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Everything posted by michael

  1. B-12 has nothing to do with animals--it's derived rather from algal/bacterial sources.
  2. From "Simply Nutrition": "There is research to show that edible forms of green and purple algae do actually contain bioavailable B12 or true vitamin B12. The research from Japan found purple laver (an algae) contained 5 types of biologically active vitamin B12 compounds (cyano-, hydroxo-, sulfito-, adenosyl- and methylcobalamin), as well as the B12 coezymes (adenosyl- and methylcobalamin). Cyanocobalamin is the active form of B12 that is often used in B12 supplements. This same research (published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2001) showed that algal vitamin B12 is indeed a bioavailable source for mammals, and was sufficient to lift B12 status in B12-deficient rats."
  3. Well, I trust the researchers publishing in the Journal of Nutrition. There are several other scientific studies that refute the position of the Vegan Society, like this one appearing in the Journal of Nutritional Science, dated Oct, 2002: "Substantial amounts of vitamin B12 were found in some edible algae (green and purple lavers) and algal health food (chlorella and spirulina tablets) using the Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis ATCC7830 microbiological assay method. Corrinoid-compounds were purified and characterized from these algae to clarify the chemical properties and bioavailability of the algal vitamin B12. True vitamin B12 is the predominate cobamide of green and purple lavers and chlorella tablets. Feeding the purple laver to vitamin B12-deficient rats significantly improved the vitamin B12 status. The results suggest that algal vitamin B12 is a bioavailable source for mammals."
  4. No, that's not right. This myth is being perpetuated by those trying to create a disinformation campaign against viable sources of vegetarian based bioavailable B-12. From the Kushi Institute in The Netherlands: Seaweeds and Vitamin B-12 - In a study of the vitamin B-12 status of long-time vegans, Finnish nutritionists reported that vegans who ate nori and/or chlorella seaweeds had B-12 concentrations in their blood twice as high as those not eating seaweeds. "We conclude that some seaweeds consumed in large amounts can supply adequate amounts of bioavailable vitamin B-12," the researchers stated. Source: A. L. Rauma et al., "Vitamin B-12 Status of Long-Term Adherents of a Strict Uncooked Vegan Diet," Journal of Nutrition 125(10)2511-5, 1995.
  5. Yaeyama Chlorella in the 1kg. container which I usually purchase from luckyvitamin.com or iherb.com for around $45 + shipping. This is the best value I've come across. To be honest, since Chlorella has eliminated 90 percent of my allergies, I'd be willing to pay three times the price!
  6. Best pricing for hempnuts I've come across so far (click on the hempnut link): http://galaxyglobaleatery.com/index1.html This site is slow to load but is a lot of fun to explore. One day I hope to dine at their restaurant. I usually purchase the 5 lb. container for $25.00
  7. I think that what Robert is alluding to is that the star Vega's white color and apparent brightness made it a basic standard against which the apparent magnitudes of other stars are compared. (Its magnitude value is "0").
  8. I'm more optimistic. I'm not willing to state that will see something along the lines of a U.S. Govt. backed "Hemp for Victory!" campaign like what occurred in the 1940s or a referendum passed where it's illegal for farmers in the U.S. to NOT grow hemp (late 1700s), but in time this nation will join the ranks of all other industrialized countries that cultivate hemp. The rationale for disallowing the farming of hemp has much more to do with maintaining the status quo where industry is concerned. William Randolph Hearst and other venture capitalists with ties to pulp mill and oil industries were the ones responsible for making hemp illegal in 1938, after all.
  9. The pendulum is once again swinging in the other direction: http://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/464/north_dakota_first_state_legalize_hemp_production_licenses_available_in_january Hemp will be the new soy in a matter of years, there's no doubt about that in my mind. And predictably, of course the disinformation/disparagement campaign will follow suit, this time not over phyto-estrogens and phytates but over the "narcotic" connection. Prices for hemp will fall though as it slowly gains public acceptance (5000 years of usage notwithstanding) and we will be treated to a marvelous array of new products as hemp production spreads to other states. Oh, and about that time we should be seeing a remake of "Reefer Madness" as well, lest anyone get any ideas about hemp paper, plastics, car parts, etc. like that Henry Ford nut.
