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New World Vegan

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Posts posted by New World Vegan

  1. They're trying. But I can see through this.

    A NEW study "came out" linking the two. Then NBC-news asked: “Do carbs cause cancer?” Now … many people know this is stupid, and some people know it’s a hoax. Those few people know the rest of the people will be manipulated by this.


    Sure, in the actual story, they’ll mention the issue is with REFINED carbs. But this manipulates people in another way. It plants a seed. And that seed is planted on ground already fertilized with the cow-manure that is the “Low-Carb-Scam”. And some people will only hear the Title, and not watch the whole story where they clarify.


    And Today, Dr. Oz will address this "Breaking news". A clue that they'll bash carbs is a guest: "Dr Mark Hyman" (The Paleo doctor who lied about Bill Clinton going Paleo).

    We are the ones to counteract this crap. Who else will.


    1st: Watch my videos about this.

    2nd: Follow further directions, for action on social media. We need activity on the sites to boost in in "google's search results" or people will never find the info.


  2. Jeb Bush just dropped out of the race for president after what Trump and others called a "Low-Energy" performance.


    On Paleo for a year, he lost weight. But I found (while gathering data for my video) the lost weight wasn't from Low-carb. It never is. Seems EVERYONE who loses weight on Low-carb is doing something more proven; something I've noticed from 3 years of covering LC in my 300 videos. And it's the same conclusion as Dr. McDougall and others.


    And, Jeb's diet may have weakened his campaign:




    Diets usually don't work permanently, because they're based on Calorie restriction.

    Losing weight is different than putting it on. The thin people around the world are not all carefully balancing their calories in & out. China isn't calculating all day. They eat as much as Americans; they simply live differently. Vegan is the beginning of the journey to health.


    ,Gary High-Fruit, of the High-Fruit Lifestyle

  3. So you've done low-fat, and high-fruit. Did you learn that this is the only permanent way to be thin? You've done a lot of different diets, and eaten too little.... and that's messed up your metabolism and kept you in fat-storage mode. So just get on low-fat high-cal and stay there. Then give it time.

  4. I signed up on this site 9 years ago today



    Best vegan Youtuber:

    I'd say he's given more visibility to veganism than any Youtuber..... therefore, he's one of the "BEST" thing that's happened for the movement.

    Here's my reasoning, why Durianrider is "the best":





    His channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/durianriders/featured





    But Carl Lewis never advertised his veganism, not even a shirt. I only know he's vegan cause I'm vegan, and hang out in vegan circles.


    VG has 16 mil views

    Durianrider (the aussie) ........ I just went to check. Saw a new banner saying "100 million views!" 150k subs.


    Again, my video of Durianrider




    But this one's more fun:


  6. Is that the Australian guy?? He's an absolute (C word) I hate him. Worst thing to happen to the vegan movement

    Interesting you say that (and use worse language than the aussie C-word ever did) because I just made a video, saying he's the "BEST" thing that's happened for the movement. Here's my reasoning:



    (why can't this YT problem be fixed?)



    Name someone who's given more visibility to veganism. How many thousands have you reached?

  7. In 2015, Ringling Bros. Circus will begin phasing out one of its most enduring acts. By 2018, elephants will no longer perform under its big tents. The announcement stunned animal welfare groups, which, for years, fought legal battles over the circus's treatment of animals.



    Last year, The Humane Society lost a 14-year legal battle against Feld Entertainment over unproven(?) allegations that circus trainers mistreated elephants.(see the 15 year old footage in my video below). But Ringling Bros. faces a patchwork of legislation in cities nationwide that imposes restrictions on the use of elephants. He says rather than fight it, Feld Entertainment is responding to the shift in the public's mood.



    Ringling Bros. said its shows "will continue to feature other extraordinary animal performers, including tigers, lions, horses, dogs and camels."



    Tell circuses to stop abusing animals? No, they only listen when money talks.

    Tell the meat industry to stop abusing animals? It's easier just to go vegan.



  8. I should try to not care for that and let them talk[/quote


    Never quit caring; just don't let your emotions sink you to their level. Keep your comments logical and scientific.


    Anyway I was thinking of just putting the link of Earthlings in comment, should I ?


