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Thanks guys! I work hard to show the world what a vegan can do . And all my numbers are lbs x reps, so I'm not doing too many pull ups, but I'm adding a lot of weight!
Man I'm falling behind on this log! I need more hours in my day! Lot to put down here, workouts have been going really really well. Last week I had a couple aches and pains surface, so went low intensity high rep (4 sets of 20+ reps) on a couple of workouts to allow some recuperation (shoulders, hamstring, calves and arms in particular). The others I went nice and heavy on! Since I am now 5 weeks out from my next bodybuilding adventure I am doing 20 minutes of cardio before breakfast (usually elliptical) every morning I don't have a 2-a-day. One my off days I'm doing a second cardio workout (usually swimming or stair stepper) for 20-30 more minutes. 6/11 (Good day from week before last) Started with calves Romanian Deadlift: 135x12, 185x12, 225x10, 225x6 (Best RDL since before I tore me knee 2 years ago!! Stoked!!) Prone Leg Curl: 90x12, 110x10 Seated Leg Curl: 110x10, 110x10 Later That Day... Really good arm workout! Was sore for 3 days! Machine Curl FST-7 Preload: 70x12 Preacher Curl: 65x12, 75x12, 95x8, 95x10 DB Incline Curl: 25x12, 35x10, 35x10 Hammer Curl: 30x10, 30x10, 30x10 Weighted Dips: 0x12, 25x12, 50x8, 25x11 DB Extension: 60x12, 90x12, 90x10 1 Hand Reverse Pressdown SS Straight arm pulldown: 40x12 SS 90x10, three set 9/16: Pull ups: 12, 35x10, 55x8, 75x1, 100x4, 55x16 drop 0x8 (Best pull ups in ages! Loving it!) Db Row: 65x12, 90x12, 90x15, 70x22 Lat Pulldown (mid grip): 80x12, 100x12, 120x10, 140x6 drop 100x7 Scott Curls: 50x12, 70x12, 70x10, 70x10 Concentration curls: 25x10, 25x10, 25x10 6/17: Incline Bench Press: 135x12, 175x10, 205x1, 225x5, 225x5, 135x15 (double disk baby!) DB Bench Press: 70x10, 90x7, 90x8, 70x10 Incline DB Fly: 30x12, 40x10, 40x10 Pec Dec FST-7: 65x12 (had to sneak that in - feels so good!) 6/20: Hit shoulders with Todd and killed it! Slight pain but it didn't keep me from anything. Arnold Press: 40x12, 60x12, 80x8, 90x5 drop 60x7 (felt beastly!) Behind the neck BB Press: 95x12, 135x12, 155x10, 155x10 DB Laterals SS Bent DB Laterals: 20x12 SS 20x12, 20x12 SS 20x12, 30x8 SS 30x6 6/21: Hammer Strength Leg Extension: 90x12 FST-7 Preload Squat: 135x15, 185x15, 225x10, 275x1, 315x13, 315x10 drop 225x8 drop 135x10 (Brutal! So stoked on getting back up to these weights!) Hack Press: 90x15, 180x15, 180x15, 180x20 Later that day.... Great HIT arm workout! (been doing arms on legs day for added hormone benefit) Barbell Curl: 45x20, 65x15, 95x12, 95x16 (including cheat reps and negatives - killer) DB Curl: 30x10, 50x10 drop 30x10 Concentration Curl: 30x10, 40x8 Skull Crushers: 65x12, 65x12, 115x7 to close grip x8 - Brutal! Cable Press Down: 70x12, 70x15 6/22: Much needed rest day. 15min elliptical this morning and 1200m swim before lunch. Swam 100m in 16:10 with fins on, pretty happy with that .
