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  1. This is a little off topic, but can anyone recommend a leg exercise that works out the same muscles as squats but w/o so much (or any) pressure on the hips? After years of dancing, I have hip-disc (?) issues and anything resembling squats kills me...
  2. r0sieveg


    Hi Guys!! What a great site! I have been lurking on here for way too long... guess I'm just shy. About me: Originally from Colorado, I now attend college in the South. Was a veg on and off for about 3 yrs until I began studying environmental studies at school. My mind was made up after seeing/reading some particularly heinous stuff. I'm still transitioning, but hopefully I'll gain my vegan card by the end of the summer! I have always been pretty active, played women's rugby for 3 yrs (flyhalf/wing)- gonna start playing again as soon as I find a team! Umm, what else? I love bikram yoga, running, weightlifting, dancing, reading and smoooothies. yum. That's it. I'm excited to get to know you all and learn new stuff!
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