    I say no. That movie is about animal abuse. I looks as tho we have no science. Use the facts that veganism is the only healthy way to eat. Link the movie "Forks ever knives".


    We can even do BETTER than science. We have REALITY on our side - living proof. Even the Fruitarians kick the average meat-eaters butt. There's the video "80/10/10 proof" and the picture thread "80/10/10 Gladiators"


    ....and for logical talk, there's me:


    Meat or vegetarian: What does the body want?


    Why I'm not an ex-vegan-

  9. No, I'm saying cooking didn't come 1st. Cooking led to eating the wrong foods that can only be eaten after cooking.


    People that left humans indigenous environ had to eat un-naturally. You're warping that to make high-fat look like a savior, when if you stayed in the tropics, we'd survive AND be healthy.


    China, Sri Lanka, horses, monkeys, etc never at a high-fat diet, and they're still here.

  10. Try working in interlocking by consuming a low fat diet and let us know if your cells are able to repair your muscles and prevent the discs of your spinal cord from bulging.


    I don't follow


    to clarify: Low-fat does't mean LOW. It's compared to the super high-fat diets the US eats. 10% is plenty; just like the protein myth.

  11. ill try eating less calories... i can´t listen to my body... he´s always telling me to eat...


    That's why you should listen to your body....instead of listening to bro-scientists, people that tell you to eat meat, and psychiatrists that tell you you're emotional-eating. Your body wants more calories.


    Like I said in yesterday's video, "never restrict anything"(except un-natural things). It's un-natural to restrict..


    What about weight gain???

    Well, that's where eating right comes in. When you eat a low fat(under 40g) diet high in healthy food, you don't get fat.

    Fat storage is the body's protection when it's lacking something.


    - Gary High-Fruit

  12. This whole thread is full of nonsense from both of you.


    Are you suggesting Rob has multiple personalities? He does seem like a vegan possessed by Dr. Atkins vengeful spirit.


    First came intelligence

    Then the ability and curiosity to cook

    Then came so much disease..... disease that goes away by eating Raw.


    I think I get the "Flat earth" reference: Rob continues to believe a falsehood though the truth has been clearly shown.


    Human body prefers fat for fuel????? Tell that to Low-carb athlete Timothy Olson who eats carbs during races.


    Gary High-Fruit (150 videos)

  13. ...conclusion:


    Restricting diet? That's a subjective mindset, she's not being scientific, she's not a scientist, she's a mother....who's....probably fat; we don't know; we don't have a picture of her.


    The raw-vegan diet isn't about weight loss, but I see why people would be confused, as the community focuses on weight loss: we're not getting people into an anorexic mindset; some people coming in are ALREADY IN that mindset.

    We teach that you don't have to battle food, while the mainstream teaches "don't eat too much". Animals don't worry about that.


    One mother posted a study of Fruitarianism being dangerous (it's not, and the study was hilarious --- funny video coming soon). She doesn't know nothin about it.

    So I can see that they're not just against Tanny's counseling; they're against......veganism. It always comes back to that.


    (highlights from the last 10 minutes)


    They say people teaching THIS DIET aren't professionals. Here's some that support it:


    Edward Taub MD,

    Dr. Gordon Latto

    Sir Arthur Keith

    Paleontologist H.M. Ami

    John Harvey Kellogg

    William S. Collens

    Gerald B. Dobkens

    Dr. Wayne Dyer

    Emanuel Viscusi, MD

    Kay Lawrence MD

    Chris Califano


    And by professional, do they mean.....mainstream?....excepted my society? = inDOCTrinated? There's bigotry. Society doesn't except us, so shut up; move to the back of the bus......sound familiar? It's the same thing.


    Sure, there's people who go raw-vegan just to get reeeaaaly thin.....well those are the anerexics!!!


    (From post on Google+) "ED is a mental illness. And one mother said she had an ED. So are they mental."

    "it's sad......I hope they get some fruit in them and cheer up"

  14. You sound like the typical faileo dieter with your assumptions that come back to debunk you.

    I have NO CHANCE of convincing them (you U even read, brah?) They were just as biased against vegaism as you are.


    ...and we begin....


    Btw how do you get through so much fruit in a day or one sitting? Put it in a blender and wizz it up?


    No. 148 videos, 20 years no blender. Watch me eat thru a day:




    The tooth chart is irrelevant




    How is living in the UK unnatural? Yes i live in a house


    I didn't think you'd get that one.


    evidence tells me that a high fruit.... diet is most certainly not the "natural" way for homo sapiens to eat.


    Tell it to the Africans, Sri-lankans, ancient Egyptions, Aztecs, etc

    With my diet, I can eat off the land without any tools. You can't.


    Gary High-Fruit

  15. Strange seeing a vegan buying these paleo half-truths...and in 2014. Here's the other half


    we have evolved the ability to derive nutrients from both many plants and animals.


    So can cows. But they're herbivores.



    Moreover, gorilla's and apes have large stomach's and small brains relative to their size


    Our stomachs shrink when we eat smaller condensed foods like meat. 80/10/10rs have stretched them back out, allowing them to eat 12 bananas at a sitting.

    Brain size isn't the major factor; it's how the neurons connect.


    ... our teeth evolved to better chew meat and fat.









    Fat and meat being the preferred source of fuel for most hunter gatherers


    preferred for them if they're not in the tropics, because that's all they can get. But it's not preferred to the body's physiology.


    (In Ireland, Fruit) would need to be imported from half way across the world (hardly what you'd call natural)


    Do you live in a house there in Ireland? Heater? That's cause living in Ireland isn't natural.

    If that's your best defense against fruit. ....well, like they say in the HCLF community - Fruit for the win!

  16. Continuing the story answers that question.


    Sir Arthur Keith(anthropologist / anatomist): "Chimpanzees and gorillas have the same digestive mechanisms as Man. That is the evidence of compared anatomy in favour of a diet of fruit and vegetables." (= Low fat)


    From "The Natural Diet of Man" By John Harvey Kellogg


    "There is no longer room for doubt. Nature knows, but man has long closed his ears to nature's infinitely wise guidance....Zoologists divide animals into classes based upon structure. (and diet within a class ends up very similar. Ex: horses and donkeys eat similar diets.)

    Humans are structurally similar to primates. What do primates eat? fruit, greens and nuts. When I visited the London Zoo I asked "Do you give your monkeys meat?"

    The keeper said "No...meat is not good for monkeys and apes. It's not their natural diet."

  17. Low fat = low sex drive..


    Tell that to the monkeys. I can tell you.....in 'Soapy's words "There is a lot of quackery...". They say sexual peak is at 18? I'm 46 and still "Peaking".

    My Low-fat-raw-vegan 6 year video:






    "too much carbs too much insulin." - But what's too much? FORTY bananas a day????? Because 30 isn't making people impotent or fat.




    Tell that to my Banana.


    I can do this all day long. I do, on youtube and twitter.

  18. This should worry us as to what may happen in the future.


    (here's some words transcribed from my video)




    (cue the music) "Seems like things are gettin' so bad

    That you can smell it

    Yeah, so open those eyes and get the real picture

    It's time to tell it

    I wanna talk, baby

    I wanna say something"

    (Music fades)


    Seems like a lot of people wanna say something. This attack on a vegan youtube channel happened in April. I just found out.


    Youtube suspended TannyRaw following complaints, apparently from "Moms against Eating Disorders". MAED wants youtubers to post a disclaimer that we are not health professionals. I AM.

    Her channel came back fast, meaning youtube found the complaints didn't violate any rules.(or laws)


    (from an article) [i'm in brackets]: "This sparked a social media dust-up [ie facebook shit-fight] about responsibility and blame [yep, there's always someone you can blame], regarding young susceptible women and people spouting[hyperbole alert]." [Would you say there's sexism there? Also, MAED is going after 2 people that are female: Tanny and Freelee. Why don't they go after ME. I feel I'm being discriminated against. What about Dan McDonald, Michael Arnstein....they're pretty skinny.


    MAED said Tanny "counceled" someone(in the YT comments) to refuse treatment for her ED. I agree that anorexia is a mental disorder, and they should get mental treatment.