Couple of days to post on. Since I've returned from the contest I've moved away from FST-7 volume training for now and am working in more high intensity training - trying to get some strength back! Its still going really well and I feel like my physique is hardening up a bit so I'm sticking with it at least for a few more weeks. Marcella keeps reminding me that I never integrate periodization into my programs so I really should look more closely into that. Anyway... 6/6/11: I hit quads and made some good progress! I've moved quads and Hams to separate days to give my core time to recover between and I'm liking it! Squat: 135x15, 185x15, 225x15, 245x24, 265x20, 225x15 - Stoked! My best set of 20 ever was at 335 so I'm getting there! Leg Press: 360x15, 450x15, 540x10, 360x15 Leg Extension: 150x12, 190x12, 190x10 drop 150x4 drop 110x6 That afternoon I did a bicep workout, don't remember the weights: Barbell curl up to 105x10 I think. DB curl up to 50x8. Concentration curl to 40x8. 6/7: First good shoulder day post-contest and I got some good numbers! DB Arnold Press: 45x15, 60x12, 80x8, 80x7 - Haven't gotten near that on Arnolds in ages! Smith Behind-the-head press: 105x12, 125x10, 145x10 drop 105x7, 145x12 drop 105x8 Seated DB Lateral superset bent over lateral: 20x12 SS 20x10, 25x12 SS 20x10, 25x10 SS 20x8 6/8: Ran 1 mile AM did 20min stair stepper PM 6/9: Killed back today with my client/vegan success story Todd! Went hard and heavy for an hour and a half! Weighted Pull ups: 0x12, 35x10, 50x8, 75x6, 90x6, 90x6 drop 50x6 drop 35x6 drop 0x6 - Stoked! Best pull up workout in a year! Barbell Row: 115x12, 135x12, 155x12, 1550x10 drop 115x10 Close-grip cable row: 80x12, 100x12, 120x15 (with rest-pause) Deadlift: 135x10, 185x10, 225x10 - Felt easy! Getting stronger!
Thanks! Did you hear we're Seattle-bound for the last week of July so I can compete with none other than big Ed?! Thanks Rob PMFF, I think I compared well to the others, but next time I need to be the stand out!
This week I've been focusing on upping the weight and doing more high-intensity style workouts since my injury hasn't been bothering me. I'd love to get back that rock hard look you get from pushing very heavy weight I had last year for my barbarian photos, so hopefully this stint goes well! I've already gotten some new improved numbers so so far so good! Thursday 6/2 I did a pretty typical back routine for more (pull ups, DB row, pull downs etc) BUT I finished it off with 3 sets of deadlift up to 185lbs! Haven't tried that move for nine months and it felt really easy so I'm super excited! Finished my workout with 3 sets of Scott curls and 2 sets of cross-body hammer curls. Friday 6/3: Yesterday I did a low volume high-ish intensity chest workout that looked like: Bench Press: 135x12, 155x10, 185x10, 225x8, 185x11 (hit two plates for the first time in quite a while!) Incline Bench Press: 135x10, 185x10, 185x11, 135x10 Incline DB Fly: 30x12, 30x12, 30x12 + 8 presses Bench push ups for 25 reps to burn out Saturday 6/4: Today I hit hams/calves am and triceps pm, both of which went really well with some old/new best weights: 1-Legs calf raise w/ DB: 15, 35x12, 35x12, 35x12 Seated Calf Press: 100x12, 135x12, 160x12, 185x12, 185x12+135x10+90x10 Leg Press Calf Raise FST-7: 450x12 Romanian Deadlift: 135x12, 185x12, 205x10, 185x10 (haven't touched the 200's on this in ages!) Seated Leg Curl Superset DB Jump Lunges: 110x12 SS 20, 130x12 SS 20x15, 150x12 SS 20x15 This afternoon... Close Grip Bench Press: 135x12, 15x10, 185x10, 205x10, 135x12 (stoked!) Cable Press Down: 50x12, 70x12, 81x12, 50x12 Bench Dips: 0x15, 45x12, 90x13 So I'm moving away from volume and working on upping my weights to get rock hard muscles. Hope it keeps going so well! Shot below is from this afternoon: http://www.veganmuscleandfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/011-e1307241077763.jpg
Thanks you guys! Gotta get even better though!
