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Everything posted by nicole

  1. So, the long story is that I used to work (teaching yoga) at a gym. They were bouncing my checks and treating me badly, so I quit and my husband lost his free gym membership. I also stopped doing anything except for yoga, since I can still do that for free (at the studio or ANYWHERE!). We decided to start running last week, and we've been running every other day since then. We are definitely not the best runners, but we're working on it. Additionally, today we bought bikes, so we can start riding to the grocery store, etc. Nothing fancy, they're just from Walmart, but I'm excited to ride a bike again! It's been a (long) while! Here is my bike: http://i.walmart.com/i/p/00/03/86/75/26/0003867526818_500X500.jpg And Shawn's bike: http://i.walmart.com/i/p/00/03/86/75/45/0003867545988_500X500.jpg Like I said, nothing fancy, but we're not fancy people.
  2. Good question! I'm into yoga (as exercise and as SO MUCH MORE than exercise), anti-BSL (breed-specific legislation), pet rescue (especially bully-breed dogs), women's rights, and all kinds of radical activism that I can't find the time for!
  3. That sounds awesome! I'm glad you're enjoying yourselves!
  4. That looks like so much fun. Maybe someday I'll make it to Sweden and see it?
  5. I used to take yoga classes in UC years ago, you weren't my instructor though. That reminds me, I need to stretch more after I lift. I love chinese food. Ah, yeah, I probably wasn't teaching yet, then. Where were you taking classes??
  6. ......WHAT?! I thought the only vegan chinese buffet was in Richmond. I definitley plan on making a couple of trips down there this summer, and will definitley keep you posted on when that is. No, Su Tao exists! It seems to be slightly off the map for people in Philly (though I do know some who go there), but it's amazing! Keep me posted! We can plan the meetup around when you'll be in town!
  7. We should schedule a meetup! There are like, a billion vegan places in the city we could meet up at. Or we could do the board proud and go to Su Tao Cafe in Malvern for all you can eat vegan chinese buffet! Hehehe. Hey veganmomma, I teach yoga in University City!
  8. Mmm... that food looks great and it also looks like you had a good time!!!!
  9. Are you out there? Want to meet up sometime??
  10. I might participate in a dropping body fat contest! I have a bit of fat to lose and could sure use some motivation.
  11. Wow! You are definitely living the college life I've only ever seen on tv!
  12. Hahaha, oh yeah. I think doing it volutarially (and slowly?) is probably better!!!
  13. Ah, so many people responded! Thanks, everyone. Robert, I definitely want a vegan fitness team tank top! Let me know what you have, I will wear it when I teach, as well. runner, I am nowhere near as flexible as Rubber Ritchy, you are just seeing the stuff I'm good at! Bigbwii, It actually hasn't been that hard finding photographers who are just looking to expand their own portfolios to work with! I am really surprised. THANKS for commenting! Also, you can see the deleted picture up here: http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/gallery/image_med/13671/
  14. Steve, Thanks, I like that one, too! I didn't think I was going to be able to get myself in a fully straight line there, but I did. There were a bunch of me laughing in that pose that had to be culled. Suz, Thank you, but I can't really take any credit! I just sat there and my artists did all the hard work. Haha. CollegeB, Unfortunately, no! I do pick up a Vega bar every once in a while, but I am not a regular consumer of any kind of bars/shakes.
  15. Hey there! I have shot with some pretty cool photographers lately, so I thought I'd share some of these: Me NOT doing yoga... it was weird to take "modely" pictures because I am not good at modeling. Haha. http://www.ilikeitsalty.com/storage/nicole/BMsmall1.jpg http://www.ilikeitsalty.com/storage/nicole/BMsmall5.jpg http://www.ilikeitsalty.com/storage/nicole/picture-12.jpg http://www.ilikeitsalty.com/storage/nicole/picture-10.jpg http://www.ilikeitsalty.com/storage/nicole/picture-17.jpg This one is for some kind of ipod photo contest. I think it's pretty cool. **I had to delete this one because I was just informed that it shouldn't be up online yet. Ooops.**
  16. Be careful with Bikram yoga! I also teach a hot style of yoga and beginners often don't realize the huge impact that the heat has on your flexibility and overstretch to the point of injury. I've seen this more from the Bikram studio than anywhere else, so it's worth being aware of!
  17. For crying out loud, I'm about to pack up and move to the UK!!!
  18. Holy cow, I'm pretty sure that you could win with any of those!
  19. I really want there to be "Vegan Fitness Team" Women's tank tops!
  20. Thanks! My X's go all the way around my arm (almost). There are 9 of them total. It was my first tattoo when I was 18 (almost 19)!
  21. Thanks for the compliments, everyone. I mostly just sat there while she did all of the hard work like setting up lights and stuff that I don't know how to do. Haha. I have two upcoming photoshoots scheduled at the end of this month/start of May with some great photograpers. We'll see what they come up with.
  22. That's great! Congrats!!!
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