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Everything posted by _raVen_

  1. Looks a fun! Keep the pictures coming. Do you think you All have enough vegan sweets to keep you going? I'm worried you may not be getting enough carbs for all the activities
  2. Great thread, Formica! I love the pictures. @ jjaj2022's pic nobbi, what a cutie friend you got there
  3. Ah, cool, loveliberate! Lol. I love that they have Marcos's books on the list . I just finished "Out of the Silent Planet" last week -- wow, much different from what I remember as a youngster! I'm on to "Perelandra." One of my favorite poems, by Albert Schweitzer: ""This was a horrible proposal [that the eight year-old Albert join a friend in killing birds with a sling] . . . but 1 dared not refuse for fear he would laugh at me. So we came to a tree which was still bare, and on which the birds were singing out gaily in the morning, without any fear of us. Then stooping over like an Indian on the hunt, my companion placed a pebble in the leather of his sling and stretched it. Obeying his peremptory glance I did the same, with frightful twinges of conscience, vowing firmly that I would shoot when he did. At that very moment the church bells began to sound, mingling with the song of the birds in the sunshine. It was the warning bell that came a half-hour before the main bell. For me it was a voice from heaven. I threw the sling down, scaring the birds away, so that they were safe from my companion's sling, and fled home. And ever afterwards when the bells of Holy Week ring out amidst the leafless trees in the sunshine I remember with moving gratitude how they rang into my heart at that time the commandment: 'Thou shalt not kill.' "
  4. So what'cha think of Preacher Melly Mel now? The guy's being crucified, yet he mostly deserves it, no? What a time to be busted (Israeli-Hizbu'llah) I've seen a ton of movies and I can't recall some Saw Matewan -- good Everything Illuminated -- okay Waking Life -- scale at a 3, I guess
  5. Hi, Kelley, Flax is definitely a benefit to anyone's diet, whether vegan or not; but especially vegans, who need to get adequate essential fatty acids. Dr. Fuhrman recommends 1 TB ground flax seeds; I think 2 would be fine, but 2 TB whole may be a bit much: Use 1 TB whole seeds, if you want 2 TB ground; Use 1 heaping 1/2 TB whole seeds, if you want 1 TB ground. I suggest organic for flax seeds, as well as all other seeds and nuts, but, if you can't for all, at least for your flax buy organic. Store the bulk of your flax in the freezer! Flax, especially organic, is very vulnerable to rancidity; do not store it out! If you want to keep a portion in the fridge, that's fine; but if you have a lot, keep the rest in the freezer for longer storage. Why take a chance? I have never heard/read anyone recommending it to be stored out...(I didn't read the link suggesting it, but I wouldn't follow that advice). I store all of mine in the freezer, no matter what, just to keep it safe Also, grind as you need it; it's best NOT to grind and store in the fridge, as it loses nutrients as it sits. You may need to drink more water because flax seeds expand and absorb liquids, so be sure to drink lots. Yes, the benefits are real! My hair began to grow in thicker and stronger. Interestingly, it's gotten darker, which I love. For hair results, it takes a bit longer to see results; but it will happen. I am still growing in new hair. I hope to get back to my teenage thickness. I made a huge mistake back in the day...I got perms! : Yea, yuck, lol. But I fried my hair ; worse, I got one after the other,after the other So my hair got thinner, and a lot just fell out, never to be seen again. But, yes, a lot of it is back. My nails and skin improved as well! As far as feeling good, it can help if you have been on a poor diet, or a diet otherwise okay, but lacking in e.f.a.'s. It can elevate mood. Flax seeds supply DHA conversion, which is necessary for brain health and proper functioning. The results reveal themselves in different times, as we are all individuals with different needs and constitutions. Best thing, is to vary your e.f.a. sources (sometimes, in rare cases, individuals do not convert the flax to dha): Add flaxseeds, ground (otherwise you will not absorb it!), hemp seeds, and a good variety of nuts (walnuts are great) and seeds every day for variety; but take the flax daily. All should be raw, by the way. I have a bagful of a variety of seeds and nuts I keep in the fridge and freezer so I can change it up: I have pistachios; Brazil nuts; cashews; walnuts; almonds, hazlenuts; pecans; pine nuts; fresh, raw coconut; sunflower seeds; hemp seeds; pumpkin seeds; sesame seeds; etc. And I eat a different one every day, in addition to my daily flax. I've also discovered, recently, what the original Americans have known for centuries -- the miraculous Chia seeds! I have been reaping the benefits of them for a couple months now. They are similar to flax, but better. Check my blog, (link below in my signature) for info. The right side has a few links to read: it's all true! I love my Chias I also believe, it is an option for those who do not convert flax to try first, before going on to fish oils... Dr. Fuhrman told me that Chias are a great e.f.a. addition to the diet! So there's my credibility clause As a side note, I think it was Evan who recommended Nettles for hair growth. I found some in a capsule -- Solary Organic Nettles -- and, in the short time I've been taking them, my nails have grown like wild! I don't know if it's contributing for myhair yet; I'll have to wait and see. But I imagine it is, since nails and hair are very similar. Whew, I'm longwinded, no? Hope this helps, though