Thanks! Trying to add even more now, then on to refinement
Have been super-motivated after my first contest this past Saturday, so I went it and killed it for my quad workout yesterday. (Today was therefore a much needed rest day ) Leg Extension: 90x15, 90x15, 90x15 SS Leg Curl: 70x15, 70x15, 70x15 Squat: 135x15, 185x15, 225x30, 245x22 [last 2 sets were brutal!] SS Box Jumps (onto a bench): 15, 12, 12 Leg Press: 450x20, 540x17, 540x15 Leg Extension: 120x12 done FST-7 style This was by far the best leg workout I've had since my injury last summer; I could barely walk out of the building! I wanted to do a bit more volume, but I was worried my old abdominal injury couldn't take it, and based on how sore I am today it wasn't necessary! In the afternoon I did a short high-intensity bicep session (I'm still playing around with my split which I do compulsively) Barbell Toss: 45x20, 45x20 Alternating DB Curl: 30x12, 40x12, 50x10 EZ bar curls: 65x12, 75x12, 75x12 (both work sets ended with a few negatives)
Thanks guys! I completely agree Richard, that's the nature of a subjective sport...
Thank you so much everyone! Your support really means a lot to mean. Yes, this defeat was disappointing, but like you said Robert I'm not complaining because it is fantastic fuel for the fire. I had an awesome quad workout today I'll post in my journal, and every time it got really tough I just reminded myself of my third place! I will come on stage with a better physique than this the next time, and I'd like to blow away the competition as icing! . Robert, I'm honored in your faith that I'd be a worthy opponent, but I don't know about beating you! My arms have never been near 17 inches! Thanks for everything guys - time to get better!!
Check out these shots from my first bodybuilding contest! The prejudging shots were: photos numbered 73-90 (I'm on the right) http://www.photoreflect.com/store/Orderpage.aspx?pi=08LP005Y050072&po=72&pc=112
Thanks Robert! You are the man, and your support helps keep me moving forward . After all, if it wasn't for hanging out with you on the cruise I wouldn't even have entered this contest! (I'd still be pouting about all the ground I'd lost from my abdominal injury). Thanks!!
Thanks! I agree, but it's all the more motivation to work hard in the gym and leave no doubt next time!
Hey y'all, I got third! Out of three, but I think I made a great showing and after talking with the judges I know where I need to improve to move up! Check out the vids! First day back in the gym today, and I took it pretty easy since my hydration is just getting back to normal. The week leading up to the show I hit every muscle group with a light, high paced workout of low volume (8-12 sets per muscle group) just to keep blood pumping to my muscles rather that to try and make any last second gains. Here's what I did today for shoulders: Cable Shoulder Fly: 20x15, 25x15, 25x15 DB Shoulder Press: 50x12, 70x10, 70x10, 70x7 drop to 50x8 drop to 35x8 Alternating DB Front Raise: 20x12, 20x12, 20x12 Cable Shoulder Fly FST-7 @ 25lbs Like I said, short and sweet. Didn't feel too strong so I didn't want to push it!
Thanks!! We're about to head out! Getting excited!
Had a great back/bi workout yesterday. I started off really strong but my energy flagged towards the end. I've still been supersetting every set I do with 100 jump rope reps and by the end of the workout it's exhausting! Gotta get tight though . 5/21 Pull ups: 0x12, 35x10, 55x8, 55x8, 55x11 (spotted) T-Bar Row: 135x12, 160x12, 185x12, 185x12 Lat Pulldown: 100x12, 110x12, 110x12, 110x12 Wide Cable Row FST-7 @ 70lbs Preacher Curls: 60x12, 60x12, 60x10 Scott Curls:50x8, 50x8 - Love these but was dead! Hit a light shoulders day today. Still supersetting everything with 100 jump ropes. I'm skipping a rest day today so I can take two days off before my contest this Saturday!! 5/22 DB Shoulder Press: 45x12, 65x10, 80x8, 80x8 Seated DB Front Raises: 15x12, 20x12, 25x12 Barbell Shrug behind Back: 135x12, 135x12, 135x12 (I do these really light because I only feel them when I have perfect form) Lying Rear Delt Laterals: 12x12, 12x12, 12x12 Machine Lateral FST-7 @ 60lbs Then lots of posing practice! = whipped!
