that are using violence as a tool to eliminate their frustrations even if the cause is "noble".
People here respected Violet's stance, but she at times was saying inciteful things to others that they were basically not doing enough if they did not feel the same way. That's where the tension surrounding her posts comes from. There's no question, the language situation has proven to be barrier, but people have directly pointed out what she's done to offend those who are hard-working vegan activists, and still she insists on continuing to act the same and occasionally make things up regarding what she believes are being said regarding her. I have respect for everyone, but once they stop being respectful back at the request of the majority my attitude changes and I won't treat them with kid gloves. I treat her the same way that I would if a meat-eater came here and said inciteful things without really understanding why people were getting worked up over it - I've tried to point out the problem with her approach a few times, but she diverts attention and says that we're "attacking" her and "questioning her intelligence" which has not been done once. Questioning the way she's talking to people on the same side, yes, but never questioning her reasoning for feeling the way she does. She takes criticism of her dialoge tactics personally and looks for reasons to feel hurt rather than acknowledging what exactly it is she does that makes people uneasy. If only she'd listen to what's being said and either agree that people would prefer a different tone or say "This is how I am and how I'll talk to you whether you like it or not!" would be fine, so long as we could just get closure on it. Rather, it keeps dragging out because she dodges the issue at hand that has caused the problems and invents new problems that did not exist, making constructive dialoge very difficult.
Though, I can't agree with the comparison between child molesters/rapists and those who are not vegan, whether people know about the cruelty or not. I knew about the injustices to animals long before I went vegan, but I do not consider myself a "criminal" during that time simply because I had knowledge. If all it took was to impart wisdom on someone to cause change and draw a line in the sand over being good/bad things would be a lot more simple, but that's just not the case. Adopting an attitude of this nature instantly makes everyone the enemy except for existing vegans, and eliminates the ability to draw people into the lifestyle for the right reasons. Activism is a tricky situation and different people need to be handled differently (and I do agree, there may be a need for violence in rare extreme circumstances, but only when there is absolutely no other option left available). But, for those who believe it to be the best method, I say these people are just as bad as those who they stand against. Just as there is a massive majority of vegans who are good people, there are also vegans who are very bad people as well - simply standing behind the motto of "Do it for the animals' sake" does not make someone nice, pure or likeable if they have a heart that's in it for the wrong reasons. I've met a few vegans in my years who I will never speak to again because of the attitudes they held that conflicted with my beliefs on compassion for all, as they only held compassion for those who were already vegan and had utter contempt for all others. Wallowing in hatred only breeds more hate - I've been there in my younger days, and I've never met anyone who thinks in such a way that ends up making a positive impact. Maybe there are a few out there who have, but I sure can't think of any in comparsion to those who used kindness to win over the enemy.
To cap it off, I don't say "death" to anyone - that'd go against the philosophy I've changed my life to model after. There's no place for hatred in the veganism I follow, so I don't go that route.
BTW, whats all this fighting? We are all vegans, there should be no fighting.
You've missed quite a bit over the past couple of months. Just follow the threads a bit and you'll see where all this is coming from!
"I still have not made peace with my family because I cannot stand to see day after day they continue to support and finance the evil industries I fight to bring down."
Gee, I may as well not contact my family, friends or anyone who isn't already vegan because they must not be worth knowing or speaking to. Whoever said this is going to be one lonely person and will probably burn out before they make any major accomplishments for the movement.
"It enrages me more than anything when people speak about compassion towards animal abusers, when people say things like "we must not stoop to their level", "We should not fight violence with violent", "I don't condone illegal activity" etc. Why people cannot comprehend that violence is the only language these bastards understand is beyond me."Obviously, if this person believes that violence is the only way to combat violence then they have a lot of things that are beyond them. Hmmmm....I wonder why people who used nonviolent activism are remembered and revered while those who go out of their way to use violence to fight back are rarely discussed. There can be instances where it is necessary to fight, but stating that it is the only way is absurd and directly contradicts the main philosophy of veganism, which is to lead a compassionate lifestyle. Very silly indeed that someone would say these things.
"I wish for nothing but suffering for animal abusers. I know it won't bring animals back and I can't explain why I feel like this other than to say I feel so overwhelmed with rage and thoughts of revenge that I need a release for it all."Again, a statement made on emotion and lacking in all rationality. I support direct action for the animals, but I do not support and condone direct violence in any way and this should not be the face of the movement. When non-vegans picture the stereotypical "insane activist" that they use for their resoning on why they think veganism is stupid, this is the kind of person they describe. Why does the image of veganism need to be hurt with this kind of stupidity?
"There is no way I can show love and compassion towards animal abusers. In a way I still love my family but not the way I used to before I was aware of the extent animal abuse is ingrained in our society. My mum says she wishes I'd never got involved in animal rights and things could be the way they used to be. What she really means is she wishes we could all carry on supporting animal abuse without thinking about our actions. I feel that if she truly loved me she would at least cut down on dairy consumption and cut out eggs and fish which she only has once or twice a week anyway. I love my animals but the only person I truly love is my vegan son."It gets even more ridiculous here. This person bascially says that if you aren't already vegan then you don't deserve love or respect because every action that's not vegan is a crime to them. Why would you hate your family or love them less because you decided to go vegan and they have not? Why not use your own learnings of injustice toward animals to teach with compassion rather than drive people away with hatred? I have never, EVER heard of someone going vegan because someone insulted them or told them they're worthless because they still consume animal prdoducts. I do not believe that this tactic has EVER worked. Why would anyone want to quote a person who adopts this attitude and use them for a reference?
Violet, this person sounds more like a time bomb waiting to explode moreso than anyone who really cares about compassion. They spew hatred at every chance, which only makes them hate even more. It is okay to be angry, but to be angry at everyone who is not the same as you is just plain wrong, and this person sounds borderline crazy. I certainly hope that this isn't the only person who has offered support for the way you phrase things because they are one of the types of AR folk I do not wish to associate with (and most everyone I know in the AR community feels quite the same). Even the people I've met who have participated in direct action doing things such as animal release have a compassionate side which drives them, not a side to do it out of hatred and anger first and foremost.
Funny, this person you quoted sounds amazingly like some of the AR-infiltrators I've heard about who actually get into organizations to try and incite people to violent acts purely to damage the movement. I'd be very, very careful about associating with anyone like this.
Ryan's "Hope to compete again in 2014" log
in Online Training Journals & Blogs
Missed training yesterday due to prior commitments, had to have a short day today because I just wasn't feeling very good, kind of felt like throwing up through the whole workout but fought through it. Made it a shoulders, traps and grippers day today and did the following:
Push presses in the rack -
1x5 @ 135
1x3 @ 185
5x5 @ 225
Worked on just tossing out a lot of sets to build a bit more endurance, didn't feel strong due to feeling sick.
Snatch grip high pulls
2x5 @ 185
1x8 @ 185
The set of 8 really triggered the sick feeling, but still time to keep going...
1-arm shrugs on the...ugh...smith machine
2x5 @ 200 (no bar weight included)
1x20 for speed @ 100
Cable side pull shrugs
2x20 @ full stack
Got home, hit the grippers for the first time in ages -
IM Trainer - 1x5 each hand
PDA SOS262 (a bit harder than IM#2) - 1x4 righty with a 10 second hold on the last rep, 1x3 lefty with 8 second hold closed on last rep
RB210 (about halfway between the IM#2 and #3) - 2 reps righty, just missed a rep left handed
IM#3 - attempted righty, missed by about 1/3"
That was it for today, going in for DLs tomorrow to make up for missing them tonight!