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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Not sure. Most online stuff says vegan but it's not definite enough. But if he keeps losing weight then I hope he keeps quiet about the whole thing. He's fast now but I think maybe he's getting a little too skinny. Yeah I don't like how he's been treated at all. Looks like Miami is trying to trade him. I'd like to think Cowher's a pretty smart guy. Hopefully they will be interested. I think he'd be happy playing for the least mercenary team in the league.
  2. If they are successful in getting everyone to shut up, then they will learn that their violence works.
  3. Yeah a Canadian magazine is publishing the pictures too so they better ban everything canadian also. If no one in the US publishes them (someone will) I'll start my own damm mag and publish them.
  4. Yeah I agree raVen. But I'm a little less inclined to bother standing up for violet though anymore as I've done so in the past and for my troubles she's now going out of her way to attack me. And apparently now I only deserve to be ignored. Incredible. And this thread has deteriorated into something irrelevant. violet can approach her vegan activism however she wants. The only real problem was what VeganEssentials pointed out with his initial post and then CG followed up on. And violet simply ignored it.
  5. I'll finish that letter later. Every state is some degree of capitalist or communist/socialist. You're preferred version of capitalism is actually a mixed economy which has capitalist and socialist elements. More capitalist than socialist though. The fact that if hasn't happened perfectly yet, is not a good argument against it though. 1% of people are vegans for example. Not that I have seen. I have not seen any good evidence at all that capitalists countries have faced the kind of pressures socialists/communists/even third world liberal have faced. There is no counter to that CIA link that I know of. People have tried to make out that the USSR/China have been just as guilty as the US, France, Britain but I have not seen any good evidence to support this. Greed prevailed. But then by the same logic meat eating has prevailed. Huh? I haven't studied Pol Pot. I wouldn't put him with Stalin. You see I too thought Stalin murdered tens of millions just to keep his people in terror. I thought that for decades as have most people. But I ran into some people who seemed decently intelligent who thought otherwise. Rather than just assume the absolute worst of them I started reading into it more. And it appears the stuff about Stalin was just lies, propaganda. Not surprising considering so much else that the US has done. Ownership over their own body and mind? That has nothing to do with communism. Nothing at all. It sounds like more capitalist propaganda about communism. In marxist literature they talk about ownership of the means of production. So the factory workers own the factory. The farmer owns his land. That is the original marxist ideal anyway. The USSR was a deformed workers state. Which is to say it had some of the good ideas of marxism but then some bad stuff also. By the 50's the bureacracy in charge was hopelessly corrupt. But not quite the total waste that people dismiss it as. I don't know what you are talking about. If this is related to the lies about Stalin supposedly killing tens of millions, let me know and I can talk about that with you. Er. What? They gave loans with the stipulations that free market measures were adopted which meant very little government spending. The results were disastorous. Luckily many nations are now realizing that the IMF is not trying to help them. A very few refused their loans and are doing comparatively better. I feel like you aren't paying attention to what I said though. These nations did as told. They jumped to extreme free market strategies that if used where you live your medical plan would be "don't get sick" while working in your current job. No that is not what I'm saying. There is no "not starving, but now are starving" implied in what I said. They were starving before and now they are starving even worse. You seem to think the nations which have taken these loans had socialist practices. As I've said before they can only get the loan if they adopt liberalist practices. You have a third world country, the IMF says, "Hey will loan you guys some money if you adopt a far right libertarian like economic system. You have to almost totally get rid of your government." As the IMF is supposedly the best economic experts in the world, the desperate country takes the loan and does as told by the economic experts with their growth plans etc. OK? Do you understand? They don't go take the money and buy a new car for everyone. They do as the right wingers in the IMF tell them to do. OK? This is not even something a person can argue. It's how it works. That is what a SAP is. In capitalism the CIA has apparently had the incentive to do what they've done. The same with the British, the same with the French. If the incentive is there. This is what they do. This is correct. Do you buy leather offense? Do you buy products made in sweat shops? The incentive is definitely there. Capitalism causes wealth inequality, which in turn causes very uneven distributions of power. The people with the most power happen to be making quite a bit of money off oil consumption. The people with the most power are the ones that push us into wars. True. True. Well OK, you are a capitalist. Just not to the extent of the type of people who usually care enough to discuss the subject. I don't think you being a capitalist makes you an evil person. 1. History shows that it doesn't necessarily do so. 2. Actually with the level of technology we have today everyone ought to be able to just work 20 hours a week and no one should suffer from lack of food or shelter. Yet no matter how much technology we invent we still work about as many hours as we can stand. And even with all those wonderful IMF/WB free market SAPs we have 2.8 Billion living on the US purchasing power equivalent of 2 dollars per day. This means some rice, beans, rain water. Live in a cardboard box. This is DESPITE decades of SAPs. Do you understand what a SAP is? This shows that apparently it isn't working. You seem to not realize that the third world has been following the free market ideas you like for the last few decades. They have. It's not working. OK, let's slow down a bit. This took too long to post. Break things up. Try to learn from each other. Just take one thing at a time please. I don't want to feel like I need to put everything I've learned in the hundred or so books, etc I've read on the subject in one post.
  6. I've read about everything by Ayn Rand. Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, Anthem, We the Living, The Virtue of Selfishness, Ayn Rand the Early Years..... Used to be a huge fan of that kind of one sided thinking. I was a much happier person when I could make myself buy into that. It's funny how the left is always accused of being elitist when one considers Rand and how influential her stuff has been on the right. Psst Offense, It's crap. I'm reading a biography of Lenin by an anti-communist and otherwise just trying to write stuff.
  7. Hey, if it works for you. I want to be able to do at least 50 chin ups straight. At least two sets of 50 dips. Get some one arm chins and be respectable at military pressing. (That's not really out of this world though. Just want to get out well over 200 pounds with strict form.) I don't care about weight or size though. Good to see you back.
  8. Carmine has at least two other names unfortunately. One is cochineal (sp?) and then something like e-40 or red-40 or something. Not sure.
  9. Yes, I was being sarcastic. Sorry. I suppose you're right Will. There are plenty of oddballs/aspergers, etc. I shouldn't say you have to be a good public speaker, but it does help. And I'm afraid that sometimes it seems to help a lot. CG, I think the big thing that is argued is how they are measuring the temperature to determine whether or not global warming is actually occurring. There is an argument for example that urban cities give off extra heat and are affecting the measurements. But I think that one's been discounted. But there's stuff along those lines. Also 99% of scientists who have the relevant education do believe in global warming. The MSM in it's quest for objectivity gives the two sides equal time plus the government is on the side of no global warming. Recently there was some news about how they were trying to hush up NASA scientists on the issue for example.
  10. This is a common misconception. Will you are free to ask questions instead of assuming the worst of people. A communist "revolution" would be democratic revolution. The only forcing is based on rule of law which is agreed upon democratically. In the rhetoric/lingo they unfortunately use words like "revolution" and talk in great detail about the viollent counter revolution that is sure to come. I think it is important to talk about how the owning class will (and does) resort to violence but a lot of the century old lingo we could probably do without. There is nice old school socialism that doesn't use such talk. Like Robert Tressel's book The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists but such stuff just isn't as realistic. Anyway first lets talk about this letter to Mr. Stiglitz. Now, if you go to the reference, "slander" is not the correct word to use at all. Using it just smears Stiglitz. Never in Stiglitz's writing does he stoop to gossip crap like this. This reads more like the usual lacking in substance smear stuff that comes from the right. Anyway the comment (and it's silly that this guy is even talking about such useless crap and I feel silly responding to it, hopefully Stiglitz didn't stoop to defending it) can be taken as humor/a compliment to the people gathered in the room. So he takes an innocent comment and turns it into proof that Stiglitz is some arrogant elitist. Also Stiglitz avoids talking about the WB as he used to work there I think he feels it wouldn't be proper. He also never goes on about conversations he had with people he worked with and ways to negatively miscontrue their statements. He is insinuating that Stiglitz never admits being mistaken. This doesn't address anything of actual substance and is just more character assasination. I don't recall offhand examples of Stiglitz admitting to being wrong. I'd rather not have to stoop to this game and go look for examples in the book. Untrue accusation. Claiming that Stiglitz is just trying to take all the glory for himself. More substanceless character assasination. Another accusation that unlike Stiglitz's work isn't supported at all. Emotional rhetoric and an attempt smear Stiglitz just for disagreeing! More later. (sigh)
  11. You ever do any public speaking Ryan? I know from meeting you that you probably knocked out that post fast, as that's just how you talk in person. You're very well spoken. I can't disagree with what you wrote Robert. Maybe there's situations where a controversial approach is good, but probably not in the situation you mention.
  12. Most of the scientists I've met in America can barely even speak English. So it can't be that crucial to succeeding here Hey, what do I know? Good luck.
  13. Unfortunately scientists are expected to be great speakers along with knowing all the science. It's actually crucial to getting grants and all that crap.
  14. LOL. I've gone out of my way to defend you here and this is what I get for my troubles? What the heck are you talking about? Let me guess, you've mixed me up with some other poster. Do what you've got to do Rob. Everyone was right, Violet does have something seriously wrong with her head. I tried to give her far more benefit of doubt than all the other people who just ignore her posts at this point. But I'm done wasting my time.
  15. Turns out the shot lodged in the guy's heart. They keep trying to make it out like it's not big deal. The original wounding is no big deal. (Although it lodged in the guys heart.) Now he just suffered a minor heart attack. I wonder if they'll even mention it at all when he dies.