Little behind here, but that's ok..... 8 Days out from my first show!! 5/17: Same leg workout I've posted recently, but I got the squats up to 225 for 21 reps! By far the best weight I've done post-injury, and I'm still limping today 3 days later . 5/18: An shoulder routine. Barbell Presses, Arnold presses, upright row, shrug, laterals. It did it's job but I don't think I was at 100% intensity. (probably just couldn't compare to my leg workout) 5/19: Off/30min trail run in the gorgeous park by our house! 5/20: Good chest/tri workout today. Was limited on time but I got in everything I needed to. Bench Press: 135x12, 155x12, 185x12, 205x11, 205x10 DB Incline Press: 50x12, 60x12, 60x12, 60x10 Smith Decline Press: 125x12, 125x12, 125x12 Peck Deck: 65x12 FST-7 style Cable Press down: 80x12, 110x12, 140x10, 13x12 DB Extension: 70x12, 70x10, 70x11 Kept the rest low and got a great pump, but I'm not thrilled with where my strength is right now. I remember doing a lot more weight on everything here just 9 months ago, but with this high volume/7s approach I've gotten almost all my size back with lighter weights and no re-injuries, so I can't complain about that!
Today I had a great arm workout and finally feel like I'm back on track! We went out of town a week ago with a red-eye flight etc and it completely knocked my progress for my show in two weeks. I was feeling pretty unhappy about it, but we've finally gotten our sleep schedule straight again and my last two workouts have been brutal, so I'm feeling/looking back on track! Yay for less stress! Today I hit arms at home and here's how it went: Barbell Curls: 45x20, 95x12, 95x10, 95x11 Incline Curls: 30x12, 30x12, 30x12, 40x8 Hammer Curls: 25x12, 25x12, 25x12 EZ Bar Curls: 65x12, FST-7 style (5min water break!) Cable Press Down: 70x12, 80x12, 80x12, 80x11 DB Extension: 50x12, 50x12, 50x12, 50x12 Skull Crushers: 65x12, 65x12, 65x12, 65x12 Timed my rest for every set between 60-90sec and went as heavy as I could for that. Went great! Tomorrow is legs... (foreboding music) and I'm hoping to get back over 200lbs on squat! Injury hasn't bothered me so here's hoping it goes well!
Thanks! Your and everyone else's support help keep me working my hardest!!
Missed posting a couple workouts, but did legs yesterday and shoulders today. Here's what I did: Walking barbell lunges: 100x12, 120x12, 120x12, 120x12 Leg Press: 360x15, 450x15, 540x20, 540x20, 540x20 Scotte Curl: 50x12, 50x12, 50x12, 50x12 Squats: 135x15, 155x20, 185x30, 185x30 SS Box Jumps: 7 risers x10, 7x10, 7x10 Leg Extension: 130x12 FST-7 style. Today: Everything was super set with 100 reps of jump rope! Seated Barbell Press: 95x15, 125x12, 145x10, 145x11, 145x9 SS Underhand chin-ups: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 Barbell Shrugs: 135x 12, 12, 12 (Like to do these light and be as strict as possible) SS Upright Row: 95x12, 95x12, 95x12 SS Bent Over DB Laterals: 12x12, 12x10, 12x10 Machine Lateral: 60x12, FST-7 style Trying to keep on top of this for my records! Bed time!