  6. This is a great trend to start! Especially since over the past couple years so many revelations of non-vegan items.
  7. Or a military dictatorship if necessary. As long as there's capitalism they couldn't care less. Heh. Listen to him trying to make it sound like they don't want to kill him. Not to even mention exploding cigars and past invasion attempts, even right now the US continues to support anti-Castro organizations that are tied to people who have done all kinds of terrorism including assasination attempts. First off Cuba was offering aid to the US after Hurricane katrina. The US should have accepted it but was too busy trying to win a propaganda war. Here they continue that war by planning to offer food to Cuba as if the Cubans were starving when actually they are doing as well foodwise as Americans. The actual "aid" money would go to finding Cubans who'd do as in Iran and so many other nations. And I'm sure they can find some Cubans who'd be happy to do anything if enough money is waved in their faces. Let's hope none of that money gets into Cuba. This lady got elected because she represents the rich Cubans who lost their property in Cuba and now live in Florida. If one read this article and knew nothing else about the situation they'd think Cuba was a miserable place and the US was going to bring democracy and better living conditions, etc to it. The reality is that the US government is busy doing things like kidnapping the elected president of Haiti and controlling their economy resulting in a life expectancy of 50 years while Cuba has a life expectancy of 77. The US government hopes to bring misery to Cuba the same as done in the former USSR. They've been living under the threat of an invasion (and preparing for an invasion) for 45 years. The US probably wouldn't be dumb enough to invade as the results would be worse than in Iraq. Probably just they will attempt to pump money into the country and continue the embargo. But then... it's hard to say. They might do some bombing. He wasn't the president. He was a military dictator. Furthermore the idea here is that Castro rules with an iron grip sort of like Stalin supposedly ruled with an iron grip and that as soon as Castro dies the whole system will collapse. From what I've read outside the US MSM this isn't actually the case. It isn't a true democracy but Castro works with plenty of other people and (thanks in part to the way the US has acted) Fidel, Raul and plenty of others within the government have tons of support. Oh, geez, that's all we need. Aren't we spread thin enough? I love how w throws in "the Almighty" every chance he gets. Wow, I have no idea what would come of this. The vultures are circling, though...
  8. Eh, probably. Then some would say the CIA is out of control/not always controlled by the president. Some say the CIA had JFK killed because he was trying to bring them under control. But I really doubt all that. Probably Carter was very mucy a part of it as Kennedy was probably very much a part of what the CIA was doing in Cuba, etc despite what some claim. Well, no matter what happens there's always a contradicting account It was under Carter in which the CIA started the covert operations in Afghanistan which eventually led to the emergence Bin Laden. I haven't read that (about letting him); but I did read Carter has become somewhat of "traitor" since some stuff has come out about his compromising with the Soviet Union to help get elected. Carter also backed the Korean military in the massacre of demonstrating workers and students. In 1979? he backed the Salvadoran military in the conflict against the overthrow of that country's dictator (can't recall his name...) He's no saint. I recall reading that he is held responsible for the rise of the Christian Right into politics, and I have to agree. I remember very clearly how he used God and religion at that time. People were so hungry for a "righteous" man post Nixon, and he peppered (or salted) his speak with pledges of "I will never lie to you" -- all goodness and light. He may have been more sincere in that respect (the NeoCons of today are pure hypocrites), and his belief system much more true; but he still cleared the way, and it was wrong. The old, "He invented it, but the Christian Right 'perfected' it" thing. ~shivers~ Still, I agree, he's no Reagan. I remember I was very, very young when I used to listen to my dad talk politics (you know how children are sponges!) but he would also talk to me about a lot of stuff; one thing I remember clearly was when...he said something like "no one can be President and not sell their soul" or something like that. That there is "no President who does not have blood on his hands." So I became a disillusioned suspicious little soul very early I recall my mom loving him because he was a Christian. So I heard how saintly he was while what a devil he was all at the same time . Explains a lot about me Poe was on his way to meet some woman, yes. He was supposedly drunk and/or drugged too; but the day he was found, was the day he had been voting. It's all quite clouded as far as to the circumstances surrounding his death. I think this will have to be looked back on in the years to come to determine all that went on...and who knows how much of it will be true anyway. Carter was all over this too. He 'legitimated' the opposition, no? While acting as a neutral diplomat, calling for "fairness"? His m.o., it seems. Speaking of voter fraud! Yes, I think so (Castro); just another reason to demonize him. I don't know about dealings with Ahmadinejad. He may just be feeling out who he may need in the near future: Our quest for control of Venezuelan oil aint over. I get the gist of "deism," but I'm not real clear on the specifics. That, I understand There is Christianity and then there is now, 'Christianism.' How about documentaries? There seem to be a lot now. . They don't deal with mines, but are workers vs. bosses/corporations-type movies. Never heard of "Waterfront"? It's classic Brando. My favorite line, "You was my brother, Chah-lie, you shoulda looked out for me..." ... "You don't understand, I coulda had class... I coulda been a contend-uh." Probably his best performance. Now I gotta rent it, lol.
