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Everything posted by vegan801power

  1. 1-3-10 Chest Squat 225*20 Bench 135*10 185*6 175*6 165*6 155*5 Pushups 20 Incline barbell 135*6 135*5 125*7 115*8
  2. 1-2-10 back 10lb medicine ball situp 50 50 Dead lift 135*10 185*10 205*10 225*10 245*10 Iso-lateral rows one arm 115-10 115*10 125*10 Shrug 225*10 275*10 275*10 295*10
  3. 12-29-09 Military press barbell 115*7 95*10 105*7 105*6 95*7 Upright row 80*10 80*10 80*10 85*7 85*10 Arnold press 50*6 45*6 40*6 35*7 35*6 decline situp 50
  4. 12-24-09 Dumbell static bench super set chest fly 65*10-30*10 75*8-35*10 75*5-30*10 70*6-30*10 incline dumbell bench static super 60*7-30*10 55*6-30*10 50*7-30*10 decline static dumb super set 60*7-27.5*10 55*7-27.5*5 50*7-25*10 Peck deck 175*7 160*10 160*6 145*10
  5. 12-17-09 Bench warmup 135*10 185*7 dips 10 10 9 10 cable curl 110*10 130*10 150*8 140*7 decline situp 55 Static curl 25*10 30*7 30*6 27.5*7 Skull crusher 65*10 75*10 80*9 80*7
  6. 12-16-09 weight 195.0 Squat 185*10 225*10 225*5 235*10 235*8 Leg extension 110*10 130*10 140*10 hamstring curl 110*10 110*10 110*6 calf raise 270*10 270*10 320*10 320*10
  7. 12-15-09 Military dumbell 55*10 65*9 65*7 60*9 Cable rear delt 40*10 50*10 50*7 50*10 pushups 20 20 upright row 75*10 85*10 90*10 90*8
  8. 12-14-09 run five min Dumbell bench static 60*10 70*8 75*6 70*10 Incline barbell bench 95*10 135*10 155*6 155*3 135*8 Decline dumbell static bench 60*9 60*7 55*8 55*9 Even cable fly 60*10 70*9 70*6 60*10
  9. 12-11-09 preacher curl 65*10 85*10 85*5 75*7 65*10 Tricep pulldown bar 80*10 80*10 90*7 90*7 80*4 70*6
  10. 12-10-09 bench warmup Deadlift 135*10 185*10 225*10 245*8 245*6 Latpulldown 150*10 165*8 165*5 150*10 Pullups Isolateral row one arm at a time 90*10 115*10 115*10 115*10
  11. 12-8-09 Squat 185*10 225*10 245*10 245*10 seated hamstring curl 130*9 130*8 130*7 Calf raise seated 115*10 25*10 135*9 135*10 Leg press 360*10 450*10 450*10 Weight 196.0
  12. 12-7 run five min push press 115*10 135*10 155*6 155*6 145*10 Cable rear delt fly 60*7 50*3 40*10 40*10 pushup comp to 22
  13. 12-6-09 run five min Barbell bench 135*10 205*5 195*5 185*4 175*6 175*6 Incline cable 70*8 70*7 70*6 60*8 60*8 Decline cable 70*9 70*10 70*6 60*8 60*8
  14. 12-5-09 Box squat 135*10 205*20 (fought hard, cheated a little) pullup 6 5 5 3 Seated row 180*10 195*8 195*8 195*8 Lat pulldown 135*10 150*6 135*9 135*10 Shrugs 225*10 295*10 295*10 295*10
  15. 12-1-09 run six min. push press 115*10 135*10 145*8 145*8 decline situp 50 50 Machine rear delt 130*10 160*10 190*6 175*4 160*5 upright row 80*10 80*9 75*10 75*10
  16. 11-30-09 Squat 215*20 Barbell becnh super set chest fly 175*10-30*10 195*5-30*10 175*5-30*10 175*5-30*10 115*10 incline barbell super set chest fly 135*10-30*7 145*4-25*10 135*5-25*10 115*6-25*8 Decline dumbell superset chest fly 50*10-30*7 65*5-25*10 60*6-25*10
  17. 11-2-09 Squat 20*10 static dumbell curl 70*10 80*5 35*10 barbell bench supeerset dumbell fly 205*4 30*10 195*4 30*10 185*3 30*10 175*4 35*8 Incline barbell bench super set chest fly 135*5 30*5 135*6 30*5 135*6
  18. 10-29-09 Tripcep pulldown 70*10 80*7 80*5 70*6 Static dumbell curl 30*8 70*8 70*8 Cable curl 110*10 130*6 120*9
  19. 10-28-09 run five min front lat raise 20*10 22.5*10 22.5*10 push press 95*10 105*10 115*10 95*10 cable delt pull 50*8 50*5 40*7 95*10 pull up 6 3 2
  20. haven't update in months... so here goes. 10-26-09 squat 195*20 Barbell bench 135*10 195*7 205*3 215*1 225*1 135*10 dumbell fly 35*10 45*6 40*9 40*8 peck deck 205*10 250*6 250*5 decline situp 40 30
  21. damn! my book is still in Portland, need to just go get a new one. still stomping on it though!
  22. Don't worry Crystal, it's on today! Yeah, usually try to ruin one body section per day, probably going to switch it up in a while though. I'm just trying to bulk up now... Also, stoked to see you Robert, and thanks a TON for coming to speak for the animal sanctuary in Utah. I do a ton of work for them, and appreciate you lending a hand greatly. Coming to Portland on the 4th, looking forward to meeting some of you kids out there. Crystal and I are pretty much the vegan BB'ing community here! WE have a bunch of vegan kids that are active, but none whose goal it is to gain strength for the sake of it.
  23. Screwin around bored run 5 min Barbell bench 135*10 195*4 185*4 176*6 Cable fly incline 50*10 70*7 60*8 60*6 cable fly decline 70*10 70*7 70*6 60*8 Peck deck 175*10 220*6 210*5 205*5
  24. 10-23 shoulders Squat 195*20 Military dumbell super w/ front lateral raise 60*10, 15*10 60*8, 15*10 60*6, 12.5*10 60*3, 12.5*7 Rear delt. cable pull 40*10 40*7 40*4 30*10 Barbell shrug 185*10 225*10 275*10 275*10 295*8
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