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Everything posted by cfacile

  1. !!! You are very impresive!!! Bravo
  2. your tatoo is very magnificent....
  3. you are very impressive! realy
  4. I'm sorry for your loss... you bunnys are very beautifull
  5. Hey! Why don't you answer my question concerning the ferret? Why do you have just one? Is there a reason for? Normally they live in prides! It's not appropriate to this species to live alone. That's why I ask. Greets Kim Hello Kim, Freedy is the ferret of my brother. He buy Freddy when he have 12 years and now he have 16 years. My brother buy Freddy whit a breeding who raise for do hunt... You are reason I think, ferret and all off creature living are made to live in a groupe as cats dogs, rats, horses, humans, ect.... I think Freddy is in good health but I supose he think at his family and similar. I am the alone vegan in my family: My father is a butcher, my oncle work in a abattoir, my other oncle have a industrial hen breedind as my cousin.... When I eat in a family meal... they try to do eat me meat. It's dificult to do respect my point of view. But don't worry Freddy is not for do hunt, he's just a pet as other sort of pets. I hope I reply your questions? Cfacile
  6. veganpotter, thank you for your advices... I'll post photos...
  7. veganpotter, when you are in "diet", what you eat? Raw food for preference?
  8. 80 lbs in 9 month!!!!!!! it's possible! 80 lbs=36 kg?
  9. Please, could you help me whith your specific langage... I don't understand when you speak to body exercises. bench press full squat clean leg press... J'ai un appareil de masculation à charges guidées (banc de musculation), vos termes spécifiques corespondent à quels execises.... PECTORAUX Développé assis Butterfly Pull over DORSAUX Tirage nuque Tirage poitrine Tirage poulie basse Trapèzes Epaules Triceps BICEPS AVANT-BRAS CUISSES Extension des jambes Flexion des jambes Adducteurs Abducteurs Fessiers
  10. Is it indispensable to eat raw at 100% for have real benefice? If I eat at 75% for exemple, I will not have the same benefices? How do you do when you have family meat? (no vegan and no raw life style)? What do you eat in a day (exemple of day)?
  11. Do you know this web site? What do you think about? http://www.holistic--health.com/index1.htm
  12. some veins !!!! I love them...
  13. thank for your advice! I'll work with WW... if you tell me it's good!
  14. THE MEATRIX ETAPE 1 http://www.themeatrix.com/intl/france/dub/ Voici les liens pour la suite !! le Meatrix II : http://www.themeatrix2.com/index.html le Meatrix II 1/2 : http://www.moremeatrix.com/ Et pour ceux qui ont encore faim après ça : http://www.mcspotlight.org/media/books/fawn_f.html
  15. thank, I'll begin Weigh Watcher program.... we don't loose much but we eat! It is a good idea?
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