  9. Wow, beautful! k-oz, You look gorgeous without hair! You have the body and frame perfect for that look. I'd like to do that body painting thing; that would be fun! wow, 16th! Congratulations [/b]
  10. There is some entertaining stuff here . Some of it looks fake
  11. Wasn't it I, who *told* you to make a page a while back? You need to listen to me, Jay Thanks, I haven't had time to read through the links, but I will. Yea, I think this type of activity is one of the big stains on Carter's admin, no? The guy's a saint, now, though, so it just don't matter Isn't it more that you cannot relate, rather than not understand? It's difficult because politicians are a special type of person; not just anyone can be. We can understand the concepts of Machiavellianism, even though we could not employ them ourselves ( to the extent necessary to be a politician). You're just not the type In my opinion, they aren't much different; in fact, corporations may even be worse. All corporations follow Machiavellianism; they have to. It's illustrated quite well when there is a takeover and the new bosses clean house. Wealth is part of the whole, which is power. So to me, Cheney's greed is prompted by the desire for power: One way to have power, is to have money -- the means to the end, which is what Machaivelli discusses. He's not flashy... Cheney portrays that he doesn't like the limelight; yet is he not the most powerful vp ever? He *loves* power. If he loved money most, he'd be more Trump-like. But, actually, Trump -- same thing. Who needs all those millions? It's really power and influence. He is never satisfied. It's the manipulation, control and the "win." Or the lobbies? Heck, now we're talkin' power: Agan, they use the money for the power. Ultimately, some form of power is desirable of all of us, to one extent or another in all aspects of life, whether personal, emotional, mental, or in relationships. It is only a matter of degree. "The politician must do good as long as possible, but must be ready to do evil when necessary."* I haven't researched them. But if i can't find any good books about North Korea or Vietnam today, then I'll pick one up on China. Not knowing much about China, myself, my general impression is that they are providing the semblance of advancing in democratic ideals/ openness, but it's not tangible for the People. There is still no real organizing or dissent allowed. *Not verbatim..it goes something like that - from "The Prince"
  12. Yes, it's good. It's not raw, though. Nutritional yeast is not a raw food It's very easy to make yourself, by the way. I actually prefer using different nuts and some seeds Thanks, Crispy, but I'm eating raw right now
  13. And most abusers of animals become abusers of women. Most all serial killers abused animals as children, and were abused themselves; though not all who abuse animals become serial killers. So, yea, it's a HUGE problem -- what more of a red flag would one need?!! That is a child in pain; a child that needs immediate attention. I have compassion and empathy for human animals as well as non-human animals. So I disagree with maximum penalties for children in any way as a "punishment"; however, teens and adults need to be prosecuted, definitely. I've seen birds and cats, which look as if they've been placed in the street to give the impression of being road kill, when I can tell they've actually been gutted. I hate to lay it all on parents, but I do believe a large part of the responsibility lies with them.
