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Everything posted by nicole

  1. I can't believe he left PA just like that! Well, okay, I can because I would, too, and I didn't even have to grow up here, but STILL!
  2. Do you have a veggie/animal rights group on campus?! Maybe they could sell them???
  3. Oooh, I'm so excited to see the finished product.
  4. Hi David! What type of yoga do you typically practice? I was really drawn to power yoga, as I love love love the sequencing. There is always a pose and a counter pose. It is a GREAT style for athletes and is an awesome workout. It is a western style, but does not lose it's meditative qualities. There are still tons of spiritual elements to power yoga which most teachers bring into their classes. It still contains a lot of the "ancient" elements of yoga, while being very relatable to me (someone from the western world). I just love it!!! If you ever get the chance, pick up "Journey Into Power" by Baron Baptiste. I didn't think I'd like it as much as I did!!! You are looking for hip openers, I guess? Try pigeon, double pigeon, or frog pose! Also, doing a dead bug/happy baby pose will open your hips! If you don't know all the names, you should be able to look them up on yogajournal.com's pose finder! You can also go there and just type hip opening as your indication and it will give you a load of answers! Best of luck! -Nicole
  5. Either black and white or color works for me. I am getting the disk this week from the photographer with the rest of the pictures on it, so maybe she has sent versions of the b/w ones in color. I don't know! It's hard to decide which to submit. The deadline is soon, as well, right? If there is any one that you guys like in particular, let me know!
  6. Thanks so much, Robert! And Crash, I actually did think about it! I saw the thread about that a while ago, so I will have to go hunt it down again for the info! Now I just have to pick which to enter!! It's really hard to pick a favorite.
  7. Thank you (and everyone else who commented so far)! Right now my week looks like this, but it changes depending on how busy I am. I am a little overwhelmed right now with my schedule, but I'm trying to make it work! Monday - Elliptical at the gym for 45 mins-1 hour while reading/watching tv. Tuesday - Power yoga class for 1.5 hours. Wednesday - Power yoga class for 1.25 hours (beginners class where I have been "modeling" the poses for the new students, but still do the class right along with them in addition to demoing new poses). Thursday - Power yoga for 1.5 hours. Friday - BREAK! Saturday - Yoga teacher training, where we typically spend 1 hour to 1.5 hours "practice teaching." So, most of that time I will be the "student" and doing the practice taught by my fellow trainee. Then, power yoga class for 1.5 hours after training. Sunday - Power yoga class for 1.5 hours. Crazy! The amount of yoga will calm down in December when I am done with training, I think. Well, the amount I do at the studio, anyway, because it is expensive, but the classes I'm taking now are included in my training tuition. And hopefully by that time I will be teaching, too! Then, I can return to the gym more, since I am still paying for that, as well! I need more hours in my day!!!
  8. There are so many forums to choose from, I didn't know which one to add these to, so I just picked here! I hope that's okay! Anyway, I chatted with a few people about yoga practice when I joined, so I figured that I'd share these pictures of me, which were taken yesterday by an awesome photographer (nsoroma79.com). I love the way they came out, and had only a vague idea that my back looked that good. Hahaha. http://www.ilikeitsalty.com/storage/nicole/loryoga01.jpg http://www.ilikeitsalty.com/storage/nicole/loryoga02.jpg http://www.ilikeitsalty.com/storage/nicole/loryoga03.jpg http://www.ilikeitsalty.com/storage/nicole/loryoga04.jpg http://www.ilikeitsalty.com/storage/nicole/loryoga05.jpg http://www.ilikeitsalty.com/storage/nicole/loryoga06.jpg http://www.ilikeitsalty.com/storage/nicole/loryoga07.jpg http://www.ilikeitsalty.com/storage/nicole/loryoga08.jpg http://www.ilikeitsalty.com/storage/nicole/loryoga09.jpg EDIT: I changed them all to links, since the images take kind of a long time to load all together!
  9. nicole

    Hello all!

    veganmadre, Anyone who loves vegan food is a friend of mine! Hehehe. And, K-oz, almost anyone can do power yoga! I've seen it. It's so easily adaptable to whatever your level is. You should check out a class if you ever have the opportunity! sirdle, thanks!
  10. nicole

    Hello all!

