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Everything posted by Fallen_Horse

  1. To the OP, I think your calories are definitely too low. Your fruit intake shouldn't be a problem!
  2. Does 'Way of the Dragon' count? http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk188/zecoolguy/W0TD2.png
  3. Just read through your posts. Looks like you are doing good on the food end, and it's VERY good that you have stopped smoking. As far as your emotions go, a book that has helped me is called "A Guide to the Good Life." I have linked to Amazon below, so hopefully you can find it somewhere near you. http://www.amazon.com/Guide-Good-Life-Ancient-Stoic/dp/0195374614
  4. I hope that made you feel important? FYI they came from a smoothie recipe book, derp. Eh? Blended apples are not the same as juiced apples, nutritionally. I just think it's important to clarify the difference between blending a whole food versus extracting the juice from a whole food. I still think the recipes look great.
  5. I like the recipes but I do have to point out that smoothies are not the same as juices.
  6. Define 'green drink'? I just blend a 10oz bag of spinach with 3 cups of OJ or AJ....
  7. Ah the buns!! Those add a killer amount of volume to the food. I am up for it either way.
  8. I would join in, but I wouldn't want to dominate the event so incredibly. Is it just tofu dogs with a bun? With sauces? No bun? I think I could probably get through about 6 packages in a 15 minute period....
  9. Tofu, tempeh, nuts, seeds, beans, peas, sprouted grains, and quinoa are the best sources of vegan protein I can think of. Find any of those foods that fit your diet and learn to love them.
  10. I think if you are really going to have a hard time adding more calories, your next route in simply exercising less. If you are burning less calories during the day, you won't need to to add more calories from food to start gaining some weight.
  11. I'm not an expert, but the P90X nutrition plan didn't include any information for vegans at all, while the P90X2 plan includes vegan substitutions, a few vegan recipes, and a vegan macronutrient plan.
  12. Google is your friend. http://www.amazon.com/Anis-Raw-Food-Kitchen-Delectable/dp/1600940005
  13. The 'China production' debate is an interesting one. I don't care one bit where my clothes are made, as long as they are made in a sustainable way and with fair labor practices. Of course, this is pretty dang hard to verify when your clothes are made as far away as China so I think the most important thing is to buy from a supplier that has transparency and accountability. As far as the 'losing jobs to China' nonsense, well, that's a different debate.
  14. I think everyone is right here. 1. Calorie restriction WILL cause weight loss IF it can be maintained by a dieter. 2. Calorie restriction may or may not be possible based on the mental state of the dieter. Personally I suck at calorie restriction, but that is also basically the only option for bodybuilders and fitness models, so the math is solid, it's just the brain that takes motivating.
  15. A Calorie Is Still A Calorie, No Matter Where It Comes From..........as long as you account for the thermic effect of food.
  16. Can this be healthy? I know competitive bodybuilders tend to eat similar meals each day, but they vary their meals throughout the season. Could it be that there is a combination of foods out there that could be eaten every day and would not lead to vitamin/mineral deficiency or toxicity?
  17. I only used it for about 6 months before I started having problems.
  18. I'm bored! http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/images/2009/greg_plitt_interview_c.jpg
  19. I doubt I would have any teeth left without my fluoride toothpaste. I tried the Tom's non-fluoride toothpaste, but my teeth quickly developed cavities and pain. I also take a fluoride rinse to keep my teeth better protected. More importantly, there has been no scientific study showing causative negative effects of fluoride in toothpaste. There are some groups out there that like to make many claims about whether or not fluoride is dangerous, and quite frankly, they have no scientific evidence to support their claims. There is some indication that xylitol may inhibit growth of some tooth-decaying bacteria, but there is also no support that xylitol in toothpaste will prevent cavities. Xylitol and fluoride are very different, and have very different properties, so their effects in the body will be quite different.
  20. You have to pay to live in New Zealand??
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