    But I wanna discuss some bad things MAED said.


    * First off, one MAED found Tanny's last name and used it on the net. And they sent screen shots of her internet activities to HER BOSS!


    * They equated Tanny's fans to a........yep...a cult, using half-ass examples. ...just like the way vegans are treated. It is bigotry... article: "fans made their own videos defending her honor"

    [what a bunch of psychos....what possesses people to do that??????? This reminds me of how some malign black people for getting angry for things like taking away their right to vote.


    meanwhile on youtube....


    One mother "Sue" says "13% are susceptible to this biological disorder brought on by restricting diets..."


    Not always. But my point is: the high-fruit and grain raw-vegan diet is not a diet. It's the natural way to eat.


    more to come...

  19. Vegan diets are usually more alkaline than SAD, because of the veggies and fruit. It's a myth that sugar is acidic. It's neutral. Plenty of fruits are alkaline. We high-fruit-eaters(811) see an improvement in health.


    Vegetables are the best way to balance your diets pH.


    Also, other things affect your pH, like stress. And stay hydrated, get quality sleep, and sunlight.

  20. I'm on page one of this old thread. I'm still eating 80-10-10 (almost 5 years). The only change in my thinking is realizing that most people can't just jump into this diet. I had already been vegan and high-fruit for 15 years. So the transition was easy.


    I still have the hobby of clearing up misunderstandings about nutrition as it concerns 811...


    Correction: 811 is around 500g of carbs a day


    Technically, the body DOES make protein.... from amino acids(which is underestimated in fruit)


    many vegans IMO look very aged, sagging skin,

    Look at me. I'm 45. In this video, I show pics from when I went vegan. I said "I haven't aged!!!" (seriously, check it out)




    I....bet this is from inadequate protein intake.

    You bet your life!!!!!



    You only need .5g per lb of bodyweight. Any more, ages you.



    .....can cause "insulin resistance". This is a fact, and is commonly referred to as "type 2 diabetes"


    Not fact; the jury's out. But animals - and people - on a naturally low-fat (Frugivore) diet don't have those issues. High-fat-humans do.


    The latest science is: Too much fat blocks insulin receptors from taking glucose from the blood - leading to prolonged high levels of blood glucose, which prolongs insulin production.

    Because glucose can't leave the bloodstream, the pancreas continues to create redundant insulin, leading to exhaustion of pancreas, and diabetes.


    Nature makes no foods both high in fat and carbs. We're meant for the carbs; not high-fat.


    PS - the links in the next post are from Harvard MEDICAL SCHool. The MED ind. is anti-health, pro-$$$$.

  21. I have pushed myself to 1800-2000 cals ...... why does this put weight on me?


    The short answer is: The body stores fat from giving your body reasons to think it needs it for emergencies: famine(nutritent & cal restriction), bad eating, toxins, upsetting metabolism).


    For a long answer, I have a video:



    Eating more is the only way out of this cycle. Your weight will eventually normalize(in 811 terms... you'll get skinny as FrUCtose.

  22. Don't listen to people who OVERLY protest a diet using hyperbolic words like "Dangerous" while they're plugging a website. Instead, check out my Youtube channel for some truth http://www.youtube.com/user/Gary1111001 (vegan 20 years, 80-10-10 for 5 years, thin big-eater 45 years)


    If the body's metabolism adjusted completely, people wouldn't be fat.


    Here I explain why diets like 5:2 and I.F. make you fat.


    Do you realize now that if the 10 pounds you gained on 811 was fat, it was just a response to your previous under-eating, etc


    PS - 80-10-10 is better if you learn the facts and myths. For all others... zip it.

  23. The good news is, you don't need to eat that way, and it's not healthy.


    I've stumbled upon the reality of fat-storage. Btw, you don't seem overly-fat, but listening to wacky trainers, you may end UP fat. In this video, I explain the real reason people get fat, and yo-yo, never staying thin.



    Now you know - don't restrict your calories. And when you're eating 2000+ cals, you're also getting all the protein you need.


    you would get benefits from increasing your healthy fats/EFA's quite a bit higher than 10%


    I've heard the opposite. I'd like to hear the reasoning to this.

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