Thanks guys, I haven't gotten all the kinks out of it, but I'm working on it! As for timing it, I actually went pretty slow... Had a full stomach and felt like I was going to lose my lunch the whole time if I pushed my pace . I expect I will be hitting it pretty fast as my conditioning improves, but I also want to keep enough rest incorporated to allow me to lift heavy. On Wednesday of last week I did my once per week two-a-day workout (hams/calves AM, quads PM). As usual it was brutal, but what legs day isn't? Had to get my first workout in between appointments so it was abbreviated. I don't remember all the weights/reps, but I was super setting hamstrings with calves every set and I hit seated calf press, 1-legged calf raise on stairs, leg press calf raise, seated leg curl, prone leg curl, and romanian deadlift (ie the usual). Quad workout was quite memorable, however. I got a couple new post-injury best lifts, and almost had to crawl out of the gym at the end, so I knew it went pretty well. No jump rope on this one though, wouldn't have made it! Walking barbell lunges: 100x12, 120x12, 120x12, 120x12 SS Scott curls: 45x12, 65x10, 65x10, 65x10 Squats: 135x15, 155x20, 185x25, 185x30 (my post-injury best!) SS Box Jumps: 7 risers x10, 7x15, 7x15 Leg Press: 360x15, 360x15, 360x15, 360x20 SS 1-Arm Cable Curl: 30x10, 30x12 Leg Extension: 130x12 FST-7 style. Dead! Thursday I hit shoulders and had another great workout! Still working on my new formatting and it went really well with this one. didn't have a lot of time, but I didn't need it! Only took about 35min. Everything was super set with 100 reps of jump rope, brutal when working shoulders! Seated Barbell Press: 95x15, 115x12, 135x12, 145x11, 145x13 SS Underhand chin-ups: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 Upright Row: 95x12, 95x12, 95x15 SS Bent Over DB Laterals: 12x12, 12x10, 12x10 SS Bar Dips: 10, 10, 10 Machine Lateral: 60x12, FST-7 style Crazy pump! Couldn't lift a finger!
I may have made a training breakthrough yesterday! I won't go into my theories behind it yet (saving it for an article) but I whipped up a great workout yesterday and I think it has a lot of potential. Plus it killed me! I though I was going to throw up for the entire hour and a half! 'Back' workout: (every set was followed by 100 reps of jump rope) Weighted Pull-Ups: 0x12, 35x10, 50x10, 50x12, 70x8 SS Incline Bench Press: 135x12, 135x12, 135x12, 135x12, 135x12 DB Row: 60x12, 75x12, 90x10, 90x10 SS Arnold Press: 40x10, 35x12, 35x12, 35x12 Close-Grip Lat Pulldown: 100x12, 110x12, 120x12, 120x15 SS Leg Extension: 110x12, 110x12, 110x12, 110x15 Wide-Grip Cable Row: 60x12 (FST-7 style) Like I said, this put me through the ringer, but it was awesome. Can't wait to try this style on my other muscle groups!
Yes I'm head of the personal training department at Gold's Gym in Richmond VA, so Marcella and I do most of our workouts there, but we also have a nice home weight room and will occasionally work out at the Virginia Commonwealth University Gym. Variety keeps it fun! Today I found myself with a two hour break in my schedule so I decided to do chest and tris together! Had an awesome workout, got a great pump, and because of our "Richmond's Buffest Vegans" article this week I got a lot of compliments. Was loving it! Barbell Bench Press 135.0x15, 155.0x12, 185.0x12, 195.0x12, 195.0x9 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press 55.0x12, 70.0x12, 70.0x10, 70.0x11 DB Decline Press 55x10, 55x10, 55x10 Machine Fly 65.0x12, 65.0x12, 65.0x12, 65.0x12, 65.0x13, 65.0x12, 65.0x12 Cable Triceps Pushdown 80.0x12, 110.0x12, 130.0x12, 130.0x12 Skull Crushers with Added Band 50.0x12, 60.0x11, 60.0x12, 60.0x12 Seated Triceps Press 50.0x12, 65.0x12, 60.0x10 Bench Dip 0.0x15, 0.0x13, 0.0x13 Killed myself on this, but it was a lot of fun and we went out for our cheat meal tonight so I'm hoping I'll put those calories to good use!
Only had time for a short biceps workout in between clients today but it went really well. Most of my weight went up. Feeling strong! Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl 25.0x12,30.0x12,35.0x10,40.0x9 Preacher Curl 50.0x12,60.0x12,70.0x11,80.0x9 Double Dumbbell Hammer Curl 25.0x12,30.0x12,30.0x12,30.0x10 Preacher Curl Machine 40.0x12,40.0x12,40.0x12,40.0x12,40.0x12
Five Months to First Bodybuilding Competition!
Derek replied to marcella's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs