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Posts posted by runner

  1. SeaSiren,


    Sounds like you do the best thing posible under these nasty conditions.


    write as much as you want.. but don't feel forced.


    don't worry if you get open emotions. People are diferent.. emotions come in diferent forms.. and at diferent times..


    you are not alone!!

  2. Got a candel from amnesty smelling like beewax... I maild to them about it and got some reply on how nice there workers who make the candels are treeted.. some rehabilitation program...


    Think that both big and small organizations can be effective depending on there strategy..


    like the london greenpeace (small group world wide attention)


    but when it comes to put countries under presure it's good to have big organisations.. also to get labels on products etc..


    I gave money to food for life, but i don't like the religious background..

  3. would be cool if you can come!!


    guess a pb should not be to dificult, because i only did it once and pretty bad.


    i think that there will be at least 12 vegans or at the start or as supporter!!

  4. 1500 meters 4:32:90 (2005) track (on spikes)

    3000 meters 10:45:46 (2005) track (without spikes) yes this time will be gone by the end of this year just did it once

    5000 meters 17:50:20 (2005) track (without spikes)

    5000 meters 17.45 (2005) road

    10000 meters 37.10 (2005) road


    goal for 2006 break them all!!!


    Tarz are you comming next month?



    good times on 400, 800, 3k 5k

    tarz xnickmx good times guys!!

  5. thanks, merci, gracias, bedankt danke!!!


    for the warm welcome!!!


    sorry for this part in dutch it's a question about vegan pizza's and mayonaise.. and i told Gym hater (nice nick for this site) where to get them in amsterdam..


    Eten, en dan voornamelijk dingen als ijs, pizza's en mayo vervangers. Ik kom welleens bij de natuurwinkel, maar daar heb ik geen veganistische pizza kunnen vinden Sad


    pizza's zijn sinds kort vegan bij albert heijn te krijgen (niet in de vriezer, maar in de koeling (5 euro) en er zijn vegan steenoven bodems.. Ijs is bij albertheijn en bij enkele natuurwinkels te verkrijgen soja en vruchten ijs..


    bij veel natuurwinkels zijn diverse eivrije mayonaise te krijgen. grote natuurwinkels zijn (weteringsschans en elandsgracht). waar kom je zelf vandaan?


    stel gerust je vragen als ik kan helpen doe ik dat graag..

  6. Hi all,


    some off you will know me from veganfitness.net and vegansport.org


    My english is crappy but i hope this will improve over time..


    I'm not a BB but a runner..


    I do some fitness (2 times a week, but as support for running)


    i like to travel, read, learn, experiance, taste, ...


    keep up the good work!!

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