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Everything posted by violet13

  1. Meat/dairy/egg lovers are surviving doesn't mean they are healthy. Japanese people are longest lived people on this planet and their diet is plant based diet. Sadly, when some Japanese people adapted western style meat based diet, they start suffering from all kinds of sicknesses and diseases. It is very rare for vegans to suffer from cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, osteoprosis, etc but too many meat/dairy/egg lovers are suffering from these diseases. In fact, countries where dairy products are abundant, many people are suffering from osteoprosis. www.notmilk.com
  2. Kathryn, thank you for your message! Yes, English language is my second language and sometimes when I post offensive messages to people, I even don't realize it less somebody explain to me exactly what I said is offensive to English speaking people because difference in culture.
  3. jonathan, I fed tuna to my cats many times in the past but when I stop and thought about it, I stop buying tuna for my 7 cats. I cannot stand to think about horrible long suffocation of tuna fish when they are lifted from ocean! I know I still feed tiny sardines to my cats but time to suffocate is much shorter than large fish such as tuna and sharks. I still feel like I am hypocrite. Why do you have doubt about Rendering Plant products? Have you ever read 'Mad Cowboy' written by Howard F. Lyman? < When this gruesome mix is ground and steam cooked, the lighter, fatty materials floating to the top gets refinded for use in such products as cosmetics, lubricants, soaps, candles, and waxes. The heavier protein materials is dried and pulverized into a brown powder--about a quarter of which consists of fecal material. >> He tells us that the powder is used as an additive to almost all PET FOOD AS WELL AS TO LIVE STOCK FEED. You always tell me that things I am telling people are all well known to vegan/animal rights activists therefore not necessary for you to keep telling us same things over and over. Do you mean you did not know about Rendering Plant operation and usage of products?
  4. Do you know who start criticizing PETA and PCRM? Our enemies such as Richard Berman http://www.consumerdeception.com/ and American for Medical Progress http://www.ampef.org/ Knowing PCRM is doing wonderful research on human health, of course this organization encourages vegan life style like PETA is doing. I deeply respect these two organizations because these organizations were standing on what they know and believe when veganism was unpopular. Compare these brave leaders to rabbis who hesitated to speak against veganism and vivisection because substantial numbers of medical doctors and researchers who are to be found in the membership of synagogues and even more significantly, who sit on congrecational board of directors. If I were you, I pay no mind to what our enemies tell us.
  5. I kept drinking Japanese green tea every day from infancy and I cannot live without it. I am just interested to know how many of you are drinking green tea for wonderful health benefit. When I tell my age to people, nobody believes me because I look least 20 years younger than my actual age. Vegan life style has many wonderful blessing!
  6. I know the reasons why people feed commercial pet food made of Rendering Plant products. No1 reason is because convenience. No2 reason is people don't get chance to see billions of factory farmed animals' LIFE LONG torture and reality of slaughterhouses. I am sure if people witness actual slaughter of terrified trembling animals and see sea of blood and hear their scream, some of people who are keep feeding commercial pet food to their companion animals change their view of commercial pet food. Knowing commercial pet foods contain Rendering Plant products, who want to feed euthanised cats and dogs, decayed road kills with millions of maggots, animal waste and blood, rotten meat from super markets, dead and decayed farm animals, used grease from restaurants, plastics, cellophanes, etc to cats and dogs? Who want to feed poorest quality of pet food to our companion animals?
  7. Aaron, what you said make perfect sense when you said <> Sadly, some people think cats and dogs are much more important than farm animals and have no compassion toward farm animals. Yes, I don't chop up cows, pigs, and chickens because cats eat meat. Cats cannot kill pigs, cows, chickens, etc, therefore these farm animals are not natural food for cats and dogs. Knowing commercial pet food contain Rendering Plant products, our companion animals are forced to eat poorest quality of food. No wonder so many cats and dogs suffer from all kinds of diseases and sicknesses.
