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About Posidave

  • Birthday 03/03/1987

Posidave's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Food is fuel. It keeps you alive and running. Obesity is so prominent in America because people "love" food to much. As for Hitler being a vegetarian. He occasionally ate meat and did it because his doctor said it would be a good idea and also because he believed that is what humans did before modern civilization (hunter/gather). He also however said that obesity was a plaque and weakened the human race (survival of the fittest). No, I don't agree with what Hitler did. But a super strict PE and diet enforcement would be good for alot of people in this world. But Honestly Ghandi, Hitler, Einstein, Abe Lincoln, Thomas Edison. Yes Vegetarians were obviously extremists that also accomplished things good/bad that 99.99% of the population couldn't think possible at the time. I think when this guy flips on a switch for his lights he should kick himself in the ass.
  2. Anyone like the new stuff they have released that is coming out on the new album? I saw them last year and wish they would go back to being more vocal at their shows.
  3. Still trying to find my Lead and Boulder pictures. Indoor playing at work. Phonebooth 5.10a Ice Climbing Buttermilk Falls WI4, Catskills
  4. Right now I am in Hawaii. I have been living here since December. But I live in NJ and climb at the Gunks and a sport Crag in PA called Birdsboro quite often. I started climbing serious like 2 years ago and used to strictly boulder but got into easy Trad up to 5.8 and Sport climbing last season. So once I get back I will mostly be climbing on rope.
  5. I raced for 4 years. I couldn't afford getting super serious with Nationals and such so I started riding Trails and Street. But I think I will be selling off some things to build a bike up again.
  6. Posidave


    Belmar,NJ. I actually used to live near Plains,Pa and spend my time in Wilkes-barre quite often.
  7. If you ever get a chance to climb the Gunks there is a real awesome Boulder in Trapps called The Fin (V4). It was my first outdoor climb and onsight over V3 and defiantly a classic. Do you do any rope climbing?
  8. Posidave


    I'm Dave I have been Vegan for a little over 3 years and Vegetarian for 9. I currently live in Hawaii but will be moving back to New Jersey in a short while. Hobbies: BMX, Rock Climbing(Trad,Sport,Bouldering), Surfing, Bodyboarding and Bodysurfing, I also go to the gym 4-5 times a week for strength training. I became a vegetarian when I got involved in the Punk/Hardcore movement. I started out as a young kid doing alot of bad thing and after being arrested I stopped. I stopped drinking,Drugs, and became a vegetarian and have stuck with it for almost a decade. I became Vegan when I entered college I was eating a Veggie pizza at a New Years party and was told I needed a New Years resolution I finished the slice of Pizza and haven't touched a Animal product since. Occupation: Student, When I return home I will continue my education as well as working at a climbing Gym and a Outdoor retail store.
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