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Everything posted by DianaJay

  1. (years later....another reply) I go to Ultimate Fitness Center, it's 10 min. from my house and $25 a month :]
  2. Friday Cardio 50 min. - 20 min. cycling - 20 min. treadmill (I improved my time by decreasing 1 min. yay!) - 5 min. stairmaster - 5 min. elliptical Breakie - 2 bananas( I ate one before working out, I was starving) - Raw oatmeal with 3 dates Lunch - Tofu salad from this very forum, in the recipe section! (yums) Dinner - Some more tofu salad Snacks - 1 orange - Small piece of vegan gourmet cheese
  3. Thursday Cardio 50 min. - 20 min. cycling - 20 min. treadmill - 5 min. stairmaster - 5 min. elliptical Breakie - 1 banana - Raw oatmeal w/ works Mid Afternoon 1 Apple Lunch - Fresh spinach salad w/ roasted tomatoes, eggplant, bell pepper, chickpeas, pintos, and tofu(little bit of olive oil)
  4. WHOA! lots of cool stuff, the total body assault is the one I'm doing, can't wait for next week to start weight training! THANKS
  5. Oh yea definitely I will be starting on the weights next week, but since I just started I've been doing nothing but cardio, then it's on with both. My goal is to lose weight, but get toned as well...I know the "skinny fat" look all too well, and I didn't like it >_< The only protein I've been eating is through tofu and nuts so far...I do have to kick that up a notch. Do you have any tips for toning muscles? I was always afraid to do that kind of stuff, I always thought I'd end up with broad arms, lol.
  6. Thank You!! I am very excited for this long but worthwhile journey!!
  7. Monday(First day of training in a year) Cardio for 35 minutes - 20 min. treadmill - 15 min. on bicycle Breaky - 1 Banana - Raw oatmeal with fresh strawberries, raw brown sugar, almonds, tiny bit of vanilla extract Lunch - Veggie Wrap with fresh tomato, spinach, carrots, and homemade baked tofu - Ginger Soup with Broccoli and tomato Dinner - Half of another Veggie Wrap - All fruit Smoothie(Jamba Juice) <--------is that bad? Tuesday Cardio for 50 minutes - 20 min. treadmill - 20 min. bicycle - 10 min. Elliptical Breaky - 1 Banana - Raw oatmeal with strawberries, raw brown sugar, almonds, vanilla extract Lunch - The other half of the remainding veggie wrap - Remainding ginger soup The rest: 1 apple, 1 banana Wednesday Cardio for 50 min. - 20 min. treadmill - 20 min. bicycle - 5 min. stairmaster(OMG!) - 5 min. stepmill Breaky - 1 Banana - Raw oatmeal w/ works Lunch - Fresh spinach salad w/ roasted tomatoes, eggplant, bell pepper, and tofu(little bit of olive oil) The rest was chopped fresh apples and melon. and of course...PLENTY OF WATER IN BETWEEN!!!
  8. Hello! My name's Diana, and I'm 20 years old. I've been a vegan little over a year now, vegetarian for 4 years before that. My story with exercising is quite interesting: I'm all for fitness and a good healthy life, I used to run and was also in track back in high school. But I'm telling you...EVERY TIME I run for about 2-3 months, my hamstring on my outer right thigh just gives up on me and I'm limping for about a month, bringing me down every time. It makes me even more sad knowing that I do see results within the 2-3rd month, and that's it! I'm ready for a change that will last my entire life, and not just for 3 months.... So it would be great to have a great site like this one to help me in my journey!
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