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Posts posted by exciton

  1. After being in the industry for so long I am ask that question: 'Why are calves so hard grow?"

    I have never done a full scale research on this but my opinion is that yes it is genetics, but also it is a muslce that never rests. We all know how important it is to rest your muscles in order for them to grow and grow big.


    Yes that seems plausible. That may indeed be the case for some people.

  2. calves are something you either have or you dont...... ive known people who do calves like everyday and mine were still bigger and i was doing them like once a week..... ive realized they dont really get bigger, ever, just more ripped..... but thats just my expierence


    I do agree that there are people born with great calves and people born with virtually no calves. I belong to the latter category. I also believe that it is quite challenging to get calves to grow in size -- they seem to be extraordinarily stubborn compared to other muscles -- but anecdotal evidence underlines that they are not incapable of hypertrophy.

  3. Killer calves! I assume you are genetically gifted for this body part. Or have you used the 600 hours of dedicated painful calf-work that Arnold talked about??

    Ready for this CRAZY workout?



    The guys at the gym flip out when I tell them that!

    Here is a funny..I train the Philadelphia Force professional fast Pitch softball team and the first time we met ALL teh girls, within 2 minutes were saying, 'Holy cow! Look at your calves!', 'Damn those are awesome!' and embarrising things like that.


    They are actually cut and very define. The pic looks more like bulky.


    I say all of this but with much embarresment. trust me no ego here. These are just the things I am told and hear constantly.



    Ah, so you are genetically gifted with great calves. That's awesome! I have a friend with similarly massive calves and aside from cycling he has never done anything to raise them. I have on numerous occasions suggested a partial calf transplantation where he could donate some of his mass to me, but so far he has declined.

  4. I just throw the quinoa in a pot and cook it. Is it bad to not wash it first? am I totally f---ing myself up?


    The situation may not be that bad. If the cooked quinoa is not bitter, you may have purchased a variety with low saponin content. In any case, you should probably not fear anything else than a somewhat reduced nutrient absorption from a "bitter meal".

  5. Nice to see you post


    I am a slow starter, but I promise you: You ain't seen nothing yet


    Really?! Awesome!

    Hmmm...or should I wait to read your posts to determine whether it is or not



    Probably a good idea



    That third link was interesting in that it suggests (I think) that saponins may potentially have a beneficial application?


    Scrub 'em!


    Well, the last paper suggests that saponins may modulate the intestinal absorption of certain compounds. Medicinal chemist will be interested in this, since they are always in search for ways to increase the absorption of their latest drug (so that it can be administered orally instead of IV). However, I am not a fan of this type of research, since it will involve animal testing and hence suffering.

  6. Thanks for sharing your methods guys! The reason for generally wishing to reduce the saponin content in the qunioa meal, is the fact that these compounds (may) act as antinutrients [1,2,3]. However, it is also evident from some of these texts, that there are quinoa varieties with very low saponin content. This could perhaps explain why some of you report that relatively little washing is required.



    [1] http://www.unu.edu/Unupress/food/V191e/ch10.htm

    [2] http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/ncnu02/v5-110.html or


  7. Quinoa is a relatively new thing in my kitchen, but I am sure a lot of you guys have plenty of experience with it. So here's my question: How do you wash the quinoa before cooking it? I have tried various approaches, but for some reason there's always a slightly bitter component in the cooked quinoa, indicating that I have not completely removed the saponins coating the seeds. So far, the best method I've tried is soaking the seeds overnight and then discarding the water - but I assume there must be a faster way.


    Looking forward to some hot quinoa talk


    All the best,


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