I'll keep it my-version-of-short I'll be 32 yo in March '09, married and mom to 1. Started a vegan diet lifestyle on my birthday of '08. I DO wear silk only if it is recycled and currently DO use wool for my child's pants (cloth diapers, alternative is synthetics, so I buy from small, animal-friendly farms and consider that the better of the two evils OR I buy used wool swaeters and sew them into pajama pants). Figured I should put that out there in case anyone would be turned off by it. Was an avid--but slow--runner before mommyhood. Did a marathon, some halves, etc. Have recently started riding my bike more places, although with a child in tow I am less likely to do it in the winter. Heading back to the gym because of the weather. Eh, I do better there anyway. Interested in building, tightening up, possibly (most likely) dropping pounds, although I tend to be one who STRONGLY dislikes the focus on scale numbers (the rest of my family yo-yo diets constantly because they want to be thin...). As I get healthier, the numbers dropping will be secondary. Anyway, thanks for being here. What a great resource.