  10. So true. That's why I think it neat that my 6 year old son has already sampled and is savvy on almond butter, cashew butter, hemp butter and sesame butter. As soft as the shelled hemp nuts are, I would suspect that one could easily make their own with a food processer, perhaps adding a bit of hemp oil or grape seed oil if initially "pasty" in texture. I might just try this sometime. I know that with the hemp nuts I purchase, the milk I make is pure white--whiter than soy. I don't think it would look as "green" as the commercial product I've bought in the past.
  11. Nothing else in nature cleanses and detoxifies the body as well as chlorophyll. The unique properties of the chlorophyll molecule (virtually identical to the hemoglobin molecule) allows for strong binding and chelation of heavy metals, pesticides and other toxins and removes them from the body. This is an ongoing process of course as one is never actually fully de-toxified--we're bombarded daily with environmental toxins. Since nothing in nature contains a higher level of chlorophyll than chlorella, that's what I'd recommend. It would also be useful to incorporate psyllium and Cascara Sagrada bark. I take a well rounded teaspoon of chlorella powder daily mixed in orange juice.
  12. I wonder how much 15lbs of quinoa goes for? All the protein you need with B-vitamins, calcium, fiber, iron and assorted phyto-nutrients to boot.
  13. This is really not at all conclusive. I can find several sources, e.g this excerpt here which states otherwise: Seaweeds and Vitamin B-12 - In a study of the vitamin B-12 status of long-time vegans, Finnish nutritionists reported that vegans who ate nori and/or chlorella seaweeds had B-12 concentrations in their blood twice as high as those not eating seaweeds. "We conclude that some seaweeds consumed in large amounts can supply adequate amounts of bioavailable vitamin B-12," the researchers stated. Source: A. L. Rauma et al., "Vitamin B-12 Status of Long-Term Adherents of a Strict Uncooked Vegan Diet," Journal of Nutrition 125(10)2511-5, 1995.
  14. So true. My Mother, at age 72 is currently recovering from colorectal cancer. As a vegan (70-80% raw food diet), she and I both never thought to ensure that she receive regular colon screenings. Don't ever for a moment believe that your diet will completely immunize you against all ills. Statistically speaking, yes, one stands a better chance of warding off cancers, coronary heart disease, etc. with a whole foods vegan diet, but there are always exceptions based on environmental factors and genetic predispositions. My mom's doctor said he has treated many patients in Northern California (strong veg movement there) that have been diagnosed with colon cancer in spite of their vegetarian diet. The one thing the doctors who treated her held in her favor was her otherwise incredibly strong and sound constitution, ostensibly owing to her healthy lifestyle. One doctor in particular informed me that he has treated younger people with less severe cancer who either didn't make it or were noticeably debilitated at the post-operative stage. The recovery for my mom is very slow but I know she will eventually heal and even take up yoga again. This has been a real shock and a wake-up call to me now that I'm 47 and of age where one should be thinking about colonoscopy testing.
  15. Since chlorella is the chlorophyll champ in the plant kingdom, that's what I take each day. The best value I've come across is the 1 Kg Yaeyama Chlorella.
  16. Sorry! No lycopene for you...! And as we all know, anyone who is Type A has suffered a terrible fate by eating ketchup with their fries...
  17. This is the kind of article I'd like to post a link to in some other forums where the subscribers are so 'gung ho' on protein, especially animal protein--and would then be summarily deluged with angry responses. The article more or less states, like John Robbins in "Diet for a New America" that it is virtually impossible to not get adequate amounts of protein with a well rounded vegetarian diet, which I firmly believe. I always suspected that a friends' recurring kidney stones is strongly correlated with his high meat/protein intake.