    Haha, sorry! I am just a huge fan of food. Let's just say that it's a good thing that I spend as much time working out as I do, or it might not be pretty! Okay, it's not that bad, but I don't feel guilty about eating a treat when I want one!
  11. nicole

    Hello all!

    That's true. Eating out is really the only problem. Although i wish i had your options Here it's pizza without cheese from the Italian restaurant or a salad anywhere else There are SO good vegan restaurants in some places, but Germany is lagging far far FAR behind in this matter Yesss! Blade, as he calls himself, the Daywalker, as the vampires he hunts whisper in fear.... *all of their strengths ... none of their weaknesses...* Ah yes, I met a girl recently who is here for a few months from Germany doing an internship. I have taken her out for vegan cheesesteaks (it is Philadelphia, afterall), we made a campfire and I introduced her to the beauty that are toasted vegan marshmallows (and vegan s'mores), we have had vegan cheese nachos, brownie sundaes, etc! I get pretty excited about food, which most people find a little strange, but oh well. Anyway, I am getting her hooked on American vegan food. I am bad!
  12. nicole

    Hello all!

    Age isn't so bad! I am in much better shape now than I was at 18, so I think even now I'd be giving 18 year old me a run for her (my?) money! Eating out can still be hard sometimes, but my eyes seem to know how to look over everything that I can't eat and find the few things I can or the few things that are customizable! And I have my grocery store down pat. Hehe. My biggest temptation currently is the vegan chinese buffet located directly next door to my yoga studio! I get out of class at 9pm on weeknights and it is sooo tempting to just pick up some buffet rather than going home and cooking (total drudgery that late after such a workout). Fortunately, I will be doing more of my training coming up at a different location in Philadelphia, so I will have to take the train and walk a lot more and I don't know any of the resturants in that area (yet). Hehehe. P.S. I like your user name! Blade, yes?
  13. nicole

    Hello all!

    Thanks, Robert! I'm glad to be here!
  14. nicole

    Hello all!

    Haha, oh no! Since turning 25 I am starting to feel old everywhere! I mean, logically I know it's not that old, but sometimes it sure feels old! Hahaha.
  15. nicole

    Hello all!

    Power yoga is a more modern, athletic form of yoga. It is very physically challenging! It is the type of yoga that most football players and other athletes do. It is usually done in a warm/hot room to cleanse the body of toxins and to enable you to get a deeper stretch. You can check out more on Baptiste Power Yoga specifically at: www.baronbaptiste.com. Five years is no big deal... haha... you can do it! After the first few it's just second nature, isn't it? I hardly even think about finding vegan food now. It's such a habit. Things that aren't vegan don't even register as edible. Thanks for the welcome!
  16. nicole

    Hello all!

    Thank you for the welcome! Yes, power yoga can be a total challenge! It is a great workout, in addition to it's other benefits. One of my current teachers who I practice with regularly is a former power lifter, I found out last night! At 16, I had been vegetarian for a year or so and finally met someone who was vegan and figured out that it was do-able. Of course, I didn't have the internet or anything like that then, so even finding out that there was such a thing as soy milk was a huge revelation and made life so much better! The time I found my first health food store, I think I heard angels sing! Hahaha. Vegan cookies are a favorite of mine! I'm a sucker for pretty much any kind of vegan baked good. Cornholio is also the name of my elderly, 10 lb boston terrier dog, but yes! It is also Beavis' alter-ego! Hehehe.
  17. nicole

    Hello all!

    I can't get my picture small enough (file size) on my work computer, but I will hopefully have a picture later after I get home!
  18. Hello there! I have been checking out your site randomly for the past several months (thanks to Topher's recomendation), but I am finally becoming a member. It's good to find so many healthy, fit vegans in one place! I have been vegan for about 9 years now. I am 25 and I live in Pennsylvania near Philadelphia. I am currently spending most of my "work out" time doing Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga as I am training to become a Power Yoga teacher! It is challenging stuff and I still can't believe the changes that it's made in my body, including my strength. I would have never thought I could do some of the things I can do now. I will have to post some of my pictures sometime. I also do still try to spend some time at my gym and lift/do cardio when I can! I am currently trying to fit a lot in as I want to complete my training by December so I can start teaching already!
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