  16. Pretend all these pro capitalist people aren't really arguing that the only incentive for people to work is the knowledge they will otherwise starve to death.
  17. Pretend people actually care. Pretend you live in a communist system and are not working slave hours (40 or more hours per week) just to survive in the slave system, but just to make the world a better place. Pretend ending up homeless, starving, without health care, etc is not a possibility. Pretend instead you live in a sane civilized world. Pretend people actually care. Pretend they don't really kill 200 million animals a day just in the US just because they like the taste and won't even give that up even when adding on how bad it is for their health. Pretend instead you live in a sane civilized world. Pretend people actually care and have bothered to become informed about politics (like about the truth of communism) so that they can make sure this world is the best place it can actually be. Although less the 5% of people actually give a damm, pretend otherwise. Pretend the ability to be intelligent, to be compassionate is within everyone. .....
  18. http://www.themiddleeastnow.com/saudioppression.html Some Muslims are rioting over offensive pictures yet look how they treat other religions/atheists.
  19. I have an interview this friday and I really couldn't give a fuck anymore.
  20. It just depends.... I think eating plus sleeping plus strength training ought to make you stronger. If it doesn't, I don't think little things are going to really make a difference. At least not enough to bother with. There are tons of little things though that people will advocate doing in order to improve. I'm sure some people would advocate a more structured schedule. I wouldn't. The littlie things don't add up, they just reduce quality of life.
  21. nuts, seeds, oils. bit of coconut milk. Pretty simple. I think the big mistake new vegans make is not getting enough of these. I'm afraid Ricky Williams, who plays pro football is currently making this mistake. He's became a vegan a while ago and he's getting really skinny.
  22. http://www.embassyofheaven.com/catalog/cleanse.htm#Gallbladder My mom had her gallbladder removed. I'm probably full of gallstones. I suppose I'll do this sometime. So much for modern science.
  23. Wait a second. What? Those are stones you got out of your body? How did you do that?
  24. If 150 million people does basically nothing and when they do they do it ineffectively a new government consisting of fruit flies will make the economy grow. The problem in Soviet wasn't growth it was supply and demand. A government can't control this as well as the market and this resulted in a boom in mathematics and a decline in bread. The main problem with the Soviet Union was the relentless attack it faced from the capitalist world. As a result, early on having the degree of freedom/democracy that capitalist nations had, would have resulted in a coup exactly as happened in so many other nations as I provided a link about earlier. So then with an undemocratic bureacracy set in place corruption slowly creeped in. Gorbachev's faction finally simply stealing the resources of the people in 1991. The idea that this was a result of an economic collapse is a lie that both corrupt Soviets and capitalist powers were quite happy to spread. Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Chech republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. If trade is fare and the politics are liberal, things start to happen. It takes a few years, but it'll happen. China, India, Thailand, Malaysia are also on the way although the amount of people are alot higher and it will therefore take more time. The World Bank had a report which divided all the countries of the world into 4 economic tiers in 1960, 1978 and 1998. From 1960 to 1998 there were over 70 nations that dropped at least one tier and only 3 if I remember correctly, that rose at least one tier. I'm not aware of any miraculous turn around in the last few years during which the IMF and WB have followed the same policies that have already been conclusively proven a failure. Alot of countries in south america is trying new ways to control all kinds of things on the market. Meanwhile they take loans to support the growth that will not happen on a market that is not free. They will fail. The US will be blamed for this nomatter what the US does. They have been following the free market directives of the IMF and WB. These extreme free market policies (that based on what you've expressed you don't actually support) have not worked at all, yet they continue to prescribe them and will not give loans unless nations follow them. Nobel prize winner in economics and former chief economist of the WB, Joseph Stiglitz, finally quit in (huh (dis gust) comes out as a smilie?) as he was directed to continue making these stipulations despite how obvious it was that they were not working. He wrote a book about the IMF called Globalization and it's Discontents that goes into detail about what a failure free market zealotry has been. Of course, as he's not "toeing the line" anymore, his credentials are dismissed and he is censored by the corporate media. But they can't stop him from publishing books. Offense, in exchange for getting the loans they have what are called "structural adjustment programs" (SAPs). These programs usually consist of about 100 stipulations that the nation must follow in order to get the loans. These stipulations direct these nations to follow an economic policy that is far to the right of any successfully industrialized nation. The nations have been following these SAPs. The results has been a disaster. A holocaust. (Millions have died premature deaths as a reult.) The issue has been censored. I don't know what's going on where you live, but you will not hear a peep about the issue on TV or in newspapers in the US. I doubt 2% of Americans even know what a SAP is. Of course this isn't necessarily an argument for communism. Just an argument against free market zealotry, which based on what you've already said here, you don't support anyway.
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