  18. Possibly... OK, admittedly I'm unabashed fan of xylitol. One of the primary reasons that it is difficult for many to accept the fact that xylitol is both natural and health promoting is, IMO, that the name is no less clinical sounding than say aspartame or acefulsame-K. But the human body does not produce either of the latter two, but it does indeed produce xylitol and is every bit as natural as stevia. Finnish scientific research on xylitol's non-cariogenic and re-mineralizing properties where oral health is concerned have been borne out in study after study and as it turns out it has significant anti-bacterial properties--enough to curb health problems involving allergens, otitis media (middle ear infection) and throat/upper respitory strep infections. Veganmadre--congratulations on your decision to end your intake of artificial sweeteners. Please read the article in this link as it is a good intro to a health practitioner/dentist recommended safe and 100% natural sweetener. Best thing of all? Within 4-6 weeks your craving for sugar will markedly decrease--which is a welcome thing in this sucralose/HFCS laden society of ours. http://www.xlear.com/xylitol/makinen.aspx If you still crave 'fizzy' drinks, make them yourself using essential fruit oils, stevia, xylitol, FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides, e.g. 'Slimsweet'), agave... Let your imagination roam!
  19. I'll second that. Each amino acid has a particular biosynthetic function and is in no way 'impaired' by the presence of other amino acids. When it comes to cell metabolism, tissue building, repair, etc. the human body is adpet at carrying out multiple operations. Realize that in all of human history no one has ever ingested amino acids by parceling them out.
  20. Since the human body makes up to 15 grams of xylitol daiy in normal glucose metabolism, the enzymes are already in place to handle it. Vegans generally obtain more xylitol daily than omnivores simply because they consume a greater quantity of fruits, grains and vegetables of which xylitol is a natural constituent. You're probably ingesting at least 2-4 grams daily on average. Most adults can easily handle 40 gm per day (about 12 teaspoons). In a week or two, with increased enzymatic activity to compensate, greater amounts become easily tolerated. I can consume at least 1/2 cup and not feel any the worse for wear. Sorbitol and most other polyols go through the intestines, fermenting, instead of being digested and then broken down and absorbed. As it ferments, it produces gases and drags fluids through, promoting diarrhea. Sorbitol does occur naturally in plums, apples, cherries and grapes but is present in too small an amount to cause gastric distress.
  21. It was Dr. Barnard relaying information on caso-morphins present in dairy based products. 1/10 the potency of morphine--no wonder it's a comfort food for so many. Meat was never so hard for me purge from my diet as cheese was. That is absolutely true--my own experience is proof of that. Once I would have gagged drinking a chlorella laden drink, but now I look forward to the imbibing the next one...
  22. As a general rule, the most palatble and 'best tasting' foods are those that are calorie dense and high in fat (9 calories per gram vs. 4 for carbohydrates and protein). Nature programmed us this way as a result of the oscillating periods of feast and famine that homo sapiens historically endured. It's inscribed in the human brain to crave calorie dense food that could be readily eaten and allow the body to pack on the pounds as insurance when the next famine comes. But in todays time, when famines never arrive...well you can see the ugly result of that in our modern society.
  23. The Stevita brand "spoonable stevia" that I use (comes in small packets suitable for storing in one's wallet when dining out) contains equal amounts of Stevia and Erythritol.
  24. Somehow, I just can't picture 'Ahnold' in a Honda Civic hybrid.
  25. Stevia is one of the four sweeteners I routinely use in the list of five alternates to sugar I posted. I generally don't purchase Agave. The drawback to stevia is the licorice-like aftertaste. It doesn't work for me alone in oatmeal and homemade soy/hemp milk but I use just enough to avoid having to use more of the higher priced xylitol. I don't buy sugar, processed, raw, organic or otherwise. The greatest benefit of xylitol is that my cravings for sugar has been vastly diminished. Check out these research articles on its dental and upper respitory benefits here: http://xlear.com/xylitol/research.aspx?focus=xylitol Here's another link especially germane to a bodybuilding and fitness forum: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/xylitol.htm The bottom of the article states this about xylitol: "For those looking to increase anabolism and decrease catabolism xylitol may be one more thing to add to the list of helpful substances. Xylitol has been shown to increase ATP, to increase fat release and utilization, to replenish glycogen, to be anabolic, anticatabolic, antioxidant, and it helps fight muscle fatigue."
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