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Everything posted by Fallen_Horse

  1. As far as I know, food processors are more for chopping than blending. Blenders have a smaller blade and a higher rpm, which helps cut the food into smaller pieces. I would also suggest cutting the liquid down to a minimum first, then adding the liquids you want at the end. Also, simply processing for longer could get you where you need to go....
  2. I refuse to use a toothpaste that doesn't have flouride, so I usually go with Toms Whitening or Toms Multi-care.
  3. Nice, keep us updated on the project. If anyone can make a good one, you are a great candidate!
  4. Do you have health insurance? Go to a doctor and get an examination and blood work done. There could be many things contributing to your issues, and it is very hard for someone here to accurately diagnose you. Do you take any supplements? Where do you get your B12, your Vitamin D, and your Calcium? Your diet also looks very low in fat, which can be a problem depending on your lifestyle. Are you in a healthy BMI weight range?
  5. I bet I'm alone here. Oilfield worker! Logging engineer for a big oilfield services company. I'm one of the VERY few vegans, but it is the only job I could find after graduating that would help me pay off my debt.
  6. Many meats are healthy for the body. Veganism isn't a 'health diet', it's a lifestyle choice. Paleo done well is just as healthy as veganism done well, and veganism done well is just as healthy as paleo done well. There doesn't need to be an argument between the two.
  7. EXCELLENT progress! Looks like the hard work is paying off. Can I ask what your diet looks like?
  8. I will try to be as brief as possible, because I think the topic has been debated to death. 1. Coconut oil is an oil, AKA a food extract. It is certainly not as healthy as 'whole food' fats, like olives, avocados, nuts, and seeds. It is, however, healthier than some other, more refined oils, such as canola, soybean, and corn oils. 2. Coconut oil is high in saturated fat, which could potentially help testosterone production, but is also unhealthy for you if you are sedentary and/or consume too many calories already. Different types of saturated fats have different effects in the body, and the distinction between those types is not clear at this point. 3. Olive oil is higher in monounsaturated fats, making it a better choice for lightly-cooked foods like salad dressings. The saturated fat in coconut oil helps prevent it from breaking down during high temperature cooking, which makes it useful for vegan baking, frying, etc. 4. Like nearly every other food extract, and even many whole foods, it is best consumed in moderation.
  9. The lack of science in this thread is disturbing.
  10. Watch this video for a more hopeful outlook!
  11. I think if you can eat enough cooked carrots and beets to negatively impact your 'low calorie' day, then you have a bigger stomach than pretty much everyone else! Even I can only put about a pound of carrots in me at any given time, and that's not many calories at all. Plus they have a million good nutrients in them. So I would say to eat them!
  12. I know New Balance makes some good vegan shoes, but I don't know which of their shoes are vegan offhand. Vibram's are obviously popular, and vegan, but I'm not sure if that's what you are looking for....
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_causation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circadian_rhythm#Human_health Sounds like the author is using a weakly understood scientific discovery and using it to sell a diet book. Surely there is SOME impact with diet and fat storage, but the impact will be very minimal when compared to other, 'standard' effects, such as caloric restriction, exercise, etc. Also, there are definitely artificial light sources that emit the same light as our sun, but they aren't common and are probably overpriced. I think it's definitely beneficial to sleep at night and be up during the day, but many people do not have schedules that allow that....
  14. Have you tracked your weight (and waist) from before the cut up to now? If your waist is shrinking, that means you are losing fat. If your weight is staying the same, that means you are gaining muscle while losing the fat. Those two measurements alone can be very helpful when you are on a fat loss / muscle gain program.
  15. It seems like a person should be able to supplement with a lower does of testosterone for an 8-week cycle, then have 8 weeks off, but I could be wrong...
  16. Why do you say that? Why do I say I might have to take a SERM for the rest of my life, or why is it better than a steroid? Why is it better than a steroid?
  17. But, but, but....you're a vegan! You can't have any beef!
  18. dreiter, I think. Sadly I haven't used it in weeks!
  19. This is true, but you CAN add mass without increasing size much, because there are two ways to add strength. One is to increase the number of fibers in a muscle, 'growing' it, and another is to increase teh fiber density, which would not 'grow' it. Your strength goes up in both cases but you will only see large size gains if you are increasing the total number of fibers, not the fiber density.
  20. There is definitely a difference. Wiki has a good breakdown between the two: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soy_protein#Isolates There are still some concerns about the processing of concentrates/isolates, so make up your own mind about that.
  21. Man, looks like you gotta have ridiculous mobility for that Klokov Press, but it does look epic.
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