  14. Indeed, I went from Nicholson to Diesel. I like diversity and I certainly have films of highly varying character (and quality) in my collection. Note, however that I did not try to compare the aforementioned two actors. That is just impossible since they are not even in the same frame of reference. In the same manner comparing e.g. The Taxi Driver with Pitch Black is like comparing a Steinway with bubblegum. But even if you play the Steinway you may occasionally enjoy a piece bubblegum (as long as you keep your habit away from the concert hall). Diesel works in the framework of Pitch Black which never intended to be deep but simply to provide good clean family fun! Aw, now, no need to explain, exciton Actually, I do understand, I guess. I mean, isn't this the ultimate mojo? I have my own likeness for mindless films sometimes...Diesel fits in the Rock category, I guess. I've seen "XXX," and "Saving Private Ryan," but I think that's it for him; and I liked the Rock in "Be Cool" (though not the film itself, really). I thought he showed real comedic potential. I just love Vince Vaghn, too...he's just great in whatever he does. Can't think of a film he went hairless??? He's almost there, anyway; I'm sure he'd look good Oh, and I love Vincent D'Onofrio -- another favorite of mine! He's done a lot of interesting films. Who can forget him in F.M.J? And he was shaved for at least one other film, lousy as it is I think Patrick Stewart is one of those men who doesn't look right with hair.
  15. Well, some of us just know 'jo, mo' Yikes! Heh... Lucky Denmark! Oh, come on, you went from classics like Nicholson in the Shining to Diesel? Hey, sydneyV, you're on your way to a Diesel physique, no? .
  16. NY dolls have a new album ? But Johnny Thunders died 15 years ago or something . So did Keith Richards, but that never stopped him Yes, and Kane is dead too; however, they got back together a couple years ago, prompted by Morrissey of all people . By the way, have you seen the Kane doc? Do, if you can find it; it's good Oh, you know you love wearing it Keep it quiet, thats a secret Oops, sorry
  17. 'Travelin' man'? Like the song recorded by Ann Arbors 'The Iguanas', mostly known for featuring a young Iggy Pop? Sweet . Speaking of Iggy, he's on the NY Dolls new album Oh, you know you love wearing it
  18. Yes, of course, the anti-Communist propoganda was in full swing here for decades. It has been replaced by (for the moment, anyway; I see it bubbling, though - *e.t.a.: meaning, anti-Russian sentiments, which will be referred to as a communistic state...or reverter, don't you think?*) anti-Arab propoganda, eagerly embraced by many, including the Religious Right, who, are feeling rather "rapturous" at the moment. Well, I think it has been successful in smaller groups, such as tribes or native peoples -- is that to what you refer? Talk away, Jay, you know I'd appreciate whatever you have to say on it. I'm just not, myself, well versed on this subject; so my general skeptic nature combined with a healthy dose of ignorance, may not lend a fruitful (for you) back-and-forth, be forwarned I am however, always willing to learn. Well, just be careful not to swing too far the other way . The same dilution of truth on one side, could just as easily be diluted on the other. And while I don't always believe "the truth is somewhere in the middle," I think it's best to take "history" and "facts" as something to be accepted after a great deal of real consideration as well as documentation, neither of which may render any truth, anyway, but.... ~ hehe, this reminds me of my dad: this is the point at which he would ask me, "What is "truth"? ~ It's up for grabs as far as I'm concerned. I do accept some things as truth, but I also know as you wrote, "the winners write (and re-write) history" information is so corrupted, that it comes down many times to common sense and, well, personal belief, frankly. (And then innumerable factors contributing to personal view...) This is all done purposely -- suggestions of this or that theory, this or that accusation, no matter how outrageous -- just to confuse/distract and persuade. We end up coming to conclusions based on falsehoods or innuendos or just being so overwhelmed that we just give up and believe,"we'll never know the truth anyway." Pretty effective plan. What it always has been? Power. I have never considered the accumulation of personal wealth the primary reason for domination. Interesting. Is there a book written about this? Yea, Hearst -- talk about power hungry. It would seem logical that that might suffice as a definition; but it doesn't. I personally believe there is more to it than mere numbers. In my view, any concerted, systematic killing of a certain group -- whether based on race, religion, condition; whether it's a tribe of 5 or 5 million -- constitutes a holocaust. The powers that be, however, feel it is diluting to theHolocaust (with a capital "h") or other historical holocaust -- as they interpret its worthiness to be labeled, of course -- to label such murders as "holocaust." Excellent point about the lack of healthcare, malnutrition, etc., etc., etc.! -- heck, drinking unclean water, if there is any -- determining holocausts. I agree. The aid and acquiescence (and slow-moving Rice -- how much more can this woman d.isgust me?), in my opinion, is a "green light" to continue the Arab holocaust; thereby constituting at least equal responsibility, if not more. (the Lebanese People) And, yes, of course, who is even thinking of Palestinians right now? Syria and Iran are next? I don't believe you are. Yes. * What about China's Communism? I mean "successful" by whose definition, I guess...?
  19. Hey, welcome, Josh . Nice to meet you, and glad you made it home!
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