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Everything posted by offense74

  1. Vegetarian Survey Location (State/Province, Country) __________Sweden Date 090115 Event (Seminar, Trade Show, etc.) _________________________________________________ This survey is being conducted by Dr. Peter R. Cheeke, Professor of Animal Science, Oregon State University. The purpose is to identify major reasons why people choose to become vegetarian. The survey will be completed anonymously. Please enter your demographic data here: Gender: M __x__ F ____ Age (circle): more than 30 years Education (circle): High School College &/or University Farm Background (circle): None Animal Experience (circle): None other than a few unreasonably hairy Homo Sapiens Dietary habits: Primarily vegetarian ____ Vegetarian ____ Vegan __x__ Please indicate your degree of consumption of these animal products: Never Occasionally Often Meat Beef _______ _______ _______ Lamb _______ _______ _______ Pork _______ _______ _______ Chicken _______ _______ _______ Turkey _______ _______ _______ Milk _______ _______ _______ Eggs _______ _______ _______ Other (identify type and degree of consumption) ________________________________ Please identify the importance of each of the following factors in your decision to not consume animal products: Not Extremely Important Important Important 1. I am opposed to the killing of animals. Important 2. I am concerned with health issues (heart disease, obesity, cancer, etc.) related to consumption of animal products. Extremely important 3. I am concerned about residues of chemical feed additives and hormones used in animal production. Important 4. I am opposed to intensive, confinement production systems (factory farming) used in livestock and poultry production. Extremely important 5. I am concerned with food safety issues (E. coli, mad cow disease, etc.) Not important 6. I believe that animal production competes with human needs for grains. Not important 7. I am concerned about the environmental issues associated with animal production. Extremely important 8. It is “cool” and trendy to be vegetarian. Not Important 9. I became a vegetarian because of peer pressure. Not important 10. Other(s). Please identify. Considering the above list, what was the single most important factor that led to your becoming vegetarian? Health
  2. The Corporation is a great documentary if you haven't seen it. Long, but very good!
  3. A good documentary on peak oil for those of you who haven't seen it: A Crude Awakening
  4. Here's what's not going to happen when you go raw and starts bodybuilding: You get good at math. Praise the lord you have Dani
  5. He claims that there is something else besides matter, I stopped watching after that. We have to find it first, then we can draw conclusions. If a scientist make claims that contradicts the laws of physics while being all alone on it, bells should start going off everywhere. It would be nice to be able to alter the laws of universe all by yourself though and it goes in line of what people want to hear.
  6. Science is no longer telling us what we want to hear. I think this is the main issue. Instead we turn to dragon hunters, Gods, economists, or what have you. It's dangerous because stupid, groundless theories have killed more people than I care to count. We have sacrificed our fellow human beings to Gods and dogmas, tortured them in the process. If we lived rationally in a way that science have described to be natural for us to relate to ourselves, our fellow Homo Sapiens and the rest of the world, most problems we face today wouldn't be there. I would love for this to happen but I see it fading away with every new irrational idea that people come up with. Science is losing ground fast and it scares me but as it keeps sending us results that we don't like I only see this scenario worsening.
  7. "What is it?" "How the f..k should I know? Stop asking questions and throw it in the pot already, it's green isn't it?"
  8. Sprouted kidney beans are supposedly poisonous: From Vegsoc Potter said he ate them sprouted, but then again he ate just about anything
  9. I'm sceptic when I hear things like this. We have tried our best but the big bullies (CVD, Cancer, HIV, Malaria, viruses, etc) are still around. There are areas where we have been very successful (antibiotics, vaccines, etc) but there is, IMO, an over confidence in believing that modern medicine will (in the near future) solve some seriously complicated issues. The track record is not nearly as good as some wants us to believe (and most do believe).
  10. We could make a thing out of this! The women of the board can lure men to their home and steal their pants. These can then be sent to L&G. Like pants sirens of some sorts...
  11. I thought you were going on a diet ?
  12. I'm going to LOVE to follow this, just as I loved following your juice feast this sumer. Quinoa and buckwheat are actually not grains (as in grasses). Buckwheat is a herb and quinoa is a flowering plant. Just good to know . Also, there's a hole in your pants. Maybe it's the European cut DV talks about sometimes...
  13. Even though it sucks when you get sick when you really want to start it's better to wait it out IMO. You're going to have thousands of awesome workouts throughout your life so torturing yourself to one extra (that might result in not being able to train for a week) is not worth it. Cleaning is boring.
  14. It IS energy. This is a contradiction to the first quote. You say in the first quote that energy is energy nomatter in what form it comes and then in the second quote somehow redefine it so that the energy becomes "different" depending on its form. Energy is energy is energy. It doesn't matter if it's potential, static, nuclear, etc. It's energy. The sun converts matter in the form of "leftover" neutrons (from fusion of H + H to He) to heat and light (energy). Plants convert this sunlight (energy) and CO2 to carbohydrates (energy) and O2. We eat the plants and we convert the carbohydrates together with O2 to muscle power, brain power, heat, what have you and CO2. Same ole' energy that came from the leftover neutron. So far Newton is right. Disproving him might be out of scope for this board.
  15. Energy doesn't equate burning stuff in the presence of oxygen. We have tried to explain to you and others what energy is but to no avail. To me there's no point in discussing energy if we can't agree on what it is. Next up: Flood Geology.
  16. +1. I would really, really like it to be otherwise, but it's not.
  17. Tanning beds doesn't increase vitamin D in the body since it's the other type of UV that does the actual tanning. You plobably have just been too stressed out to notice any symptoms .
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