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About medman

  • Birthday September 9

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  1. My only advice would be to put it somewhere after, rather than before, the day you do your deadlifts. I'd want to make sure my grip wasn't tired before deadlift day started! Maybe others might have more recommendations.
  2. Yes, that water contains a lot of salt (probably why it tastes so good to many). Yes, cooking dry beans is an awesome and delicious and economical alternative to canned beans, and is well worth a shot. You may fall in love
  3. Flax seed oil is...an oil. It's pure fat. So it has neither protein, nor low calories or fat. It's got a ton of omegas, with a ratio highly biased toward omega-3 compared to most sources.It won't give you any of the things it sounds like you're looking for. If you want a high-protein, low-calorie additive for your shake, you don't have many vegan options beyond the various sorts of protein powders (hemp/pea/soy/brown rice being the 4 most common picks).
  4. VE is right. Don't do ANYTHING that strains your core muscles. The "no lifting over 20 lbs for 4 weeks" advice is also generally meant for people who might carry grocery bags, or a laundry basket. It does NOT mean that you're ready to start heavy weight training after a month. When you start back up, you'll have to start up very gently and still avoid exercises that really strain your core (like deadlifts or squats). You've had a hole in your abdominal wall sutured shut, and if you open it by straining your abdominal muscles before it's fully healed, it will pop right back open. Did they put in a mesh when they repaired it?
  5. I just did my urology rotation. Not once did I ever hear a urologist tell a man with BPH or prostate cancer to avoid flax. There just isn't evidence to support that.
  6. In the strictest sense, bees are animals, so no - honey is not vegan. In reality, plenty of people who call themselves vegan are comfortable eating honey. Some people think this means they're not "real" vegans. One has to decide for themselves whether or not they feel honey is morally justifiable, just as they did with meat/dairy/eggs. I'd say being morally comfortable with what you eat is more important than labels like "does this make me an official vegan?"
  7. The worst triggers are foods that relax the GES (the sphincter that prevents reflux from the stomach). Those include peppermint, chocolate and alcohol. Next worst are things that promote acidity. #1 on this list is caffeine, which stimulates production of acid in the stomach. Cut out all coffee, pop and tea that contains caffeine. Next up are acidic and spicy foods. Tomato, citrus, hot peppers. Making sure you don't eat within 2 hours of lying down is also a big factor. Put blocks under the legs of your bed at the head so that it's elevated by 30 degrees. I have GERD myself and these are the lifestyle modifications I tell my patients to take. However, don't try to be a hero and avoid medication "just because". You'll be setting yourself up for possible esophageal cancer later in life, which is a truly horrific disease. If lifestyle modifications don't make you asymptomatic, you need medication - not just for comfort, but to reduce the risk of cancer.
  8. Just a quick update to show you all that I'm still alive. 80-hour work weeks + studying for exams + trying to have a life = going to the gym a bit less than I'd like (twice a week usually). I basically had 6 months from September-March where I made no progress due to an injury and subsequent rehab/reconditioning, but I'm back to full health and hitting PRs again. Working on upping the cardio - want to drop some body fat. In any case, here is some progress combined with ridiculous faces. My back has definitely widened a bit and I've gained some mass pretty evenly throughout... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v24/strat_man9/progress/Photoon2011-06-01at0026.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v24/strat_man9/progress/Photoon2011-06-01at0028.jpg For comparison's sake, here I am about 18 months ago: http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p437/mbene085/StrongLifts/Photoon2009-12-02at0245.jpg http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p437/mbene085/StrongLifts/Photoon2009-12-02at0247.jpg
  9. Wow, I didn't realize there was anyone on this board in the Ottawa region. I'm pretty sure Lobsteriffic lives in the US now though, so this is a fair bit of a necropost...
  10. Glad to see you're keeping up with your lifting despite things getting so busy. Also glad to hear the business is going well. As always, I'm impressed by your numbers!
  11. I think a lot of people on this forum would disagree with you. We have many a bodybuilder, powerlifter, strongman and figure competitor on this forum who have built their muscle on a legume-based diet. My deadlift had gone from 135 to 300 in just over a year, and the vast majority of my protein comes from legumes.
  12. Working your legs will tone them, but the only things that reduce fat are cardio, dieting, and surgery. I assume nobody here is a fan of lipo, so that leaves cardio and diet. There is no such thing as spot reduction...everyone is genetically programmed to lose "last" from a specific area, in your case it's the lower body. Uppig cardio and working on your diet are the only things you can do about losing fat.
  13. You are definitely right - my shoulders and lats are extremely tight. I'm working on improving that. Perhaps it isn't the wrist at al - it's just felt in the wrist!
  14. MaryStella, Thanks for the tip. I feel that my wrist flexibility is limiting my form on the front squat - I can't actually grip the bar if my upper arm is parallel to the floor while the bar rests on my anterior deltoids and upper chest. As a result, my arms end up coming down a bit, but it's the only way I cando it right now. I'm doing daily wrist stretching so that I should hopefully be able to get my fingers under the bar with it in proper position.
  15. I don't like to debate anything based on our anatomy. Evolutionary arguments are ridiculous...yes, we evolved as hunter-gatherers, but keep in mind that back in the day, we barely lived to adulthood. There was no heart disease, no diabetes...because nobody lived long enough to develop those conditions! So arguing that we evolved to survive on meat for 80+ years is completely untrue. All you can say is that we evolved to survive until puberty on an omnivorous diet. Hell, women died left right and centre from childbirth up until the past century. They didn't have to worry much about colon cancer.
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