  8. http://www.preciouspets.org/rendering.htm I have hard time to understand people who think it is perfectly ok to feed commercial pet food to their companion animals. How can we justify feeding of part of factory farmed animals who were tortured LIFE LONG in factory farms and ended their lives in meat packing plant of sea of blood and scream? Are cats and dogs are more important than billions of farm animals who suffered so much? I know most people on this forum do not eat factory farmed animals but I have hard time to understand people who cuddle cats and dogs while putting farm animal flesh on their plate. When we speak about immorality of consuming meat/dairy/eggs and encourage other people to adapt vegan life style, keep feeding rendering plant products to our companion animals is hypocritical to me but in reality, most people do feed commercial pet food to their companion animals because of convenience. To be honest, I buy nothing but canned fish to my 7 cats but I still feel like hypocrite for someone who wants other people to adapt vegan life style. My cats love pasta with tomato sauce mixed with canned fish.
  9. I know one thing for sure. There is no way for People who experienced miracles to deny existence of Jesus. http://reluctant-messenger.com/sadhu-sundar-singh.htm Also it is very interesting to read about near death experience. www.mindspring.com/~scottr/nde/_accounts.html Visible things exist temporary but invisible things exist forever.
  10. I have no doubt about existence of Jesus because of my experience of miracles but I don't know exactly what Jesus ate when He was on earth with flesh and blood. Some people think He ate fish and meat but I don't think so. To be honest, my guess is nobody knows for sure. http://universal-life.cc/english/animals/Hidden_Love_of_Jesus_For_The_Animals_Layout.htm
  11. It is also cruel to let some people murder innocent animals so you can feed it to your cat/dog. So telling people meat is murder but feeding a cat meat is kind of hypcrit(or however that is spelled). Gym hater very well said! I have nothing against vegan cat food as long as my cats enjoy vegan cat food and all nutritional requirements are met. People who are feeding vegan pet food tell us that animals who are fed vegan pet food are much healthier and live longer. http://www.madcowboy.com/02_VeganPets.html
  12. CrispyQ, I am happy to report Hegins pigeon shoot is no longer exist. We stopped almost 10 years ago. I joined to other animal rihgts activists to protest barbarity almost every year more than 10 years ago. When little boy cried as he was looking at wounded bird. What hunters said to him? "That what pigeons are here for. To get hurt." I also wrote to editor of well known newspaper and publicized about blood bath of Hegins pigeon shoot and my letter was published.
  13. compassionategirl, Trader Joe decided to stop selling eggs from caged hens because of HSUS campaign. http://www.trackingtraderjoes.com/2005/11/trader_joes_to_.html I don't care if it is cage free or not, I never buy eggs and dairy products as long as I live because soon or later chickens and cows (and calves) face cruel death in meat packing plants. Nobody can get eggs and dairy products without hens and cows therefore egg eaters and dairy eaters are contributing to slaughter of these sentient creatures.
  14. Anybody who knows about dirty little secret of dairy farms doesn't consume dairy products if person has any heart and moral sense. Few days ago, somebody advised me to read my message carefully before submit. She also advised me to read messages of people carefully to avoid misunderstanding. I forgot her advice but when I was getting ready to go YWCA for swimming, I remembered what she said. It is very hard for me to type message in English language because I was educated in Japanese language.
  15. Anybody who knows about dirty little secret of dairy farms do not consume dairy products if person has any heart and moral sense. Many dairy farmers throw new born male calves in dead pile alive and let them freeze to death or starve to death while mother cows are crying desperately to find their babies. Most people don't eat veal today therefore dairy farmers don't waste their $ to raise male calves knowing there is no profit to make. www.buzzle.com/editorials/10-1-2003-46048.asp Mario is saved but nearly every dairy farm across country, calves are thrown away like gargarbage in dead piles. Expert in farm animals of Humane Society of the United States said this kind of practice is common in dairy farms. Nobody wants to speak about little dirty secret of dairy farms but I am sure any serious animal rights activist knows all about it.
  16. Knowing commercial pet foods contain rendering plant products, (euthanised million of cats and dogs, rotten road kills with thousands of maggots, animal blood and waste, used grease from restaurants, rotten meat from supermarkets, dead and decayed farm animals from livestock farms, and toxic chemicals, etc) No wonder why knowledgable people are not happy with commercial pet food. Thought of factory farmed animals who were tortured for LIFE LONG in factory farms and ended their lives in horror of meat packing plants, where terrified trembling animals are one side and cut up meat come from other side sicken me greatly. These animal flesh are turning to not only meat people eat but also in pet food. Farm animals are turning meat eaters just like most people and our companion animals are eating cats and dogs all ground up? Very ing!
