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About bodybag

  • Birthday 01/01/1908

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  1. You don't know what you're talking about. The Gracies hand picked weak opponents they knew Royce would beat so they could market their product. Art Jimmerson was not the best boxer at that time.
  2. Off topic.Bullshit! Royce Gracie mostly fought weak opponents in UFC 1-4 except for Dan Severn. Nuff said!
  3. That's a sweet deal. I saw a set at Modells for $200 over the summer.
  4. Hey, fellow Pennsylvanian. I'd suggest doing a full body workout 3 days a week. Session 1 Squat Bench Press Barbell Row Session 2 Deadlift Military Press Lat Pulldown Session 3 Squat Bench Press Barbell Row Do abs 2 days a week
  5. I was thinking the same thing. I'll never be able to Full (deep) Squat close to 600lbs.
  6. FYI-Not every member of this forum is a bodybuilder. There are cyclist, powerlifters, olympiclifters, martial artist, runners, and other athletes on this forum. I don't know why some people got defensive. Martial artists of different disciplines critique other martial arts and OLifters and PLifters argue all the time. Many BJJ practioners swear BJJ is a superior martial art. "Weightlifters" in general argue over training methods.
  7. Exactly. Although from my understanding Ronnie Coleman used to be a powerlifter and switched to bodybuilding because there's more money in BB than PL. RC can squat and DL 800-800lbs+, Leg Press 2300lbs, and DB bench press two 200lb DB for reps.
  8. I never said bodybuilders are not strong. There are many strong bodybuilders. However, they have the potential to be much stronger if they focused on developing strength doing compound exercises not isolation work. Most 300lb bodybuilders, powerlifters, and strongmen are either genetic freaks or using steriods. Yes' date=' please [/quote']Your a smart guy, do the research. To all the bodybuilders you mock and you feel superior to because your muscles are "functional" (which often is used as a term meaning "small and not really strong but relatively fit") their muscles have a function - looking good, feeling good, maybe taking part or even winning a BB contest.I said "functional strength" not "functional." What? I don't feel I'm superior because my muscles are "functional." It'll take many years of hard work before I consider myself strong. I'm not strong by my standards. I don't feel I was talking down to them. Everyone knows bodybuilders work hard. No one will deny that.
  9. Friday 12/5 DB Bench Press 3sx5rx61lbs DB Pwr. Jerk 3sx5rx56lbs Knuckle Push-ups 1x15, 1x10, 1x10
  10. I didn't say it's better to be strong in overhead than in bench. I think being strong in both lifts is a good test of strength, however OHP works more muscle groups. Would you like me to name them all? What daily activities or sports besides powerlifting do strong pectoral muscles carry over too? Most activities and sports are done standing up not lying on your back. Close grip and shoulder width grip bench press are good if you're going to do a lot of pushing like a American football lineman and develope tricep strength. How does a pec dec develope functional strength? Nah man I'd rather be strong and lift for MYSELF than have big muscles for the sake of ??? having big muscles to look pretty and attract chicks. I think it's a waste of time to spend hours a week training to pack on useless muscle mass with minimal strength gains. Big muscle beach guys wear weightlifting gloves and use wrist straps because they don't want to spend time developing forearm and grip strength. "Oh no I don't want callouses on my hands!"
  11. OJ is such a dumbass. OJ has pensions and FL law doesn't allow the Goldmans to touch his assets. Good riddence idiot and have fun behind bars you fuck up.
  12. I've seen those big muscle beach guys do pull-ups. Their ROM on pullups is "nothing to write home about." Many big guys do lat pulls for wider lats. I'm doing lat pulls instead of pull-ups in my routine right now for the same reason everyone else does. They're easier. When I said OHP I meant any variation military press, jerk, push press, not hands close together. I use DB so its not a problem. Big strong pecs don't develope functional strength.
  13. Welcome! Good luck at acheving your goals in 2009.
  14. I'm the same way. But I just started deadlifting about 2 months ago, hopefully I will try to max it out soon. Currently my best lift is 120 kg x 7. If I would try a 1RM what weight should I try? Jackal's Gym Max Calculator http://www.jackalsgym.com/html.aspx?html=max_epley.html 264lb/120kgx7=324.984 pound = 147.410 262 77 kilogram One Repetition Max Calculator http://www.exrx.net/Calculators/OneRepMax.html 264lb/120kgx7=317 pound = 143.788 781 29 kilogram When I get bored and I like to do addition and conversions on my free time.
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