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  1. I'm sorry, Soymilk is a human refined milk made of another plant species. I have already answered that raw cow or goat milk is a a better option than Pasteurized milk when breast milk is not an option ( eg : The mother is sick ) .
  2. What you're saying was more like a common sense to me. I was in no way suggesting that ppl should just eat nuts all day to replenish the omega 6 and 3. Moderation is always the key when it comes to healthy food.
  3. The general understanding that our diet is over abundance on the real functional Omega 6 is disputable. You just have to open your mind and read the article below. http://www.brianpeskin.com/efa-analysis.pdf Skin ( 1000 : 1 ) Omega 6 : Omega 3 Brain ( 1 : 1 ) Omega 6 : Omega 3 Fatty tissue ( 25-35 : 1 ) Omega 6 : Omega 3 Muscle ( 6 : 1) Omega 6 : omega 3 unprocessed organic raw nuts and seeds (I'm eating some now . hmm) are good source of EFAs . Seventh Day adventist http://news.adventist.org/data/2001/06/0995375716/index.html.en
  4. There are plenty of Quakery related articles agaist vegetarian, so what's the point of bringing up Quackwatch here ..... ? http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/vegan.html
  5. As a Ex Vegan myself ( almost runied my health going on low fat high carb diet) i'm here to share some critical information that would help fine tuning the vegan diet so that less ppl are falling ill. So dont accuse me of trolling here . http://www.cancer.org/docroot/NWS/content/NWS_1_1x_Can_Vitamin_D_Prevent_Cancer.asp http://edition.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/cancer/08/22/vitamin.d/index.html Dont shut yourself down to "The china study" or " Eat to live" Sunlight is all you need to get Vitamin D.
  6. Well raw milk is definitely a better option for those who are Lacto Ovo Vegetarian. You dont want to call them insane, do you ?
  7. You would not function without Polyunsaturated fats like Omega 3 and omega 6. Both PURAs are needed for life .
  8. Sure , that's why human breast milk is still the ideal choice for infants. Say no to soy milk and Pasteurized cow milk. There are both bad for infants. Take anima,l raw milk instead if breast milk is not an option . http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/health/healthmain.html?in_article_id=399520&in_page_id=1774
  9. That 's what a functional PURA supposed to do, Absorp oxygen/get oxidized and provide the energy that your body needs. It's unfortunate that oxygen gives us life but also oxidize/age our cells via the production of free radical . This is the nature of life . That's where the antioxidant /free radical scavengers offered by vege, fruits and animal organs come into rescue. If you want PURA that does not oxidize, Pick a margarine or trans fats. There will not go rancid or oxidized under exposure of heat and light for years. There are guarantee to "boost" your cholesterol level with the formation of inflammation on the arteries. . Weston price Foundation
  10. Bad fats ( Trans fats and the commercial vegetable oil) causes inflammation while the unadulterated and functional EFA fats heal. http://www.yes-supplements.com/yes-efas-art/oil-processing-chart.jpg
  11. http://www.mercola.com/1999/archive/low_cholesterol.htm BTW , Dr mercola (That famed natural health 'guru' )had the same cholesterol issue and he used Biotics that called Beta TCP to normalize his Cholesterol to 175.
  12. Everything you need to know about Vitamin D http://www.vitamindcouncil.com/ Yes, Vitamin D promotes powerful anti tumor activity. 10 -15 mins daily exposure to summer sunshine appears to be enough as according to experts. ( Requirement appears to be higher for ppl with darker skin ) Combine that with Essential fatty acids (The missing key fats that heal in the over processed modern food ), adequate exercise, rest , the food pyramid recommended by Udo Eramus - The founder of Udo oil blend. http://www.udoerasmus.com/pyramid/pyr_index.htm We can only predict a comprehensive victory over the war of Chronic illness.
  13. 116 is too low, Low ( and high in bad cholesterol composed of damaged polyunsatureated fats ) cholesterol level has been linked to stroke , depression and cancer . Why cancer ? Because Cholesterol is composed of mainly the anti-cancer polyunsaturated fats (if it's not damaged ) and your body needs cholesterol for conversion to VITAMIN D (Another Anti cancer nutrient ) Via sunshine. http://edition.cnn.com/HEALTH/9902/06/strokes/ http://www.vitamindcouncil.com/ http://www.cholesterol-and-health.com/Vitamin-D.html I would recommend that you see a doc to find out the cause of Low Cholesterol . ( Eg : Dyfunctional Gallbladder and etc )
  14. Pasteurized Cow Milk is bad because it is Pasteurized and heated at high temperaure. As a result of processing, most of the nutrients and healthy fats are denatured by high heat processing. The hormone and antibiotics that get added to the commercial milk make thing worse. You would see the same adverse effect if human milk is pasteurized before it's fed to the babies. Avoid pasteurized milk and processed soy milk at all cost . Try clean Raw milk (especially goat) instead if you're Lacto -ovo vegetarian . ( of course nothing beats the raw human breast milk if u are able to get it ) I dont drink milk myself because i find it nauseating . so milk is not of my concern . Why Raw Milk? http://www.karlloren.com/aajonus/p15.htm
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