  17. How do you think about new law? How many of you are favor of this new law? I am not. http://news.com.com/Create+an+e-annoyance,+go+to+jail/2010-1028_3-6022491.html?part=rss&tag=6022491&subj=news
  18. http://www.hacres.com/diet/diet.asp My daugher sent me link above. She rescued about 6 weeks old boy kitten on busy highway almost year ago and raising him in her apartment. This is not her first time to rescue animal in busy highway. She saved dog on super busy high way about two years ago and returned to owner when she found owner and he was looking for his dog. What happened was when owner was fishing in national park, his two dogs wondered away and one of his dog came back but other dog did not and end up on the highway. Owner of dog was so excited when my daughter delivered his dog and tried to offer her $100 but my daughter refused to take his money. Yes, my daughter is good hearted lady.
  19. Richard, what title of thread are you posting on vegan freak forum?
  20. I have least several animal rights organizations to support but Vegan Outreach in Pittburgh Pensylvania is great organization. I am going to send my donation for their hard work for Animals. Most important thing is to be effective and it is not so important for us to discuss who is right and who is wrong as long as we can make difference for animals. That was long time ago but I remember about doing fur protest in Pittburgh PA with vegan/animal rights activists.
  21. Kathryn, I can fully understand what you said but in reality, it is almost impossible for most people to separate person and action. It takes saint to not to hate people who torture us to death in same way animals are tortured to death. Suppose somebody skinned me alive and and my heart is still beating. Only thing I wish is instant death but I am left to suffer until my death set me free in sea of blood. This is how thousands of baby seals are tortured front of their mother seals. How many trappers kill fur bearing animals who are trapped in steel jawed leg hold traps? Stand on neck of animals to suffocate them to death. Believe me if I experiencing these torture, there is no way for me to not to hate person who is torturing me. That was long time ago, one day I was watching Pat Robertson's 700 club and guests were young lady and her little boy who was almost burned to death by his father. What happened was his father poured gasoline all over in hotel room where his little boy was sleeping and set fire before he left the room. I saw badly burned face of little boy. Very insensitive foolish nurse asked his mother "Do you think he is going to look normal in the future?" Co host of 700 club asked little boy "Can you forgive your father?" Of course little boy said "No." Who can blame on little boy for not forgiving his father who intentionally tried to burn him to death! Co host said to little boy "I cannot blame on you." Why am I telling all these things? The reason why I am telling you all these things is because people can say so easily "forgive." or "Don't hate." but when these people experience exactly same torture and death many animals and people went through, I am sure there is no way for these people to forgive or not hating enemies who inflicted so much pain and suffering. It is so easy for us to say what we should do but in reality, it takes saint to not hating people who inflict most horrible pain and suffering to animals or to us. I am not saying it is ok to hate people but we are not saints and it is our normal reaction to hate people who inflict so much pain and suffering to innocent defenseless animals. Maybe it is more effective to promote animal rights movement if I can hide my anger but sometimes I can influence people when I express my anger without any hesitation. Somebody said to me on old Animal Rights forum. "I became vegan after I read your message because the way you expressed your strong emotion in your message never leaves in my mind."
  22. I found two links. www.all-creatures.org/discuss/svtluke24.41-43.html www.all-creatures.org/discuss/svtmeat.html
  23. I am sure some of people on this forum are aware of incorrect translation of 'meat' in many verses in New Testament, but just a case, if some of you never read about mistranslation of the word 'meat' in Bible, what I am going to post is new knowledge to some people. Most Christians don't realize mistranalation of 'meat' in the Bible and think that 'meat' means animal flesh but as you start reading part of the article below, you will find out how blind most Christians are about the word of God. Too many Christians justfy their cruel life style (www.meetyourmeat.com) by misinterpreting Bible. <> Gen 29: And God said, behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree yielding seed: To you it shall be for MEAT. When I have time, I will do more research on mistranslation of the Bible.
  24. Nakeddragon, if you click on http://www.thevegetariansite.com/cgi-bin/miva?Merchant2/merchant.mv+Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=S&Category_Code=videos you can order film 'Witness' , 'Peaceable Kingdom' and many other wonderful books from this site. Thank you for your contribution on this forum!
  25. Nakeddragon, I appreciate your contribution on this forum! Your messages reflect your sincerity.
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